Do you realize most of you lower-middle class white trash would die under NSDAP eugenics?

Do you realize most of you lower-middle class white trash would die under NSDAP eugenics?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Into their 20s
>Can't interact with women and procreate
>Depend on parents
>Have no education/value to society

90% of this board would be wiped out if Hitler came to power

Do you realize no one cares what you like eurofag?

Is there somewhere where this speech is recorded or is it the usual (((tricks)))

Do you realize you haven't made an argument as to whether that would create a better outcome?

Usual tricks, Read Chapter 11 page 245 of Mein Kampf to see what Hitler had to say on the matter

Time travel isn't possible so none of us have to worry about the possible ramifications of policies from a government which ceased existing 73 years ago.

Admirers of the National Socialist ideology in the present don't necessarily believe all measures enacted by the NSDAP were correct so I don't see your point.

Why do you say that like its a bad thing?

If you don't have a college degree and on your way to making 100k at 23 you are a failure

Good. Love eugenics.