Italy/pol/ New Italian Currency Revealed [Farewell € Edition]


Goodbye Eurozone, New Italian currency (minibot):

Borghi (Lega): "Right wing coalition plan is to leave the euro"
Bonafè (PD): "This is the only European country were center-right moderates are allied with right-wing extremists.
Merkel refused to ally with ADF"
Borghi (Lega): "Well, Merkel isnt doing good anyway, so who cares"è-pd-nostro-programma-chiaro-devo-farle-un-disegnino-14-02-2018-234013

1/3 of Italians would like to expel all non-EU citizens from Italy
"32% say they would never want to get in touch with immigrants, either in the workplace and in the sphere of friendships" (Eng Translate)

As Elections Approach, Italy Shows Record Alienation from European Union (English)


Vast Majority of Under-35 Italians Oppose Mass Migration (English)

Gunshots against refugees camp in Enna (Eng Translate)

Refugees hospitality center set on fire in province of Naples (Eng Translate)

Immigrants in Rome on suicide watch: "We are scared now" (Eng Translate)

Financial support from all Italians, Luca "The Saint" Traini:
"I'm honored, please give all the money to poor families as long as they are Italian families" (Eng Translate)

Luca glorified by Italians as National Hero. Banners and messages written on walls all over Italy. (Eng Translate)

Luca "The Roman Legionary" Traini to prosecutors: " I Have no regrets, I'm sorry they are not dead" (Eng Translate)

Other urls found in this thread:

Nation Election Day 4 March
Last Polls:

Forza Nuova [fascists] 0,3%

CasaPound [fascists] 1,9%

Right Wing Coalition: 37,6%
- Forza Italia [conservatives] 15,3%
- Lega [identitarians/nationalists] 14,8%
- Fratelli d'Italia [nationalists/fascists] 5,5%
- Noi con l'Italia [christian democrats] 2%

Globalist Coalition: 25,6%
- Partito Democratico [liberals/globalists] 21,9%
- Più Europa [globalists/progressives] 2,1%
- Insieme [greens/social democrats] 0,7%
- Civica Popolare [liberals] 0,5%
- SVP [South Tyrol identitarians] 0,4%

Movimento 5 Stelle [populists/greens/pirate party-esque] 26,8%

Liberi e Uguali [progressives/social democrats/SJWs] 5,3%

Potere al Popolo [communists] 1,5%

The Iconoclast vid:
Right-Wing Leading In Italian Election 2018 (English)

Pamela poster
media.8ch dot net/file_store/922b235a5a8a1c169874ed5add3cdb1a7db03b6db8d67b2d61adcff3eb546fbf.pdf
>1€: quadro famoso del puntinismo (quarto stato)
>5€: germania btfo
>10€: falcone e borsellino
>20€: oriana fallaci
>100€: Mattei
>200€: Toscanini
>500€: D'Annunzio




>tfw living abroad for Uni
>tfw I can't vote Lega without voting Berlusconi

Li ho messi nella OP pasta

Anyway if I were home I'd have to vote (((Ghedini))) for the Senate
fuck this gay law

ah scusa non avevo visto.

Italy is not white.
America is an example of a white country.

The Iron chancelor is with you!

Porco terrone ritorna a diocane.

€: D'Annunzio
they don't even make 500€ banknotes anymore, user

Votate Lega

>America is an example of a white country.
This is not the SNL show, you know

Ritorna a diocane capoterrone negretto Berlusconi.

old hag

Luiss' polls

Lega 20% in ex-commie zones

Redpill me on your election.

Are you actually going to BTFO the EU or are you just going to pussy continentals like France.

sono minibot, mini buoni del tesoro. non sono legati ai tagli delle banconote euro.

Probably Lega a bit undervalued in South Italy

If you read the OP pasta its explained.

If cdx coalition manages to win in Siena I bet it's going to snow in August this year

el camerriere senores

Fusilli or farfalle?

