Seratonin's most basic function is to regulate aggression and psychologically establish dominance hierarchy in the mind. In humans this usually translates into happiness by giving a person a place in society and the world.
When a person takes anti-depressants, it triggers them into submission to authority by disabling the part of their mind that asserts dominance, causing them to submit to things they would normally challenge.
People become depressed because they reject society subconsciously. They know by instinct that this society rubs them the wrong way on a fundamental level and their body as a whole responds by withdrawing and refusing to participate. This behavior is controlled by sharp spikes in seratonin shocking the body, trying to get it to take action aggressively against stressors. However the person usually has no trained behavior that fits with these urges, and so has absolutely no way to satisfy them, and so becomes hopeless and inactive.
But if you give them an SSRI, these sharp spikes are mellowed out as the seratonin supply is throttled and the mind stops trying to engage in dominance/rebellious behavior. The even level of seratonin removes the roadblocks to submitting to society and authority.
So these people on SSRIs become very susceptible to any authority they perceive as being dominant. This doesn't always translate to adhering to mainstream society. If something else in their mind is more important, they will probably prioritize that example and conform their behavior accordingly.
So this is why some people get worse with SSRIs, they just listen more deeply to the same 'voice' that tells them to rebel.
In the right individual on SSRIs, authority figures can drive them to behavior that would never occur to the subject on their own. It simply makes them susceptible to brainwashing.
Support: "Serotonin and aggressive motivation in crustaceans: Altering the decision toretreat" In animals we can see its more fundamental role clearly. In this study, lobsters were fed SSRIs and it caused them to go crazy constantly fighting each other. Lobsters use seratonin for its most basic function and its only usually released at certain times such as when dominance behavior is necessary, so feeding a lobster an SSRI has the opposite effect as feeding a human an SSRI, but the fundamental purpose is clearly revealed. But important pattern remains the same: spikes in seratonin cause dominance behavior (in humans the dominance is unable to manifest so the person does the next closest thing and withdraws from society asserting their individuality against consensus).
Brandon King
Yeah I’m not going to stop taking my SSRI because Sup Forums told me so. This shit is better off left between a patient and physician to discuss. Love you niggers but don’t be convincing dumber niggers to take your advice.
Elijah Rogers
tl;dr lobsters should be at the top of the dominance hierarchy
David Phillips
Basically, what I think is going on, is that the FBI is going along with its usual entrapment doctrine, targeting individuals that they suppose to be likely terrorist actors, encouraging them and providing information and possibly even material to act, and then once they have good evidence they (are supposed to) arrest them and prosecute.
But what happens if they skip that last step? What happens when a corrupt agent gets the idea that a politically useful event could be manufactured? How long do you think it would take that kind of behavior to evolve in the FBI, which has been used mainly for political ends since its inception?
I believe they target people who are vulnerable, get them on SSRIs if they aren't already, start feeding them ideas via covert agents, then convince the person to stop taking the SSRIs, leaving the implanted ideas in the mind but reactivating the dominance circuit in their brain, causing them to take radical action according to the implanted ideas.
Levi Evans
this actually makes a fuckton of sense
James Edwards
i guess the real reason for shootings doesn't matter to Sup Forums bots
Angel Green
Nicholas Kelly
SSRIs are evil
Alexander Brown
Look up SSREs
Joshua Martin
Unironically this. Zoloft stopped my suicidal ideations and obsessive compulsive behavior
Tyler Torres
literally nowhere was it said or implied that anyone should stop taking their drugs
I guess taking those pills really does melt your mind
Jacob Peterson
great for you, your life depends on a pill that could be taken away at any time.
seems super smart
Bentley Hall
I stopped my suicidal ideations with CBT and not the good porno kind either
Juan Collins
I stopped my suicidal thoughts by getting off my ass and working out regularly. haven't looked back since 20+ years ago.
Michael Gray
Zoloft withdrawal sucks
Gavin Garcia
I’m not on the pill anymore because I don’t need it.
Congrats. CBT has no effect on me sadly.
