>anime cliche happens
>>"woah what is this, some kind of anime?!"
Anime cliche happens
>This isn't some shitty, corporatized, third rate anime produced by overworked and underpaid artists for heedless and moronic consumers, this is real life!
But I love this trope.
pointing out cliches is cliche
>Lampshade Hanging (or, more informally, "Lampshading") is the writers' trick of dealing with any element of the story that threatens the audience's Willing Suspension of Disbelief, whether a very implausible plot development, or a particularly blatant use of a trope, by calling attention to it and simply moving on.
>The reason for this counter-intuitive strategy is two-fold. First, it assures the audience that the author is aware of the implausible plot development that just happened, and that they aren't trying to slip something past the audience. Second, it assures the audience that the world of the story is like Real Life: what's implausible for you or me is just as implausible for these characters, and just as likely to provoke an incredulous response.
>The creators are using the tactic of self-deprecatingly pointing out their own flaws themselves, thus depriving critics and opponents of their ammunition. The Turkey City Lexicon refers to this flavor of Lampshade Hanging as a "Signal from Freud", and reminds the author that if your characters are complaining about how stupid the latest plot development is, maybe your subconscious is trying to tell you something.
Only in an isekai
I am not sure what are you implying OP.
where's your frog image?
>be honest, hasnt this given most of you unrealistically high expectations for real women and pretty much ruined your ability/interest in interacting with them?
warms my heart
Are you mentally handicapped?
Are you?
Why don't you post what is a tsundere?
I wanna suck on all of her moles
Or what sage means when you are at it.
Rejoice, OP, for your waifu has been discovered.
He meant he hates when characters are lampshading so I don't see how he could like this girl
subverting cliches is cliche
No shut up she is though.
Sounds like he just wanted to post his idea of an anime on his own. Oddly enough it follows a decent plot structure but with shit tons of filler in between.