Want to end school shootings? End bullying. Prove me wrong

Yes I know "home stuff" is in play, but if kids had actual friends and people they could lean on, maybe there'd be alot less of these incidents. Instead kids bully others who are already going through enough as it is. To the bullies that caused this, I hope they caught one in the eye.

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Will we even have school schooter team-up again?

we didnt deserve dylan and eric

>Let's all get along

What are you, communist?

I wonder if bullying was as prevalent in ancient times. It seems like humans at high school age seem to be the most evil. It's like the maxima point of rvil on the graph.

Why do normalfags always shy away from this conclusion? They like to ask why, but never want to imagine or discuss that the person may have been treat like shit their whole life.

Eric and Dylan were the bullies.

>end something that doesnt exist
ok then, crazy

If you read the book "Coloumbine" you see that narrative is completely false.

They weren't bullied, in fact the short haired one was quite popular, and slayed the pussy.

Bullying doesnt exist. And if it did is a social incentive to man the fuck up and stand up for yourself.

In a moment they were blowing people brains off, yes

You can never end bullying

you can never end pain

because you can never end pain you can never end bullying, drug abuse

you can never make parents want to stay with their children

none of this

all you can do is try to create a better life for you and those around you

if you fail at this you become a servant of death, a wraith.

>End bullying
Best way to do that is to forbid school staff from enrolling their own children into the school they work at. Prove me wrong.

Yeah, kinda. It's all part of the greater problem of social isolation and little social cohesion. This especially draws out these negative feelings when you stick boys and girls together and you have this whole "player" culture where the prettyboys and jocks get all the girls swooning over them while the jawline-less betaboy's get ignored or outright harassed for not being attractive enough of cool enough.

Public school is such a massive mistake that it's really not even funny.

>I wonder if bullying was as prevalent in ancient times
It most certainly was, however the difference between then and now is that back then they didn't have these cuck programs that punished you for fighting back. Fighting back was encouraged back then as it fostered the ability to defend yourself from those who wronged you.

Now society has become pacified and pussified and solving your problems through independent means is discouraged and punished in favor of simply "talking about it" and sitting in the corner.

Massive fucking redpill

Teach your kids to always solve their bully problems with hard, over the top violence and aggression

My mother told me to do this and I never had major problems with bullies even though they tried

I will tell my kids the same

I also never got punished for mauling other kids because I was never the instigator, top lol


Bullying is normal.

Single mothers are the problem.

>ywn shoot up a school with a bro
Why even live guys?

Like in enders game?

I never played that

Bullying is decreasing while school shootings are increasing. There has been a massive crackdown on school bullying for basically the past decade and it has done nothing to stop school shootings.

Instead of trying to banish bullying and making a passive and weak society we should focus on teaching children to stand up against bullies and to defend themselves. It would reward strength and character as opposed to cowardice and pacifism.

These idiot administrators apply that fuckng retard zero tolerance horseshit that punishes anyone that as much as thinks about defending themselves. Then to top it all off half the time the bully gets off the hook while the kid getting bullied gets the screws just for lifting a finger to stop it.

Its book.

i guess shooting up a school IS a form of bullying. making bullying illegal would work.


>There has been a massive crackdown on school bullying for basically the past decade

considering current american demographics, who do you think is most vulnerable to bullying in a public school? who does the media, academics, politicians -- the elite -- constantly vilify?
white kids.

Yank films and tv shows seem to normalize and glorify bullying. From an outside perspective it does seem like its been woven in to your culture. If one went by your media it seems you lot hit each other more too. Is that a correct portrayal of behaviour?
I wonder if the feeling of never achieving anything drives them over the edge too. It also seems acceptable to casually belittle people with normal jobs like they're untermensch in movies and shows. That can't be healthy for young people to internalise. Especially when you can sit at home on the internet and watch what you're missing out on


>increase bullying

You are exactly right!

Zero tolerance is about district liability. You can't be accused of being raciss if your school rules are absolutist.

How it is glorified? Bullies are always depicted as bad guys.

