When I saw this scene I noticed that there was something familiar, so I looked at the death scene of Asuka and compared side by side, there is no doubt that it is a reference
Made in Abyss/ Neon Genesis Evangelion REFERENCE
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I think that was more of a Jojo reference
If this is the case then I'll have a greater respect for Made in Abyss than I already have. Are there any more side-by-side frames?
i can do one more
Please do, it would certainly be appreciated.
i think this one is a reference too (maybe)
>***,363位/***,433位 ◎ (***,377 pt) [*,*10予約] 2017/10/25 メイドインアビス Blu-ray BOX 上巻
>***,998位/***,908位 ◎ (***,133 pt) [*,**6予約] 2017/10/25 【Amazon.co.jp限定】 メイドインアビス Blu-ray BOX 上巻( 早期予約特典:原作者・つくしあきひと先生描き下ろしA3クリアポスター付 )( 全巻購入特典:「Amazonプライムビデオ製作キャスト出演映像収録DVD」引換シリアルコード付 )
More like Flop in Abyss
When I saw this scene I noticed that there was something familiar, so I looked at the death scene of Pikachu and compared side by side, there is no doubt that it is a reference
damn it, and I so want it to have a second season. I love this anime so far, guess I'm going to have to continue with the manga when the anime finishes.
Someone post the Shinji jizz hand comparison.
Would you?
Those are not references, come on.
the second one may not be but first are, look at the wings position
same, fuck I'm already keeping up with the anime with reading the manga. no matter how good of a job the anime is doing, it feels like they have zero chance of doing anything that would not just make me want to read the manga afterwards. but i guess thats the point, fucking jews have read me like a book to get me to read their book.
Are you serious? it's a frame, take the one before and after and the wings are different.
I'd not take this as reference.
After all one of them is a robot shoting with it's hand and the other eh..wide palm angry pointing?
I meant this one
I can't read Japanese. Plz explain why this is a bad thing? Lack of box pre orders? Don't people usually buy the bluerays for shows after the whole season is out?
That's how it was for game of thrones
Have you ever seen any documentary about birds?
I saw March of the Penguins once.
well i've seen kemono friends
When I saw this scene I noticed there was something familiar, so I looked at the death scene of climber-san and compared side by side, there is no doubt that it is a reference.
the guy was already dead, those birds where imitiating the cries for help to lure the camera man close
holy fuck, there's the reference
This is the fat pedophile you all look up to and adore.
Yeah? Fat pedophiles are a miracle of the universe.
seem like a cool pedo
You're not a miracle lol
What they mean by this ?
it means mia is not doing well. sasuga japs
I want Reg's cute twitchy hands to touch my penis.
u guys killed this thread
this isnt a refernce he is RIPPING OFF evangelion and is a talentless hcck
Wait for the actual sales figures once it's released instead instead of feeding the troll who always insists his crystal ball says every show is bombing every season because he likes upsetting gullible people. MiA's price point completely screws up Stalker's algorithm, so their sales projections are utterly useless here anyway.
There's only a few chapters released past the point the season will probably end with Riko getting her white whistle after defeating prince Robot IV
So I guess this is the thread huh.
Well late night doodle user back with another update. Fleshed out Bonedad more, got Lyza pretty far along with just Blaze Reap left to tinker with. After this is pretty much just cleanup and redrawing a few bits to finish up the three main White Whistles.
I also understand now why there's so little fanart of Lyza, her hair is a nightmare.
"I'm so fucked up."
Is made in abyss the evangelion of anime?
And the current lineup without Wakuna and Srajo.
I want to take care of Ozen
Very good. But Lyza's hairs look like tentacules desu.
Why Ozen is so tall and why do I find it attractive?
She is atleast 80 years old user, she has been a white whistle for 50 years already too
There's no way I can do her hair like Tsukushi does.
So I settled for the lazier way the anime did it, and then I still hated it so I hid it behind Ozen.
Because you want to be the little spoon in the relationship.
good job user
If you're able, I'd say you can fix up the hair by softening the black outlines, nearly removing them entirely
are you a qt little girl(male)?
So Zoaholic is completely confusing me
What the fuck is a huge bottom? Is it shaped like an ass?