I was taking Zoloft when I was running PPL 6x a week and maintaining school and work. Everyone’s brain is wired differently, the working out meme doesn’t magically cure depression. There’s a difference between being “depressed” and clinically depressed.
Jayden Gonzalez
Levi Phillips
bump great post OP
Jaxson Bennett
Literally 90% of mass shooters have been linked to SSRIs.
Not surprising that the vast majority of shooters are American youths as 1 in 5. Americans is on some form of psychiatric medication
I've been on Prozac and Paxil. SSRIs are a bunch of garbage and if you take them you're a class-A mug.
This guy is right: >There’s a difference between being “depressed” and clinically depressed. No there isn't, and I've even been involuntarily hospitalised for depression, so I think I have some qualification to talk about this.
Depression is a low mood / emotional state, that's all it is. And the reason you're feeling low is because your life is shit! Maybe fix your life instead of taking SSRIs, it'll make you better off in the long run - but whatever, I don't give a shit. Do whatever you want.
Jacob Davis
Interesting af. Tell me more
Carson Cook
Seratonin deficiency /=/ shit life. I’ve been hospitalized 4 times in the last 2 years. I did not have a shit life when I was depressed.
have fun with your diabetes and tardive dyskinesia and say hello to your "on-par with placebo" results for your trouble.
Matthew Reyes
You're full of shit. (((Nice theory))) if you're a big pharma snake oil rep.
Robert Ramirez
There was a time when a psychologist would try to fix you through talking with you about your problems and reassuring you that there are solutions and a way out. There was a time before psychologists when men would sit around the fire and discuss these issues amongst themselves to find their place in the world. Now the solution is to chemically lobotomize you and return you to the lonely squalor you crawled out of.
Enjoy your good goy submission pills, you're never going to be the same.
Cooper Barnes
on par with placebo so you made it up user
Camden Powell
This is utterly bullshit. Im on SSRIs for 10 years, when i stopped drinking and taking coke daily.
SSRI made my mind sane. For people with real chemical imbalances it works wonders. You dont have a clue of what real depression it, its well beyond the realm of feeling pissed or sad, its incapacitating.
SSRI, pristiq that i take, doesnt touched anything on my agressiveness. I dont give a shit.
Sebastian Gray
so what you're saying is...
Adam Bell
youtube "Memory Hackers" - great documentary on what psychogists can do to your brain. Its on PBS NOVA. Its legit.
Have you noticed an effect on your empathy towards others? It even decreases on normal pain killers.
Xavier Cook
CBT was a fucking joke of a treatment for me. The whole positive reframing to rewire the brain shit is useless and made me more resentful and angry. If I was able to just simply see the bright side I things I wouldn't be paying thousands a year to get help. And seeing the bright side regardless doesn't change the fact that everything is still shit anyways.
What's everyone's opinions on SSNRI's? My Dr wants me to try Cymbalta, anyone have any experience with it?
Nathan Thompson
no one says SSRIs don't work, we're looking into HOW they work and why there are so many GLITCHES with their use and how they can be ABUSED in our society
Zachary Morgan
>SSRI made my mind sane. For people with real chemical imbalances it (((CAN))) works wonders
But Big Pharma looks at healthy people without real chemical imbalances as profit margins. Just because it works for you doesn't mean we as a society should be shoveling handfuls of pills down the throats of the broader population. It can help the few who really need it, but for the majority of normal people with a few emotional issues, it can really fuck them up seriously; Like they go and murder people kind of serious.
Aiden Sanchez
Just look at Mike Tyson before and after Zoloft. If it could turn him into a bitch what hope does the average teenager raised on it have?
Gavin Ortiz
I was always disconnected from other people, being introverted type, but i always retained compassion, toward people unknow people and animals. Im still very religious.
One interesting thing is i dont have any side effect from ssri people report, and i believe SSRIs are over prescribed to people who doesnt actually need it. SSRIs are very powerful drugs that can fuck a person that doesnt have a need for it.