It's such bullshit honestly, there must be some gay EU law about this.

depends on what you're having them with

Siena, Firenze e Arezzo sono inespugnabili.
Livorno e Grosseto no per esempio.
Il PD ha ritirato la candidatura della Fedeli dalla circoscrizione Grosseto-Livorno perché nonostante tutto pensano che sia una circoscrizione a rischio

cioe' il tuo feticcio e' una tossica di merda che pagava la droga in natura come fanno tante?

ah ok

You’re right about Italy not being white... but Americans are the definition of La Creatura


also also
LUISS published some electoral fluxes between 2013 and today, divided between Nord-Zone Rosse-Sud





Io le farfalle non le sopporto più, non so neanche il perchè...le ho sempre mangiate ma da un paio di annetti non le posso più guardare.

I dont think he mean the political party.

Oh yeah, right

No, ritardato mentale memeflag, si chiama propaganda politica.

che cancro il sud

piddino del filo con la memeflag fuori dai coglioni

Can i get a quick rundown on mini bot?

First generation Italian-American over here visiting my father and the rest of my family for two weeks. This is my first time visiting since I discovered Sup Forums 5 years ago. Let me set some shit straight.

>First and most importantly. The people you see begging are disgusting gypsies
>Much like America there are ugly women and beautiful women. The beautiful ones are just absolutely gorgeous especially when you experience the family values they are being raised in
>At least in Florence they still have religion studies funded by the state in public schools. Although it is an elective. Many still attend church.
>Italians are Mediterranean. Stop being faggots with this "White" bullshit. Europe is the actually diverse people. They have a distinctive look and unique culture and seeing the density of beautiful tear wrenching art and culture in one single museum in Florence will undoubtedly convince you of their contribution to western culture. Its Christian culture, not white stop being baited by division tactics.
>The Italian people are pissed about the migrant crisis.
>The economy really is shit but the resilience of the people in spite of it is amazing to behold

The worst thing I can say is the internet is shit and they're still working on construction they started when I was here last. All in all this country is beautiful and I don't want it destroyed. Support Italy at all costs.

>Let me tell you about the country you grew up in since birth because I have an Italian grandma




MFW Fucking ITALY charges out of nowhere and takes on the Merkelbeast and her imported Niggers

>let me bully one of the only americans that isn't trolling because i'm A FUCKING RETARD!

Sparati in bocca memeflag

He is kinda right you know?
parli Italiano?

Wait a second, WAIT A SECOND, this reminds an awful lot of MEFO bills. What kind of meme ride am i being ferried on lads

Fking kek

>votano tutti M5S
>non cancro

I know that Berlusconi isn't a saint but the fact of the matter is that he was the victim of a "Color Revolution" and tools-of-the-Jews don't become victims of "Color Revolutions" and massive national and international media campaigns against them.

Could it be that Berlusconi is going full rebel against the Jews? That would be great, he has lots of media and financial power at his disposal.

Again, i am not saying he is a Saint, just that sometimes some people cannot be analyzed in a dialectic way (good or bad).

I don't know if all brits are retards but 1st generation immigrant means that I was the first to have been born in the United States. Only my mother still lives in the U.S. My entire family lives in Tuscany. I never got my dual citizenship because I don't believe in that.

Nice try though.

>1/3 of Italians would like to expel all non-EU citizens from Italy

that's enough to violently kick them out as a last option

>votano per la stasi
>non cancro

>hanno le peggiori sanità regionali
>il referendum lo avrebbe risolto
>votano no
intelligenza terrona

Siena se non è quest'anno è il prossimo, il pd vacilla.

One day. One fucking day.

truly the best timeline.

>C'è solo il M5S da votare se non vuoi votare i partiti cancro
>Un mese fa arriva la Lega
>Già al 7%

Voglio proprio vedere il dato reale il 4 marzo, scommetto molti voteranno Salvini senza dire niente.

>votano tutti M5S
no, quell'istituto lo da come più probabile ma per altri in molte province è in vantaggio il cdx
semmai è vero che il m5s lì prende più voti rispetto ad altre parti d'italia, sempre meglio che il pd comunque...

