Don't do this please.
Don't do this please
Will she grow up to be as hot as Felix?
will she fart
No. Felix is a girly man and that makes him superior compared to everyone else.
I dont. Putting vegetables on a burger is fucking gross
I want to feed a burger to my dick
fucking hell I hate being a newfag
are burgers in japan actually like in the pictures of a product we never get?
I heard a place called "mostaza" in argentina who sells exactly what you see in the pictures.
And any fastfood in japan make them look exactly as how they should be , becouse reasons
Anime pizza always looks gross
Japanese pizza is always gross.
why not? fast food burgers are cheap and my doggo loves having once once in a while when I drive with her.
Yeah, ikr? While we're at it, trash the buns as well.
Japanese pizza is more AMERICA than NY or Chicago.
Is this a burger thread?
this thread is making me hungry
[slight discomfort]
this kills the Italian
>this greasy mess
holy shit
I'd cause her some slight discomfort, if you get what I mean.
To be fair you could say that about anything from Pizza Hut
I should eat, but I should also save money...
>right one
Putting fruit on a fucking hamburger? Kill yourself.
Stop giving anime girls burgas!
I'm italian and this abomination offends me more than the fact that we're just a puppet state of Germany (which in turn is a puppet state of United States)
Japanese Sasebo burger.
>not liking egg on burger
Are you fucking kidding me right now you peice of fucking shit faggot go kill yourself you pathetic fucking degenerate fuck i hope you fucking choke on your own dick
Japanese Kuro burger.
weird looking burger
I thought she was just holding something photoshopped to look like a slimy shit to make fun of trump supporters desu
I actually felt a sincere feeling of discomfort.
Have we had a burg yet in Isekai Shokudou? I can't remember one.
That's a baguette (French burger).
Why do anime girls eating hamburgers look so gross?
That's a hotdog.
Jambon-beurre a shit. A SHIT.
Jesus Christ. More fruit on a hamburger? Just kill yourself.
You are not welcome here.
>knife and fork
surely you are in jest?
Because Jap artists are retarded and they never heard of knifes and forks like the correct way to eat a hamburger.
They would probably poke it with a chopstick.
People who put fruit on a burger like pineapples and tomatoes are heretics.
>not liking tomato
You're a special kind of fag, a retafagget
Is Tomoko's mouth a portal to another dimension? No wonder no dudes want to get with her.
Tomatoes are perfectly normal on burgers and always have been along with pickles and onions. Pineapple is usually for a Hawaiian themed burger because they put pineapple on everything anyway.
When will Japan animate glorious canadian burg?
That burger looks fucking burnt
Is that caramel and chocolate bars chopped?
The only thing acceptable on a hamburger is various cuts of beef, cheeses and perhaps salt, mollasas and pepper.
Even better.
Thank Bob Ross for Liru saving this thread.
... I'm leaving this thread.
But user, you can get a milkshake with it at the same time!