lol yeah understandable
Lol yeah understandable
Other urls found in this thread:
They really ruined this entire movie with the terrible music as well as the shitty blur and chromatic aberration filter.
It was so distracting that everytime It felt like I was enjoying the movie, I just started looking at the edges while being unable to think anything but "wow that looks like shit, who the fuck thought this was a good idea".
Also the music in the scene with the massive bitch fight after the suicide attempt was silly and ruined the entire mood of it.
I want to agree with you, but there are way bigger problems with the movie than what you named. Namely, lacking characterization for anyone that wasn't the MC was a glaring issue. Significant events were altered or left out to meet the time constraints. Certain character motives were poorly conveyed because of this. Even so, I still enjoyed the movie. Some scenes worked really well in motion. The core story was still there.
I feel like some of your complaints are a bit shallow, like you were actively looking for stuff to piss you off. That said, there are plenty of folks who feel the movie failed as an adaptation overall but still liked/disliked it for reasons, so that's fair, too.
>They really ruined this entire movie with the terrible music as well as the shitty blur and chromatic aberration filter.
>lacking characterization for anyone that wasn't the MC
Do you guys just play the movie in the background and not pay attention to it or something?
Are the Your Names fans really trying to get their revenge by shitposting in our threads now?
Here, opened the movie at a random time and it was bingo.
Go ahead and tell me this looks great because of it's filters.
The question here isn't if I watched the movie in the background, it is if you watched it at all?
Valid criticism is shitposting now, good riddance.
>Do you guys just play the movie in the background and not pay attention to it or something?
did you? ueno motivations where cut out, mashiba's background completely taken out, nagatsukas character simplified into simple friendless loser, didn't even flesh out kawai's hypocrisy to the point a lot of people actually felt compassion for that bitch
the movie was fucking shit, but thats what y ou get when you try to slap 24-episodes worth of series into a less than 2 hours movie
>le Kimi No Na Wa boogeyman
Fucking what? Did you even read the manga? What kind of idiot would pretend the movie was one to one with the source material? Nagatsuka is far more pathetic in the manga. Ueno's relationship with Sahara is more prevalent and you get more from both of them as individuals. Kawai is painted in a far less sympathetic light in the manga and actually learns a fucking lesson. Mashiba is almost cut entirely as a character in the movie outside his appearance, getting no background to speak of thanks to the movie-making subplot being cut. Fuck, the teacher doesn't even make another appearance.
Did you watch the movie and read a couple chapters before deciding it was too much for you?
Not the fucker that didn't read the manga, but yeah, I see the effect. I didn't notice it as much when watching it, though. I definitely still feel like the overall characterization is the biggest flaw with the movie, not the animation itself. The music isn't anything amazing, but it didn't take me out of it.
Looks great to me. Shouya is looking down at his hands because of the anxiety he feels after encountering one of his old friends. You wouldn't have been able to convey that if his feet, legs and the ground were all in focus. Have you ever felt anxiety, user? That shot perfectly conveys it.
>ueno motivations where cut out
No they weren't. Watch Ueno's gaze whenever Shouya paid attention to Shouko during the beginning of the film. Ueno even directly states her motivations during the ferris wheel scene. She even monopolized Shouya's hospital room and even autists should be able to guess why.
>mashiba's background completely taken out, nagatsukas character simplified into simple friendless loser
Literally nobody cares about them, even mangafags didn't care about them
>didn't even flesh out kawai's hypocrisy to the point a lot of people actually felt compassion for that bitch
It was in the movie as well. Don't tell me you missed the part where she tricked Shouko into singing early and then offering to help her right afterwards.
>Why were all the apparent flaws in the manga removed in the movie?
Gee, I wonder. Literally everybody was happy the movie subplot was cut.