Sì sono molto simili, sono sostanzialmente dei crediti fiscali in forma cartacea. Una proposta simile è stata fatta anche da Marco Cattaneo, vedi:

bastaconleurocrisi punto blogspot punto it/2016/02/hjalmar-schacht-e-i-ccf-equivoci-da.html

hai ragione, ho sbagliato
>votano tutti m5s o berlusconi
>non cancro

>Un mese fa arriva la Lega
??? La Lega sta da anni

>sempre meglio del pd comunque
non per sembrare piddino.. ma ti rendi conto che il M5S è per il socialismo reale?
porco dio il venezuela

Fucking top lèl.

It will all culminate in a good ol inciucio between Berlusconi and PD, with gentiloni as the pm. Berlusca seems inclined to do so and gentiloni has already assured Merkel that there's no room for populism or antieuropeism here. Berlusca also has assured Merkel that Lega is not going to rule. It is therefore completely useless to vote, I will stay home and fap.

non cosi come vorrei, anche non ho mai imparato a scrivere. Mie genitori solomente avete parlato inglese quando ero un bambino

e cosa cazzo vuoi che votino in maggioranza?
FdI è un partito piccolo purtroppo e devi capire che la Lega non è stata sempre quella di Salvini, e ci vuole tempo a riparare il danno di immagine

Not voting is the IDIOT's choice

Borghi (Lega): "Right wing coalition plan is to leave the euro"
Bonafè (PD): "This is the only European country were center-right moderates are allied with right-wing extremists.

Italy is filled with Mafa fucking over their own countrymen and other white Europeans by trafficking an insane number of Africans over. You got so many niggers in the streets of Italian cities you would think it was Africa.

No da un annetto c'era "Noi con Salvini" un meme partito che nessuno votava (prendeva tipo lo 0,2%)


>>il referendum lo avrebbe risolto
travioni e signori, l'intelligenza degli Sup Forumsfroci

Have a you and fuck off fat amerimutt


>gli risponde
ma allora sei stronzo

Wasting your time for something you have no control over seems pretty fucking stupid to me. It's either that or PD winning, remember that back when Renzi wanted the referendum he got 40 fucking percent positive votes. That is a lot and everyone seems to forget about that.

Enjoy your inciucio and waste of time.

It's nowhere near as bad as some say. Alarmism and exaggeration are good because it serves the Nationalist cause but among us we can be honest. Presently and including illegals, Italy is no more than 5-6% nigger much better than the 10% average in Western Europe.

Unironically on Sup Forums they shilled for yes on il filo.

è bello che hai votato no senza nemmeno sapere le implicazioni del referendum

If you vote, there is a minimal, infinitesimal probability that things will change. If you don't vote, the probability that things will change is ZERO. Considering that voting doesn't cost you nothing, only idiots would not vote


E' che mi sono dimenticato di mettere l'avviso in OP e mi sento in prev thread è letteralmente andato in malora per un paio di ritardati americani.

PS. don't vote billi. he is a complete idiot

k, duly noted
>tfw at leat I have preferences

a meno che il referendum non avesse previsto l'impiccagione pubblica dell'intera amministrazione, un voto per il sì sarebbe stato solo un voto per vendere l'Italia a quel traditore di Renzi

fuck off to int faggot, pd is doomed

farfalle if you are gay

I have fantetti, codoro and billi on my ballot.

Holobunga thread get in


The referendum was doomed to fail since Renzi said that he would retire if the "no" wins

questo argomento è così scemo che non è il caso di spiegarti come sarebbe cambiato col referendum


quand'è che finalmente ti ammazzerai dal butthurt?
e una cosa buona in un mucchio di merda non è un motivo per cambiare la costituzione, imbecille con la memeflag

ritornando a questo...
>quante ore prima che daranno dei nazisti a Borghi e alla lega per sti mini-bot?
>si può in qualche modo shillarlo su Sup Forums per far venire il durello ai nostalgici di adolfino?