13 is prime time

13 is prime time.

Stop right there, criminal scum

Wrong, 14 is prime

is this show worth?

13 is literally a prime number you dumb fuck

Can't you wait 5 more years, user?

Stop posting your shitty grannies.


To marathon it would take less than 2 hours of your time.

I'd say it's worth it if you like shows like Inferno Cop and Ninja Slayer.

I was surprised to see that there was basically zero porn of her.

I'm not into milfs

You violated my mother

She'll be unsexy by 18

For jail

I'm still looking for the user version of this

She's 13.

Yes and?

Look harder and you shall find



I dunno guys, look what she ages into.

If you primed her pump, she'd make you do it for years and years.

Can you REALLY risk that?

Her mom is unsexy.

Shit taste?

Nah, just compare her body to Luluco, who is very sexy.

Meh. You can have your underaged middle schooler

She will have probably taken at least 2 dicks by then which is not an exaggeration for an attractive girl that does not grow up in a very religious community (i.e. the city). And if she's especially slutty she probably already had one by now anyways.

12 is prime time.

Back off losers, Luluco has a boyfriend