That's exactly it
I remember when I stood up to a guy in a changing room (gym class) who was bullying me. I got into a fight and he smashed my eye.
What came next was paralyzing pressure from my family and teachers, everyone was crying, everyone was making calls and demanded answer who did this. But the bullying stopped for about a week or two and my bullies even praised me standing up to them and If given the chance I would renew this every week and I loved the adrenaline. But the bluepilled adults would rather have me calm and weak.

lol his uber driver didnt call the cops when a dude with an AR-15 went into his car and went to a school


Kids are cruel but it’s just a part of growing up. Some kids are more inept and sensitive than others. Some of them never really ever learn to defend themselves, and it can be hard especially when who is doing the bullying? It could be family, coming from your own household, then what?

Want to end school shootings?? Then why dont you start to actually fund holocaust education, fucking goyim deserve this

>implying its a bad thing

>people they could lean on
socialist detected

He wanted that $12.76

>why did they treat this piece of shit like a piece of shit
idk bro jews maybe

i honestly think combat sports should be taught to boys from middle school on. just let them fight each other. it would be a huge pressure release mechanism and it would exist in a controlled environment.

>Bullying is the source of the problem
It's not.
Bullying is just social cohesion. The reason we are having so many problems with it is because american society has become mess of values and systems, there's a rampant lack of homogeneity. So cohesion becomes flawed and just too much complicated for some people to bear. Sum it up with the hability to easely own guns, and you have mass shootings.
Even if we get rid of bullying, there's no garantee mass shootings will stop. Not only this, it can actually get worse because without strong social cohesion tools among young people they can become increasingly more chaotic due to the unprecedented moral and ideological differences among them.

Therefore, what we have to do is to fix the social status quo. To bring back unity and homogeneity.
The first thing we have to do in this sense is to restore conservative values. Homogeneity of values is impossible withim a nihilistic and individualistic society.

This is a great idea senpai. It can be part of the curriculum like swimming or basketball.

And Mandatory Military Service

could we fix it by getting government out of education? any thoughts?

this. Makes people tougher. We need more bullying and parents who teach their kids that fighting is okay at times.

Seems like that would quickly create 2 distinct classes (educated and not) and keep it that way.

Fucking for real. One of the earliest things I remember being taught was how to stand up for myself.

But without goverment who will teach kids how to read and write?

Both boys in your pic were known for picking on younger classmates ruthlessly. They both had dates to their senior proms, along with their own clique of friends.

One was a sociopath, and the other depressed, but they were not bullied.

>Alright here's an idea I had and I need feedback.
There's a gaming platform called Twitch.tv that is gaining more & more attraction since people, often younger ones, aren't interested in todays crappy TV shows. Twitch is a place where you can hangout, chill, chat & watch a broadcaster play a game of your interest. Gamer kids are often more suitable for being redpilled I've found, since their brain is wired to solving patterns.
How about we do a massive redpill hit. On the 20th of April, Adolf Hitler's birthday. Everyone create a twitch account and setup a stream containing national socialism, hell marches, jews, throw in some holocaust redpills !!! 'no violence or pornography' !!!.

We'd all get banned within an hour

Shut the fuck up, end the glorification of the shooters and 90% of shootings won't occur. The copycats of the 20 years since Columbine have been incentivized by the eternal fame and glory and attention showered upon their predecessors.

"Depressed child angry he never got attention shot up a school today. Now let's spend a week making sure everyone in America knows his entire life story, his every heartache, and reads every tweet and YouTube comment he ever wrote."

"School shooter suspect's 'disturbing' social media posts being dissected"

Literally this is why schools are shot up.

so some habbo hotel type autistic shit?
go ahead, that will get people on your side

Couldn't agree more

school shootings have been happening for a long time, but in the past 20 years or so it has increased dramatically. why is this? What has happened in the passed 20 years for kids to get so angry to the point where they shoot up their school? is it the media, video games, ease of access to guns or perhaps we are being raised in a society with no purpose?