>all this damage control
saying its ok to skip most important bits just because "even autist could see them" is not a fucking arguement
the movie misses both ueno's admitting to her love and how she still lashes out on nagatsuka, as well as it misses important bits to kawai's character, like her oogling herself in the mirror
saying "nobody cares about characters" is not an arguement either, holy fuck are you stupid?
You fucking dumbass, I wasn't talking about the symbolism of the shot, I was talking about the fucking sides of the motherfucking screenshot.
How blind are you if you don't notice that bullshit filter? It is not just this shot that has it, it's on the entire fucking movie. Just look at that blur for fucks sake.
Here I opened up a random moment again and took another screenshot, just look at that left guy's shoulder, it's distracting as fuck and absolutely unnecessary. It's so bad that his black outline is goddamn blue. BLUE.
Gotta agree, the worst thing about the characters in my opinion was how I pretty much wouldn't have known the reasons behind why Kawai is being so nice all of a sudden. The movie barely shows that it's because she wants some ginger dick.
Why doesn't her mother practice?
Do real deaf people talk like that too?
>its another aspies can't understand the subtleties in Koe no Katachi thread
>Literally nobody cares about them
>Kawai's hypocrisy is handled in the movie
>The movie subplot serves no purpose
I get it, the movie subplot itself isn't great. It's what the characters say and do because of it that is important. Christ, Mashiba's character is consequently important because he was necessary for Kawai's development. Kawai's manipulation of the group for her own selfish purposes and his involvement at the old school are necessary to push the characters toward any resolution. The movie never actually has Kawai face her problems at all because of this, as we never got the chapter where she was bullied behind her back, and Mashiba never gets the chance or even reason to challenge her views.
I'm not going to pretend that all the cuts were bad. There's plenty of stuff in the manga that would have just amounted to fluff in the movie. With that said, certain characters were affected by these cuts, some far more significant than others. It was a cascading effect that ultimately impacted how the characters are portrayed in the end product. Pretending it was all useless is just fucking stupid.
>Mashiba's character is consequently important because he was necessary for Kawai's development
ironically, he was even more important to showing ishida's rensentment towards himself by knowing he's being friends with someone else who is not the main heroine, who was also bullied while he was ex-bully himself
it gives another perspective that he hates himself not just because he did bad things to shouko but also because he did bad things altogether, no matter to whom
Her mother doesn't practice because she pretty much thinks of it as accepting her daughter's weakness. It's why she continued to send her to normal schools even after all the harassment. The scene at the dinner table where she tells her kids to stop signing sums it up pretty well. Fuck, the youngest daughter holds it against her mother for most of the manga, convinced she's a heartless bitch that doesn't show any emotion, even at the grandmother's funeral.
yet another thing that movies couldn't flesh out properly, but the retard above would probably just say "nobody cares about nishimiya mother character"
>Spoil an entire movie and make a joke of it for video hits from normalfags and ironic weeaboos.
How do we save this hobby or is it already too late?
That's definitely true. I was just focused on his relationship with Kawai because that is probably the most significant issue presented by the cuts. Mashiba hardly exists and Kawai is consequently viewed in a drastically different light. While the MC's stuff with Mashiba is important during the school visit, his character is still largely intact because of everything else.
>yet another thing that movies couldn't flesh out properly, but the retard above would probably just say "nobody cares about nishimiya mother character"
Actually its in the movie. See
yes the one particular scene, but do you actually believe that little is enough? what about flashbacks to how she was left by the husband?
Adding subtleties does not equal fleshing out.
It's rather hard (even far fetched) to conclude what the post you replied to said from the small amount of hints.
This kind of, blindly accepting it as it is instead of doing something is her kind of attitude.
But didn't she cry though.
Don't be rude user.
I meant the text, but the scene was important too.
Given how her mother doesn't use sign language, sends her deaf daughter to normal school, hates it when anybody "accommodates" her daughters, its not hard to put 2 and 2 together to assume she was trying to raise Shouko as a normal girl who can live on her own instead of a deaf one.
