Netflix is saving anime

Netflix is saving anime.

>More money invested in shows that aren't trash
>More incentive for fansubbers to have a high quality releases

Anyone who doesn't hate their eyes was going to go for a fansub anyway.

Remind me why literally anyone gets upset when netflix picks up quality shows?

Other urls found in this thread:

>saving anime
>literally making it more popular to normalfags than it already is
eat shit, OP.

I kinda agree with you, but

>all the anime to live action shows that are butchered

wtf are they doing with Death note???

Buy a banner next time

>kyoani light novel shit
>not trash
polished shit is still shit

forgot to comment, but fansubs aren't even that bad.

I don't think some hipster fag that works on netflix will be able to do a better translation from a language like japanese than some fatfuck from horriblesubs that has translated hundred of animes and is more used to the "otaku" language.

>some fatfuck from horriblesubs that has translated hundred of animes

>Things I like are getting funded but it's a disaster because other people might start to like them

You are literally the definition of a hipster faggot and should thoroughly consider ending your life.

Netflix anime watchers arent the sort to come to Sup Forums anyway.

Can you please save your baiting for another thread ty x.

>shows that aren't trash