Name a bigger downgrade, I'll wait

name a bigger downgrade, I'll wait

Post the other promo


Never mind the candy slut, what does Saya look like?

I'll let the doujins to judge that


Thread over, everyone go home.

It's promotional artwork not the real thing yet. People should know this by now.

Now it looks like kiddie shit.

>six pack on his chest

Right looks better desu, mangafags have shit taste.

No no no no no no NOOOO!
I'm not even a moderate fan of Dagashi, but even I know that this is suicide. Who in the duck thought it would be a good idea to fuck with one of the few redeeming things about this show.

What the FUCK happened?

Gunslinger Girl.

Dragon Ball Super
and i watched every fucking minute of it

>vagina on his face

Here you go

Why the fuck would you make a second season and make it ugly? What, do you think people watched it for the good story?

>its not an edit
>its real
how can someone fuck up so bad?

It looks like the manga now.

I did

People obviously watched it for the Saya-Hotaru interactions!


I liked seeing shitty country living in a deadend japanese "town"

Who cares the only worthwhile thing out of Dagashi Kashi is the fan art, the anime is fucking trash.


Hotaru's redesign looks like hot garbage and the designs were the only redeemable thing about that boring anime so why are people hyped for this shit again?

Where are the ones on the left from again?

You did listen to the comfiest ED in decades, right?

Looking kind of Lanka there, Darkness

it all went downhill from there

It was really relaxing, but I mostly skipped it.

God I hope Pochi makes more doujins.
Japanese candy is shit anyways.

It was still good though.

As long as they don't add an anime original character to it.

d-dumb aquaposter

dumb floof poster

I-it was just a random picture from the smug folder!
I swears it

>the only worthwhile thing out of Dagashi Kashi is the fan art

Right looks more western

Everyone laugh at this faggot.

im laughing

Who is in charge of this shit?
Why aren't they on fire yet?

How does Saya look?

They lost the whacked out eyes and the water-stain hair.
I swear, if they did anything to dat ass!

>but I mostly skipped it

For shame user.

>adapting the manga art style

pick one

Somehow even worse.

Doujins are fan made as well.

>The doujin were Kokonotsu bangs Hotaru and then propose to her with a candy ring

Not good enough to not drop it.
One big disappointment.

Show me.



Holy fuck someone post the webm he literally looks like a moving jpg

>no more rinnegan

>>no aku no hana

You could take a still at literally any point and it would be irredeemable garbage.

Hirasawa must be ashamed to have his music even be associated with the abortion of Nuserk.

I'll take a downgrade if it means more seasons, tons of other series should also get this treatment.

>muh realism
What did they mean by this?

who cares

Literally posted two posts above yours

She seems pretty much the same.

Oregairu. I don't have pics though.

I have faith the crazy eyes are still there and it's just that it isn't a very good key visual.

Nigga that's what she's supposed to look like.
Stop being such a faglord.

The problem with the East Asian phenotype is that they're imitators, not innovators. An anime is an imitation. The source material is usually an imitation as well (Berserk being an imitation of Greek drama and Conan the Barbarian). So a second animated adaptation that tries to correct the mistakes of the first is like an imitation of an imitation of an imitation. Eventually it's like a person who has been cloned over and over until they're missing half their memories and they have breathing problems like one of those little pug dogs.


wait this got a second season?
werent sales fucking awful because who would pay money for advertisement for candy?
what the fuck

shut up

why did they redesign her when there was nothing wrong with her?

I don't even read narudo but that sends my dick into the dirt. what a shame.


You know those should be switched.

Can't go down when you're already below sea level

These are relationship goals everybody

Yes you can.

Sup Forums here. From my research on this topic, obviously (((They))) want to promote their (((informative))) dagashi facts.

Pic related, one of (((((((them)))))))))

But I like new HOTaru

Ah, yes. The mangaka that draws the same fucking face and pose for all his characters, what a loss.

>the only worthwhile thing out of Dagashi Kashi is Saya

Just make her rinnegan look more like left and it's fine.

The shows just a animated Wikipedia article can't get much of a downgrade than that.

this one was brutal, they destroyed the good designs from the first season, DEEN always find a way

>posting worst girl
Well, of course, you'll like the new design. You have bad taste.

At first I was a Saya man but as I grew older I realized Hotaru made more sense.


I'll still watch it for Hotaru and the candy trivia.


I hope they don't change the design of the best girl.

Anime designs>>>Manga designs

You mean upgrade, right?

looks a big upgrade
left eye's very nice

no it shouldnt, Nvidia is usually the more powerful card meaning it can make games look more "realistic", so his picture makes sense.

left is S1, right is S2

8man and his sister looks objectively worse
s2 Haruno and sensei looks a lot blander than s1

Looks like we gonna get animations this time.

Complaining about the lack of faces in JwWw? Really?

Check out these faces and poses.

>You'll get S2
>except the MC looks like a cheap chinese knock-off of the MC
This is some monkey paw tier shit, this can't be real.

>8man looks worse
you fucking what? He looked like a discount araragi in S1 and is actually one of the MOST noticeable improvements from the studio switch

I hope you're memeing because that's some seriously shit taste

I have yet to find a more uncanny valley triggering anime design. I found about the series through the curious anime design actually and wanted to try it but it was just too much, it felt like walking through tombstones at my grandpa's funeral.
Luckily I was recommended the manga by an user here and started reading that so I was able to enjoy it, even though I haven't finished reading just yet, it's great.