Or you can just read the braindead manga and have everything explicitly spelled out for you.
there is no way on earth you can deduce "why" from the movie
while the manga doesn't explicitly spell it either but it doesn give you an impression that nishimiya's mother wants to raise her as normal girl as a mean to "prove" her ex-husband wrong
The mother's background in its entirety was dropped from the movie. You never get why she acts like she does. You can assume why, and it's easy to guess the father walked out, but pretending that leaving the scene out as well as other instances of her behavior is just playing devil's advocate.
>there is no way on earth you can deduce "why" from the movie
But I just did, user.
She's a mom who wants the best for her child. Its not that difficult.
The ex-husband plays a huge roll in establishing the mother's mentality for years to come. There's a massive difference in reason behind her actions because of this.
>She's a mom who wants the best for her child
see thats the most you can get from the movie, because the flashback is not there and neither is the scene where she gets drunk with ishida's mother where she also presents her stron opinion about men and her ex-husband
>see thats the most you can get from the movie
Its not "just" that either, the movie even uses that development for when she prostrates herself in front of Shouya's mom. She knows exactly what its like to be a mom and feels very empathetic for what happened and essentially gave Shouya's mom the highest form of apology.
She's been this strong, independent woman who doesn't need a man the entire film, yet there she is offering herself completely to Shouya's mom because she understands how she feels.
At the end of the film, they are clearly friends because of this. You don't need to be shown a drinking session to understand why they get along so well.
I want to tenderly hatefuck Ueno
hahA im an ironic weeb too xD
Not the same guy, and I get where you're coming from, because she is shown to be a strong character regardless of how much background she's given. But much like Kawai, Ueno, and Mashiba suffering to varying degrees due to cut scenes, the mother loses some crucial background, too. The scene with her ex-husband adds a lot to her motivation as a mother and a person. It adds a lot to her cold disposition throughout the story. Arguably just as important, it shows just how important her own mother is to her and the rest of the family, adding that much more weight to the funeral when it rolls around.
Best track from the OST:
Aside from lit(var), my favorites are definitely Invention No.1 C, inv (II.iv), van(var), and lvs.
Some tracks in the second CD are god tier as well. I love Green, No One Here, and Your Silent Portrait.
> Kawai facing her problems
literally never happens in the manga
Threadly reminder
So, I only read the manga here on Sup Forums while it was still coming out based Thaifag.
Should I watch the movie? Are the key scenes really there?
>movie about emotional troubles stemming from childhood
>against 2 literally nippon banzai movies
It never stood a chance
The movie is way better. The manga is, at most, supplemental reading now.
People actually like Ueno?
Yes, but is the catheter scene in the movie?
>Kawai is painted in a far less sympathetic light in the manga and actually learns a fucking lesson
She learnt nothing.
it did
the moment she realized she was being bullied by the class when she proposed the cranes for ishida was the start of it
ofcourse movie secondaries wouldn't notice because that wasn't in the movie, in which she simply gives the cranes that came out of fucking nowhere to ishida
that movie was so bad, even by itself, not only as an adaptation, that it convinced me that two bombs weren't enough.
But this short video was great and Shouko caused my eyes to tear up a little, so that's nice.
>that wasn't in the movie
It was though.
The giving of the cranes was, the actual moment she proposed to do it and the reasons behind it were not.
9/10 girl in a 5/10 movie.
Ueno was too good for this shit.
You don't have to spell it out. That's what's so great about this movie. Show not tell. Unlike Kimi no Na wa mainstream garbage.
is this guy the famous ironic weeb ive heard so much about?
No. The movie is shit. Pure pretentious garbage that misses everything that was great about the manga. Don't pay attention to the hype KyoAnusfags are setting you up for.
I like her for her tight sexy body.