Jonathan Garcia
Wow, you're actually retarded
Aiden Johnson
Yes, i said it on another commentary. Unfortually psichiatric pill are delivered as a simple painkiller to anyone, i remember zooloft Ads saying talk to your doctor if you feel sad. No you need to be really really fucked to need SSRIs. For regular people, its like poison.
Cameron Martinez
ain't that much to it.
serotonin controls a population of organism's resource distribution, aka social hierarchy
Jackson White
You've probably got a shit personality then which is why you're not dealing with your problems properly.
Question, have you ever had your serotonin levels checked? Because I never have. Isn't it funny how doctors will say with such confidence "your brain chemicals are imbalanced" without conducting any tests to provide any physical evidence for that assertion? Mind-boggling. Literally the only area of medicine where they get away with it. And people lap it up! It's crazy!
I'm not saying depressed people don't have different balances of brain chemicals - I'm sure depression does cause that. Just like being excited causes you to release adrenaline and other such chemicals. But when it comes to depression, psychiatrists seem all too happy to jump to the conclusion that your brain is physically defective, and THAT'S why your serotonin levels are imbalanced - rather than as a natural and quite normal emotional response (since depression is incredibly normal; for people to never get depressed is entirely abnormal). If you're depressed, there's a reason for it; just like if you're excited, there's a reason for it. And if a doctor is going to claim "your brain is dysfunctional" then I want to see evidence for that claim.
Obviously people can have brain injuries which cause emotional problems such as irritability and depression - CTE, which American football players get, is an example of such an injury. But for people who haven't had such injuries, but who are depressed, doctors seem all too happy to have you BELIEVE that there is something physically defective about your brain (genetically caused, they might claim), despite having NO EVIDENCE for this claim at all (apart from the depressed state itself - but that is hardly evidence for a physical defection of the brain).
Sorry, I just have quite strong views on this topic. If I'm depressed then it's because of factors in my life. I don't like the idea of drugging myself to quell my true emotions.
Levi Watson
Its the same as smoking weed everyday for (((recreation)))
Jacob Peterson
makes you wonder how people live through the 70's and 80's without being drugged. Oh.. less school shootings too.
Mason Diaz
For the tl;dr people: Gun Lobby to U.S. congress per year: $10 Million Big Pharma Lobby to U.S. congress per year: $555 Million
Guy gets completely mentally twisted from poisonous chemical reactions in the brain caused by legal pharmaceuticals, grabs a weapon and goes on a rampage. Big Pharma immediately sends in the control squad to smokescreen the narrative. HEY EVERYONE! LOOK! IT'S GUNS! DEFINITELY NOT PART OF OUR 1.1+ TRILLION DOLLAR PER ANNUM REVENUE STREAM! GUNS R BAD, MMMMKAY?
Parker Jones
Pristiq is an SNRI, not an SSRI, although they are similar, but slightly different.
>For people with real chemical imbalances it works wonders. How do you know you have a "real chemical imbalance"? I've been involuntarily hospitalised for depression, and yet I have never been tested to see what my brain chemicals actually are. So every time a doctor says to me "you have a chemical imbalance", I say "okay, PROVE IT then, sunshine". And I say the same thing when they claim that my depression is genetically caused. Unless they do a genetic analysis of me, and identify exactly which genes could increase the risk of a depressed mood, and HOW those genes cause such a thing (which physiological processes are involved), then they're jumping to completely unsubstantiated conclusions.
Cameron Wilson
tfw I actually got tardive dyskensia from taking this shit. One of the worst nights of my life and I've been through some shit.
Carson Murphy
hitler was the first one to put flouride in the water lots of american nazi ties whats the main ingredient in prozac? whats the chemical name of prozac?
Aaron Myers
Your whole post is based on a fundamental misconception about SSRIs. Their mechanism of action doesn't have anything to do directly with the absolute levels of serotonin in the brain.
Did you know that SSRIs take at least 4 weeks to work? This is despite the fact that the begin blocking serotonin re-uptake enzymes immediately. Why do you think this is?
It's because the drug's mechanism of action has to do with long-term adaptive changes in DNA expression, not serotonin levels. Blocking serotonin re-uptake consistently over the course of a month is what causes the clinical effects of relieving depression.
