What would you do to Krul?

What would you do to Krul?

Give her some clothes.

Remove the boots.

Snip off the tips of her ears.

Take off her boots then take a nice big sniffe in her boots~

Take her to a sunny place.

>Taking of the boots
Are you faggots gay?

after taking off the boots you have unobstructed access to her feet

Take her out for a stake dinner.

Get her something to wear and then stroke her hair until I fall asleep

take a look at her pusy

I just rape her

Feed her some eggs.


well that's the idea yes

Uncalled for and malicious.

Make her run 200 laps around a track before taking off her boots

Die, monster! You don't belong in this world!

Give her a shirt

for what purpose


Take her off the fucking cross.