>my only argument is that my personal taste prefers this movie over an other completely unrelated movie that is rather popular and premiered within a similar timeframe
Fuck off, the mere fact that you bring up your name to defend this shallow shit is absolutely pathetic. An incredibly large amount of characterization was lost from the manga and the only way you can not think so is by being a delusional fag like you who can't help but grasp at other works to form an opinion.
Do I need to be fat, underage and ugly to be a real "weeb"?
I'm sorry I don't qualify.
She's a shit/10 for beating up a deaf girl then getting into a fight with her mom
But she was in love so it's okay.
>Muh Manga
Settle down. The manga was over the top drama which was dragged on too much. The movie made it more coherent while being subtle at the same time. Losing things in the manga is inevitable but the movie kept the important message. So fuck off Shinkaicock sucker.
i dont know either man, ive been seeing the "ironic weeb" term a lot lately (just in this thread like twice) and im still trying to actually understand what it fucking means
Did Nishimiyas cunt mom actually rip her earring out?
i always guessed she did it herself to show remorse
japs are like that when it comes to these sort of things
Admittedly, after the suicide scene, quality declined.
The best part was when they were in elementary school.
>Admittedly, after the suicide scene, quality declined.
That was pretty much the end of the movie anyway. Besides, the bridge scene afterwards and the ending were 10/10
Yuzuru a cute
> fucking Stacy tries to get the sympathy of her classmates
that's not "facing your problems" lol
Kawai stayed the same delusional cunt with victim complex til the very end
Fuck off
>So fuck off Shinkaicock sucker.
Congratulations, you missed the entire point of my post.
You're on the same level as console war faggots here.
Your name has nothing to do with anything I previously said. You were the one that brought it up. You're the one who can only say "b-but sony also does x" when I say "nintendo doing x kind of sucks".
Fuck off.
Too much was lost, and a whole other lot was rather scarce, especially for those who didn't read the manga.
Kawai's intention were completely unclear in the movie and the crane thing came out of nowhere. Go show the fucking movie to anyone that hasn't read the manga and ask them why the fuck Kawai made those cranes with the class. I guarantee you that no one will answer that it's because she got found out for being a bitch and wanted to redeem herself in order to acquire gingerdick.
A better ending than the actual manga.
Heh. The manga had a very Japanese ending.
It wasn't that satisfying per se, but I liked that their personal problems were more or less resolved
>The manga had a very Japanese ending.
That's code word for the ending was dogshit and was spiraling down since the retarded cripple tried to off herself.
>Go show the fucking movie to anyone that hasn't read the manga and ask them why the fuck Kawai made those cranes with the class.
I only read up to just a little after the suicide scene so I never got to that.
Kawai is someone who loves the attention from helping people. Basically, she helps people for completely selfish reasons. The cranes most likely started out this way but after everyone refused to help her, it seems like she ended up caring about her friends opinions of her friends over strangers and went through with it, most likely after Shouko approached Kawai and asked for forgiveness for both herself and Shouya.
That's how I interpreted it.
>she ended up caring about her friends opinions of her friends over strangers
She ended up caring about her friends' opinions over strangers*
The bridge scene did nothing for me personally, it felt tacky. The ending felt undeserved, too
I hear the movie wasn't an improvement over the manga and was actually worse which is impressive to think about. Best to just stick to the original short for this series.
years of watching trash anime has made people critiquing this film unable to cope with not every single plot aspect being conveyed in black and white dialogue
dear god
didn't the kimi no na wa dude call his film trash in comparison to koe no katachi?
I really liked it because it was Shouya finally being honest with himself and with Shouko, saying how he made a convenient image of Shouko rather than listening to her, and at heart all he really wanted was to talk to her again.
Then, of course, finally asking for help.
How so? Now that he has the support of his friends he finally found the courage to look up at other people's faces, and he found that he was quite literally surrounded by people that care about him, and that he's not alone. I'd say its well deserved.
Anyone still has some Ueno shops from when she went apeshit in the manga?
I recall some of these were pretty good.