It is not known exactly how this works, but if you think "serotonin re-uptake is blocked --> clinical effects" is the mechanism of action, you have probably misunderstood the biology.
Elijah Roberts
>Seratonin's most basic function is to regulate aggression and psychologically establish dominance hierarchy in the mind. [citation needed]
This statement, and thus the core of your premise, is not supported by the source you have provided. Dont get me wrong, as JP famously said some weeks back, humans have some overlap with the neural systems of these creatures. But you've made a few too many leaps in your premise to let me just let you get away with it.
Case in point low serotonin has been associated with people who have greater impulsive aggression, and serotonin levels are generally associated with impulse control. High serotonin levels can have some of the hallucinogenic manifestations that high dopa does.
Im not posting this to shit on you, but to emphasise that neurotransmitters and hormones are very subtle matters. You could make a stronger argument that dopamine drives confidence and dominance more than serotonin.
Isaiah Scott
Tardive dyskinesia comes from anti-psychotics, I've never heard of it being a side-effect of SSRIs.
Charles Ross
>pseudoscience >lobster meme Honestly you’re not that far off about depression though, check out the rhyff domains of wellbeing.
Neurotransmitters are complex and your understanding has too much reductionism to be applicable. Serotonin in high levels can cause aggression, and in low levels can lead to withdrawal and amotivation. There are many other neurotransmitters involved though and numerous serotonin receptors types and pathways but involved.
Cameron Campbell
found the next school shooter
Christian Bell
Nice theory, but wrong.
Ofc. a lot of people with depression wouldn't need anti-depressants if their life circumstances were better.
I always say money is the best anti-depressant.
But thats just not how the world works. There will always be people who are fucked by life and unable to change it.
Medication that makes their life more tolerable is a fucking godsent. The only other option is suicide.
Grayson Hughes
Tardive Dyskinesia is a result of antipsychotics, not antidepressants. And it usually only comes about from long-term use of antipsychotics.
Jackson Gonzalez
>t brainlet Those are side effects of antipsychotics. TD in particular is caused by dopamine dysregultion. Both are better than untreated schizophrenia, and with good medical care the side effects can be limited if not avoided altogether. Stop posting in med threads if you don’t know what you’re talking about.
Please nobody get medical or psych advice on pol.
Elijah Murphy
Its a different matter when you talk about feelings and when you talk about mental issues that are disabilities. Real major depression isnt a feeling that you can improve, its a constant situation that keeps your life on shit on matter what you do, including several physical problems.
I also do agree doctors over prescribe drugs, and to a large extent.
Fun factor: doctors doesnt know what really happens, they know however that SSRIs have a positive impact on depression.
Chemical imbalance is a term, there is no real knowledge of it, doctors dont know for sure how increasing serotonin solve issues, but they prescribe based on results.
I was taking drugs and alcohol from 15 to 30, and only when i started to took zooloft then pristiq i found out i could be a sane person. I dont care what is inside, i dont have anymore depression, i dont have anymore to deal with absolute lack of motivation to work, or abnormal sleep patterns.
Levi Ward
Also ssris have been proven effective against placebo for numerous conditions, more than any other drug
Leo Phillips
Sorry my friend, but now I have to interject: >It's because the drug's mechanism of action has to do with long-term adaptive changes in DNA expression, not serotonin levels.
DNA expression of what? The receptor ofcourse. The immediate reaction of administration is downregulation of receptors which would be a key reason it would take weeks of constant administration to overcome this.
So I agree OP has it wrong, but this is not where his mistake lies.
Jaxson Rodriguez
These threads are interesting because it shows how pilled up people on Sup Forums (and basically the world) really are.
Don't really know what to make of it, however.
Lucas Mitchell
i know right? it's like everybody has a degree in pharmacology or psychiatry
Landon Thompson
>What's everyone's opinions on SSNRI's? Haven't tried one yet, but I'm going to ask my doctor to give me Strattera, as I have classic ADHD symptoms that got worse after taking Paxil. I believe Strattera is an SSNRI.
