Reminder, ginyuu still alive
Dragon Ball Super
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Jiren is a jobber.
The goddamn catalog, check it.
No, Ginyu was killed by Vegeta. The one alive is Tagoma in the frog's body.
Reminder that Son Chi Chi is beautiful.
Xenoverse modding is a gem
Those digits and fine hips don't lie
Source of Gif user
Dbs posters ranking by intelligence and posts quality:
1. Cauliflafreinds
20. Gokuchads
21. Cellfriends
24. Piccolofriends
25. Roshifriends
26. Tienshinhanfriends
27. Krillinfriends
28. Yamchafriends
99. Gohanpedros
100. Jobgetafags
101. Zamasufags
102. The one avatarfag 18 poster (clinically retarded)
I think we can all agree on this one.
Never mind i found it
**102. The one manlet avatarfag 18 poster (clinically retarded)
999.Caulifreaks Of Human Nature
These are the correct ones user
Lmao no vegeta is smarter than almost all the characters job cauli lol
>Cauliflafag still salty about how high Chadgeta Zamasu and Gohan were in the poll
How pathetic
>vegeta is smarter than almost all the characters
he was ranking the fans, not the characters
What about Jirenfags?
998. Newborn Down Syndrome baby
999. Caulifags
Then it makes even less sense
Not so much, didn't Gotenks say he fused 2-3 times before he went SS3 to break out? They were probably in there for a couple hours while Buu was eating them.
reminder Caulifla stinks
What ABOUT Jirenfags?
Those exist now?
Jirenfags are just shitposters. Not very obnoxious though.
why do you keep posting htis 24/7
Girl are smelly.
It's true, they are.
Nice headcanon.
Reminder Kale should die a slow painful death so that she may be reincarnated as the man himself. Broly is cooler and his power is maximum.
aw man with her boobs hanging out like
fucking boner time
Would Broly have jobbed to the AYYY?
Once someone makes up the fanfic user
He wouldn't have run out of energy after taking part in some beam struggle at the very least.
Does anybody support my headcanon that getting erased means getting sent to a different dimension where the universes have no GoDs or Angels?
Universe 7 will probably lose the ToP.
>Broly SS that low
>Broly God last place
shit taste desu
no one cares and that'd be retarded and doesnt make sense anyway
No his power is maximum
>SSB Vegeta has a power level of 32,000,000,000
>The kamikaze fireballs have a power level of 40,000,000,000 except for Ribrianne whose power level is 12,000,000,000,000
How the fuck is Vegeta gonna win?
>he's never even seen a girl
this is some budokai shit
How would you explain Whis and Beerus' absence at End of Z (or even GT) other than the lack of their concept?
Nice headcanon
Wtf who came up with that
>infinitely below Lord Freeza's canon 100 quintillion
Monkeys eternally BTFO.
Reminder that Son Goku is beautiful.
he wont, they will surrender to frieza's cock after forcing vegeta to ride his tail.
Could Gucci Mane beat Perfect Cell?
Vegeta doesn't pay attention to Reddit.
>other than the lack of their concept?
thats the only explanation it needs you retard
just because it's the obvious counter to your awful headcanon and you can't get around it doesn't mean you get to just make everyone ignore it and take you seriously
But I'll bite anyway: They were absent because they just weren't fucking there? Whis and Beerus aren't on earth 24/7
apparently he has plot powers
>Power is maximum
>Still dies from a punch
Dumb frog poster
>The Kamikaze Fireballs go from cute girls to cute alien girls
>Brianne goes from the perfect semen demon to a whale
What gives?
Reminder that Jiren is beautiful.
>100 quintillion
>100 and another five zeroes
>meaning 10,000,000
Wouldn't that be 320 times weaker than the supposed SSB Vegeta power levels there?
Trolling shallow waifushitters who immediately decided she's the love of their life, just to backpedal when they saw her true form is ugly as shit
No, that's stupid. It's obvious that Goku will win the Tournament of Power because he will ascend to the next level of power. Goku will get his ass kicked by Grand Priest though.
Like the rest of the Pride Troopers, Jiren is a jobber. Notice how quickly they're being eliminated.
People live and die by hips
How about GT and the black star dragon balls? Whis could have assisted them in that and avoid all that filler.
DBS Ep. 103
> “Gohan, Be Ruthless! The Showdown with Universe 10!!” The episode is scheduled to air on Aug. 13, which will put Gohan this time into the spotlight against the guys from team U10. “Universe 10 is backed into a corner by the Universe 2 warriors, who have shown their true colors!” the synopsis reads. “Then Gohan and the rest of the Universe 7 team likewise challenge Botamo as well as the Universe 10 warriors to battle!!"
DBS Ep. 104
> “A Faster-Than-Light Battle Begins! Goku and Hit’s Joint Front!!” and is set to air on Aug. 20. “Goku and Hit form the mightiest tag-team?! Contestants continue to be eliminated in the #Tournament of Power!” reads the synopsis for this episode. “In the middle of all this, Goku helps out Hit, who’s at a disadvantage against Universe 11...?!” It looks like there is an alliance to happen between Goku and Hit. The Saiyan fighter is known for being fair when it comes to almost everything and helping Hit against team U11 won’t be surprising.
>cuntfirmed kills
I'm queerus for Beerus
At this point, I just come to these threads for Caulifla lewds like all the other lurkers
So shut the fuck up and post them
He was only just freed. His power hadn't become fully maximum. It was a little maximum but it needed a while longer.
There's bound to be some bullshit or something that will cause Goku and Vegeta to get knocked out.
So...apparently the official name for Goku's new transformation has been revealed
it's called "Super Saiyan Super"
A lot of people are
Are you genuinely fucking retarded user? Did you pass 3rd grade?
Caulibros, why is she show weak? Even CHADku BTFO'd her. I'm afraid she'll be eliminated soon.
It's only natural to instinctively desire to serve your God
Don't worry she will
Episode 107 at the most bitch. Your waifu is gone.
Also do you mean lke, Super Saiyan Chou?
he's a cute kitty
Of course they're faster than light. Time Skip should make Hit infinitely faster than light. The guy could spam it, and it gets stronger the more he fights. Hit's King Crimson Requiem.
Super Saiyan Jobber
Fuck off queer
Isn't she important too?
supaa saiya-jin supaa
Reminder that Goku has huge tits
that was mean...
There's Cabba, Caulifla, and this whiny auti...
She's weak because she thought she was better than CHADKU and his alpha male son who doesn't cry bitch tears like bitch Trunks, CHADHAN.
>black star dragon balls
What was the point of those again? Especially when in the end the shadow dragons came from the ordinary red star dragon balls limited by Kami's strength (which is why they couldn't be used to kill the incoming saiyans back in saiyan arc).