is this anime in its peak form?
Is this anime in its peak form?
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The animation/style was pure cancer.
reminder to post impolite statements regarding this anime at a steady pace to prevent poserteens from viewing it
Has there ever been a character in anime as annoying as Sakuma's gf?
ah sorry I don't have it in me, I really enjoyed this one. I didn't expect to enjoy it as much as I did but it was just great.
The final rally of Dragon's last game was so well done, I usually cry every time I re watch it.
Perfectly describes the passing of the torch scenario, when the king of the mountain is finally dethroned.
Makes me resent the last game between Peko and Smile a little though, because it turns into some gushy feel good garbage.
Not before S2, friendo.
i know is sports anime in its peak form
was it really that bad?
No, this is
It wasn't bad, it was extremely different. But it chose a style (which is pretty much exactly like the original manga's) and went with it, and I think it works for this particular series. Most of the time it's not trying to be pretty, it's trying to deliver a certain something, but oh boy does it have some fucking insane, beautiful sakuga moments. It's fucking amazing imo.
they really delivered on the ost too
>a dozen episodes of Kaiji pressing a button
Yet they still managed to keep on the edge of my seat for all those episodes
Don't forget around 13 fucking volumes of playing Mahjong.
uno fucking when
Unironically, yes.
Shame about his relationship though. She was a cute.
fuck i literally just finished the manga, but i haven't watched the anime since it aired
but it's really amazing to notice the stuff yuasa added into the anime to shape an already perfect story into something more
Ping Pong is pretty good. I dont get why people complain about the style, it expresses movement and emotion better than any other anime I've seen.
Compare these faces to the average trope expressions people make in animes, its a ridiculous difference.
Yes. pic related is my second favorite.
r8 me
watch more anime
get out
no thanks :^)
But s2 never.
not a bad choice
Akagi spends 25 volumes on the same Mahjong night.
Peak art.
there is literally not figuratively nothing wrong with this
your opinion is pure cancer, end yourself