Has anyone here tried Strattera?
Anthony Barnes
I was against SSRI before actually taking it. Definitely not placebo friend.
Gavin Rivera
these guys get it. OP should get fucked with his tin foil hat memes.
Julian Gray
I take an SSRI and completely reject Leftists' authority. It actually helps me to be more assertive by countering the effect that depression has on my confidence.
Jacob Butler
Holy fuck we’re done for I know this isn’t bait you dumb ass hippies don’t understand hard work is the ultimate anti depressant
Christian Wood
Blood brain barrier is why those tests don't exist you absolute brainlet. I don't need to read the rest of your post. go suck off that little brother of yours and his big weiner
Christian Smith
Just because Tyson isn't a raging lunatic anymore doesn't mean he's a bitch. He just seems happy and content now
Zachary Davis
We definitely are overly medicated throughout the West. But antidepressants are not near as dangerous as some other meds. Especially not the softer SSRIs like Zoloft or Citalopram
Jason James
Big pharma bots shilling the tail of this thread hard
Evan Nelson
Strattera or Atomoxetine is a NRI or norepinephrine (noradrenaline) reuptake inhibitor.
It's only for ADHD, not depression.
I personally did not like it's effect at all when I tried it way back.
I'm on Escitalopram (Cipralex, Lexapro), Ritalin and Amphetamine these days.
Dominic Anderson
>I have classic ADHD symptoms that got worse after taking Paxil
1. Paroxetine is metabolised a lot faster and is one of the "stronger" SSRIs. If things got worse within the first week, id be thinking try something milder like Citalopram. 2. First thing on my mind hearing of ADHD getting worse after taking an SSRI makes me query bipolar/cyclothymia.
Samuel Wright
Let me tell you betas why you are depressed.
Michael Cox
Been on SSRI's for about a year and a half now for depersonalization.
Lexapro helped curb my anxiety the first few months so I could function again but after that I became a hollow version of myself who couldn't feel any emotion except disgust and anger. I've lowered the dosage considerably and still feel like shit but at least I can feel something.
Ian Johnson
SSRIs are trash, the only anti depressant that worked for me was Nardil an MAOI
David Rivera
Thank you for taking the words out of my mouth BR. Take my upvote
Ayden Ross
I took lexapro for 2 years my friend
read the huge leaflet you got in the packaging, it spells out it is ON PAR WITH PLACEBO
Jack Young
The problem with faster half lifes like pristiq is that it makes a pain to cut dosage or get off. SSRI discontinuation sindrome is a shit
Lucas Russell
who /wellbutrin/ here?
Jason Davis
SSRIs admit in their own documentation a prevalence rate on par with placebo
Cameron Smith
It actually does. Not the whole story, but truthful.
t. moderately bipolar Prozac user
Henry Evans
Fucking moron. Re-read the OP post SLLLLLOOOOOWWWWWWLY. The claim isn't that SSRI's are bad for everyone. The claim is that SSRI's aren't for everyone and that passing out SSRI's like candy to a wide portion of the population who don't need them can lead to terrible problems as well as opportunists swooping in to take advantage of people who are compromised by mental health issues mixed with throw-a-dart-at-the-wall prescription medications. FFS.
Ryan Sanchez
This is only partially true. In my depressive episode 2 years ago I was the most active and healthiest I’ve ever been thanks to /fit/. Didn’t stop me from wanting to kill myself everyday. Sometimes your brain is just wired differently and you need to succumb to the medjew to help you out.
Jack Allen
lol you better stop while you can >been there done that >huge mistake >pills can't fix your life >only you can
Anthony Rogers
I miss typed, I meant my ADHD symptoms got worse after STOPPING Paxil.
