Think, Nazi

explain the word Nazi and its relation to national socialism... or Hitler

Every explanaiton shall be found with brothers
natsocs only, no atheists, serious discussion



Nazi isn't a word, it is an abbreviation.

i dunno but BOY hitler was right

Nazi is a German abbreviation of the word National Socialists in German. 99% have absolutely no clue what it means besides antisemitism.

an abbreviation of...

Nazi was originally short for Ashkenazi Jew


Donald Trump.

National Socialist

But you said...
>explain the word Nazi
Nazi isn't a word, it's an abbreviation.

mfw the NAZI he was talking about were the ashkeNAZI's tho

Well no not really stop lying you idiot

the NAZI Party which was a bigoted pejorative given to the National Socialist German Workers' Party (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei - NSDAP) by the Jews in NYC dissolved on 10 October 1945.

Anyone calling themselves a NAZI is living in the Jewish Narrative and larping.

wouldn't that be nat soc, as in nationalsozialistisme or national socialism

study the word Nazi, not the abbreviation

derogatory term for national socialists.

no. that's just what you've been told your entire lives. how tf does one take Nationalsozialismus and get NaZi. it's two fucking words, Moshe. National + Sozialismus. Taking the 1st two letters from each word gives you NaSo.
- the Nazi's were the ashkeNAZI's (globalists) historically causing problems for the Orthodox

It's a stupid insult if it's meant to be one. It's just a shortening of NAtionalsoZIalistische. I don't really see what's so insulting about that.

Nazi is a compression of nat-zi where zi hints the letter S in "sozialist".

However, words do not always catch on because of their etymological meaning, but rather because of their phonetic meaning. "Nazi" like any words prefixed with "na" or "nat" invokes a sense of birth or origin, something cleansing and purgative. See the root word nascor from wiktionary:

nāscor (present infinitive nāscī, perfect active natus); third conjugation, deponent
I am born, begotten
I arise, proceed
I grow, spring forth
I am a number of years old quotations ▼
Viginti et quinque annos natus sum.

Käskopp you probably try to lead people to Ashkenazi but you're eternally retarded.

That is what it was though. It's the addition of Na onto the word Sozi which was short for socialist.

Hitler was a communist.

“Between 9 September and 9 October 1934 the National Socialist Party Berlin newspaper Der Angriff, founded and controlled by Joseph Goebbels, published a series of twelve pro-Zionist articles by Mildenstein under the title A National Socialist Goes to Palestine. In honour of his visit, the newspaper issued a commemorative medal, with the swastika on one side and the Star of David on the other.”

In the summer of 1935, then holding the rank of SS-Untersturmfuhrer, Mildenstein attended the 19th Congress of the Zionist Organization in Lucerne, Switzerland, as an observer attached to the German Jewish delegation. Mildenstein’s apparently less extreme anti-Jewish line was overtaken by events, and after a dispute with Reinhard Heydrich in 1936 he was removed from his post and transferred to the Foreign Ministry’s press department. He had fallen out of favour because migration to Palestine was not proceeding at a fast enough rate. His departure from the SD also saw a shift in SS policy, marked by the publication of a pamphlet “warning of the dangers of a strong Jewish state in the Middle East,” written by another ‘expert’ on Jewish matters who had been invited to join Section II/112 by Mildenstein himself, Eichmann. Mildenstein was replaced as the head of his former Section by Kuno Schroeder. Later, in December 1939, Eichmann was made head of the Jewish Department Referat IV B4 of the RSHA, of which the SD became a part in September, 1939.

Like the Haavara Agreement, Mildenstein’s 1933 visit to Palestine and the medal to commemorate it were later sometimes used by anti-Israel authors to argue that there was a relationship between National socialism and Zionism.

NAtional Socialist - ZIonist Party

Fuck Muslims Fuck Communist Fuck Globalist Jews

This is the title Joseph Goebbels gave to a pamphlet in their campaign in 1926.

Der Nazi-Sozi

BULLSHIT! That's your indoctrination.
If you can connect those dots, then you can connect the dots where an orthodox Jew speaks of the globalist/international Jew ... known as in 3 ... 2 ... 1 ...the ashkeNAZI