>it's a haram anime
>every girl is shit
What's the name, Sup Forums?
It's a haram anime
watching tv is haram, so all anime by default
What are some halal animes?
>11 years old
>is really sexy
Why did they do this?
>it's a haram anime
Only one correct answer.
Tenshi no 3P
Every anime is haram
What's with the one with the veil?
Boku no Pico is halal though
All of them.
2D is beautiful.
Just another day at the Game Freak character design depertment.
What if I watch them from my computer?
>What's with the one with the veil?
Until you get married to her, you will have to be satisfied with her eunuch's bare body.
Dragon ball is the most halal.
Please do post more fine specimens of haram, I am still having difficulty telling the difference of what's halal and what's haram