I too Paxil for 15 until last month. I started taking Tribulus and Horny Goat Weed to mitigate the sexual effects of Paxil, and I decided to stop for a couple days to see how they worked. For whatever reason none of my anxiety or depression came back so I just stopped completely (for about 30 days now). I tried to stop so many times before and failed miserably, but whatever it is with this herbal combo, I don't need Paxil anymore. Weird, and completely unexpected. Only things that are worse now is my ADHD symptoms, and my anger level is quite a bit higher (that was always a big problem for me before Paxil)
Cameron Jackson
the only ones i liked. they really helped lower my tolerance on stimulants faster than without. I'd be using it now to come off weed if I had some.
Nolan Sanders
no dude, it's just that 80% of Sup Forums posters are drugged out drones!!!
jk yeah its bots
Camden Wilson
no kidding, you'll be braindead after you quit taking the stuff for anywhere between a few months to a few years. in the end, you will be very happy you quit though
Matthew Jones
*15 years
Michael Gray
>Its a different matter when you talk about feelings and when you talk about mental issues that are disabilities. What is a disability? "Clinical depression" is classified as a "disability" purely because of the impact it has on your life - but any form of depression has an impact on your life. You're only talking about a change in degree, not in kind.
>Real major depression isnt a feeling that you can improve, its a constant situation that keeps your life on shit on matter what you do, including several physical problems. I think it absolutely is something people can improve. Unfortunately I was involuntarily hospitalised for "major depression" so my freedom to make changes in my life was taken away from me, for a while. But I do believe you can make changes in your life - obviously depressed people start considering quite drastic courses of action, and some of those might be illegal, which is bad. But still.
>Fun factor: doctors doesnt know what really happens, they know however that SSRIs have a positive impact on depression. >Chemical imbalance is a term, there is no real knowledge of it, doctors dont know for sure how increasing serotonin solve issues, but they prescribe based on results. Yes I'm aware of these. Which is part of why I'm not a fan of SSRIs, but another reason why is because I think they make me like a zombie. But that's just me.
>I was taking drugs and alcohol from 15 to 30, and only when i started to took zooloft then pristiq i found out i could be a sane person. I dont care what is inside, i dont have anymore depression, i dont have anymore to deal with absolute lack of motivation to work, or abnormal sleep patterns. That's fair enough, and I do sometimes think maybe I should just take them, because I have those problems too, but if I can make my life work without medication then I want to try and do that. If I can't make it work, then the medication will always be there I suppose.
Ryan Russell
Hopefully soon again after I get my Lithium blood levels checked.
Can’t wait to be motivated and energized again.
Jayden Moore
You know that under placebo your body produces opiods? How much and the details are still not understood. So give a guy under extreme pain a sugar pill, and he will produce the equivalent of morphine. We know this because if we admin naloxone after the sugar pill, this same guys pain will get a lot worse. The mind is a powerful thing.
Joshua Anderson
>Blocking serotonin re-uptake consistently over the course of a month is what causes the clinical effects of relieving depression. >It is not known exactly how this works Sounds a lot like Biblical stories of prophets going out in the desert for 40 days and coming back transfigured. If Serotonin does have a play in social hierarchy, then cutting off all contact with society for a month or so should have similar effects to blocking Serotonin reuptake for a similar duration.
Jason Long
I wouldn't call it braindead, I actually feel pretty sharp, it's just that my attention has gotten worse. Halfway through typing this I got up to pace around for a minute or so, for example. I don't feel cloudy-headed or anything though
Easton Ward
Then a doctor shouldn't be saying to a patient "we think you have this" unless they actually have evidence of that thing.
If a doctor suspects you have an iron deficiency, they do a test, don't they? If they suspect you have an underactive thyroid gland, they do a test, don't they?
If they want to claim that some people's depression is PURELY caused by physical factors (your brain just naturally produces more/less serotonin!), rather than emotional factors (which is what I believe causes depression), THEN THEY NEED TO PROVE IT WITH EVIDENCE.
Jeremiah Allen
Dont take pol too seriously. But dont ignore it. Remember that in here everything can be written. It can be bullshit or it can be also the Truth
Kevin Collins
>mike tyson >bitch
two words that i'd never use in the same sentence, even if he was dead
Angel Campbell
You’re totally right, Mr. Pfizer shill. You really made me think.