>mouse utopia syndrome

unionized teachers and schools. Don't give a fuck about there students, they won't get fired. Won't let boys be boys...etc etc

its the trickle down effect.

Less opportunities to be anything vs more opportunities to see everyone else be things (or a carefully curated version of it)
Also this


We need more bullying
Prove me right

I wish Eric and Dylan just kept on going, they were so smart, had so much to offer. It's all because these jock retards fucked with them.

Klebold and Harris were fags together. They weren't even the first fags to team up. They are copy cat shooters.

Unironically bully harder to solve it

lol nerd


End schools.

>bullies are insane
>the shooters are not

>end a fundamental human tribal behavior
or maybe lets stop shoving crazy pills down kids throats when its proven that it causes psychotic breaks


bullying is human nature. With all the social media today it's even harder to stop it.

Bullying doesn't cause shootings. Nihilism and longing does.

Even before that, they were total dicks.

Don't use social media then. Why use social media if people don't like you? It defeats the purpose of social media.

>unironically bully harder

Don't cut yourself on that edge senpai


>The book gained considerable media attention for addressing many of the so-called Columbine myths widely taken for granted. According to the book, the massacre had nothing to do with school bullying, jocks, the Gothic subculture, Marilyn Manson or the Trench Coat Mafia.[4] Cullen also writes that the attack was intended primarily as a bombing rather than a school shooting, and that Harris and Klebold intended to perpetrate the worst terrorist attack in American history.

Its actually true. Every mass shooter is the result of someone who did not receive enough love.

You end bulling by making weak kids into strong kids.
This takes a father.
End support for single mothers.
Restore family values in America.

Can you give some evidence on this? I do remember that Adam Lanza was on medication, but is this a common theme amongst shootings?

Shouldn't they just talk about it less on the news

Back then if you were being bullied you took a weapon and started a fight. Now a days if you do that you get thrown in jv.

Because you want to connect with people, make friends obviously. Bullying is not just user is a faggot. But also ignoring and excluding.

It's true, why do you hate bullying? Did you get bullied?

I can imagine these events would be happening all over almost all the time if it was bullying.

It has to be a combination of Mental health, accessibility to guns, and bullying.

There are plenty of deranged people who have probably thought of doing this but failed to come to fruition because they lack the equipment.

He's right though, tater

This is the actual solution MSM will never touch.

the blonde probably popular smiley girl interviewed who said there was a second shooter said that she said flat out to the shooter "we thought you were going to shoot the place up" I'm sure there was no bullying at all before that moment, that was the first time anyone ever made fun of him for sure. She definitely never made fun of him when he was a student there, neither did her friends.

Zero tolerance policies might have something to do too.

>Get bullied
>Fight back
>Get expelled


only time I ever got bullied I fought back and we both had to have a joint counseling session and I got in the most trouble

it seemed completely backwards to me looking back on it

Does anyone else remember, that in their manifesto, their original plan was to set off propane bombs in the school, and across the city to distract the police, then shoot students as they ran from the school in terror. Get in their getaway car, drive to DIA, hijack a plane and crash it into the New York City skyline? 2 years before the 911? Is this the product of MKU?

Social media isn't for making friends. It's for talking to your friends and keeping up with what they're doing. If you get bullied online, then you're a faggot.

The bullies were getting blown away by Eric and Dylan, they weren't laughing anymore were they?

brutal fucking truth

you can very well blame the media for this

People don't get expelled for fighting. The worst I got was a week of in school suspension.

End the long-ass school day for people who don't want it. End music, sports, dances, theater, clubs, all that shit. Do that on your own time. School should be from 8-12. No lunch. No study hall. No PE. Fuck that noise. In and out. Then school will be far less of a significant thing for any given person. Oh and no social workers, or psychologists etc etc

Literally none of the people they killed bullied them.
People who still think bullying cause these shootings are morons

How long ago was that user? Things have changed recently

Eric and Dylan weren't victims. They were edgy nihilists that were mad at the world. Eric and Dylan were faggots and that's why they committed suicide. If they thought that they were in the right, then they wouldn't have killed themselves.