I know that the praying hands are all Bondrewd, but it mentions a consciousness swap. Is it a sort of Artifact that allows one to takeover anothers body and without the main bodies consciousness, it isn't capable of doing much?
I can act like one if Ozen wants to me dress a maid uniform
Yeah I might try to redo her hair more sometime down the line.
There's not enough of it there compared to official pics of her, but it's just such a mindfuck trying to lay hair out like that.
>"Good luck trying to make fanart of Lyza you little faggots" ~Tsukushi
I want to rape Reg's butthole.
>When you flick the remote to the egg in his butthole.
Yes. I'm pretty sure smug bun jokes about it being a giant ass on the same page it's called a bottom
What do you think of Ozen's voice? I can't decide if it fits or not.
bet that hair is her weapon and she uses it like Reg used his arm during the bonedude fight.
She taught Reg how to fight.
When I saw this scene I noticed that there was something familiar, so I looked at the death scene of picnic-chan and compared side by side, there is no doubt that it is a reference
I'm so fucked up.
Will have to see when she says more than one line. It seems to fit to me, especially when she goes all spooky modo.
did they died?
She was terrible in the PV. She was pretty bad in the last 15 seconds when she had her 2 lines.
I'm still waiting on next week.
Her VA can't pull off the "ho ho..." type stuff.
Damn, even reality rips off Hideaki "The Master" Anno
I love the way they draw Ozen and Maruruk.
That answers the question of its shape, I still don't get its function though. Like I know they are all bondrewd, but it mentions a consciousness swap. Is there a main mind that can take over one body, or are they all the main mind?
Also what was the deal with the guys Reg saw in the whirlpool electric place? My guess is that they were praying hands turned invalids, and the various holes and areas were parts used in cartridge making which seems to be made of curse resistant organs turned liquid
As expected from the student, reality
Yeah, the gist of it is that getting Zoaholic'd slowly degrades the "slaves"; at first they might still be mostly functional and independent, but over time they get worse and worse until they're not worth using anymore for anything beyond the most basic of tasks.
What are those things on his head? How are they moving?
>this entire thread
>Reg, THIS is how you shoot lasers out of your hand!
>Lemme show you how to use your hands as projectile grappling hooks!
Lyza is scary.
So are we going to see this fluffer in chapter 43?
>fluffy, shy megane Blessed One (male)
Sorry, lemme try that again, I realized I missed half your question.
So Zoaholic allows you to basically make a budget copy of yourself that overwrites whatever personality resided in a body that you enslaved. The copied soul isn't as capable as you, it's like a version of you that starts of slightly retarded; over time the retardation grows until the slave becomes basically useless. During that time, you can hop from your current body to any viable slave you want to, but you're limited to full control of only one body at a time.
Hope that clears it up.
I want her to sniff my dick.
>tfw there probably won't ever be faputa doujinshi
Can any mangafag confirm the show isn't progressing too fast? I see the montages and skips and have a feeling like they're skipping parts of the manga
This is a stretch...
The montages are actually just extending things that were like one or two panels in the manga.
The pacing is pretty solid at around 40 or so pages/2ch. per episode.
And the first wasn't?
If anything it's progressing too slow.
Is this confirmation that Reg's "wings" twitch when he orgasms?
is there a compilation of all these potato ozen
Regu is now the second cutest dog in the abyss.
holy shit are asuka and regu referencing One Punch Man????
Is this Shiggy
Am I the only one who feels these narrator parts aren't necessary and kind of spoil it a bit
No, it's Natt with glasses
I thought it was funny when the narrator said there was a glint in Ozen's eyes.
Ozen's eyes are blank. They don't glint. Not ever.
Yeah, that felt really out of place to me too, almost like someone trying to sell me that neat stuff is coming up so stick around.
I mean, neat stuff is coming up, but you can convey that fine through the actual episodes and not a voiceover.
I think it fits the tale esque tone of the Anime
They're not screwed on tightly enough so they react when he's sad/happy/angry.
All those shadows are so fucking shit. It's like there are multiple light sources in the picture.
part of his helmet i guess..
Is that how screws work?
What if, instead of travelling down the abyss, they only went down to the first layer, then drilled into the side of it, and then continue mining down from within the walls?
they were probably animated around the same time actually