Is there anything that can stop this from becoming anime of the decade?
Devilman crybaby
>Is there anything that can stop this from becoming anime of the decade?
Yuasa removing sideburns and okouchi being involved.
overhyping it
>removing sideburns
Shittiest title ever.
Crybaby? Seriously?
Good taste?
It's referencing the protagonist.
Yeah. It's the worst thing you could do to a Nagai title.
Still looks great to me. If the story isnt set in the 70s then sideburns would look shitty as fuck if the surrounding aesthetics dont match.
attack on titan it´s the best anime of decade
>then sideburns would look shitty as fuck
Nagai sideburns are a staple. You can't just get rid of them like that and act like everything's ok.
I know, but even before the trailer came out I was thinking about how the sideburns would look like in a present day setting and figured it must be set in the 70s to look really authentic.
Otherwise they would probably not include them
So I am not too bothered by it to be honest as I was prepared for it.
Also, Akira still looks like Akira to me. Glad they kept the dark lines under his eye.
the newfound fanbase it will get from being on netflix
also, sideburns
The obvious answer is Yuasa. What a hack.
Wont this just make it more popular and acclaimed?
He better have his OVA color scheme god dammit.
He is Red. He does not have this colouring.
I never really understood the appeal of Devilman, is it just overrated?
Well I'll take that over green. Thanks.
It's old and shit, therefore it's a 10/10 masterpiece
Sex,drugs and violence + civil rights/humanist message
In Japan
Of the sixties (the same Japan where if you are a communist leader you can get fucking stabbed on live TV )
Just for drawing that you should have big ass balls and be respected and honored for generations
I bet your tastes are shittier than those who like Devilman, so who are you to judge?
Just my opinion senpai but come on 80% of the story is Devilman fighting random fuckers and it's not like the fights are interesting or anything
I quite like it. Its probably the rarest colouring in Devilman.
Just my opinion senpai
No one gives a shit about you and your family.
Just stick to your seasonal garbage.
He literally just only fights like 3 dudes in a monster of the week fashion after that its just story progression into madness and a memorable climax. And nothing of that is random it all has a purpose and reason.
Nagai's panel to panel story telling was excellent.
making it more yaoi-y than its already like
Only the first half of the story is about random fights. About half way through it completely changes focus, and brilliantly so. The random fights were to ease you into a status quo before the rest of the manga completely smashed it.
He literally just only fights like 3 dudes in a monster of the week fashion at the start of thr story after that its just story progression into madness and a memorable climax. And nothing of that is random it all has a purpose and reason.
Nagai's panel to panel story telling was excellent.
>all what Hitler wanted to do was to save the world from jewish demons
What did Nagai meant by this ?
I bet it was great for its time, but now Devilman is just edgy garbage with cringy writing and a god awful drawing style.
I really hope this new anime can at least improve upon the source material.
Just look at what jojo became since the anime
go back to Sup Forums
Your entire post is cringe.
Now imagine that the animeonlies will say that the end is just rip off of Eva
>baaaaaaaaaw devilman is bad because it has gore and tits
>literally every american post ever made
I swear, murricans have some of the world's shittiest taste. Oh something has a little gore? MUST BE EDGY SHIT.
Burgers were a mistake.
The Roundabout ending was just too good.
Burgers are offended because Devilman is a much cooler super hero than anything Marvel or DC can cook up. Dude's raw, and rips demons faces off.
Batman and supraman are gay as shit.
What makes you think I'm an american?
I mean there's nothing good outside of gore and tits. The premise is interesting, but it's never used correctly. Humans turn stupid and Akira gathers an army of a few dozens hobos to beat up Satan. Plot twist, Satan was gaydude all along. Apocalypse ending is ballsy at least, but I don't see anything else.
The threads will be full of homoposting regardles.
I just have the facts upon my eyes man
The plot is better than anything prudent burgers can cook up.
because shit tate
>god awful drawing style
Why is this allowed in here? Go Nagai was a master at paneling and art that displays expressive emotions. All the adaption has to do is fill in some gaps, give certain characters more screen time and thats it.
closest thing i can think of is Spawn if i had to be honest.
Berserk is fucking garbage by the way. a decade and still on a fucking boat.
Emotions are pretty good, some pages like the one you posted look good, but the paneling and most of things moving, the anatomy, I'd say they're mediocre at best or sometimes bad.
The 1994 movie was trite.
to be fair, there were some mistakes, but Nagai was also working on alot of shit at the time.
You have no idea what you're talking about.
Confirmed for not knowing shit about comics when you peddle shit like that. Realism is shit, and it's what killed American comics to sterilised digital shit.
So recently read the manga and enjoyed it.
Now what?
Shin Devilman, or Violence Jack?
At least it has loli butt
>What is execution?
Not to mention that the plot still holds up.
that came out of no where
It's mile better than Devilman tho.
>mile better than Devilman tho
Anything that goes above 50 volumes is not better than anything.
Berserk is just edgy garbage that has gone on for far too long.
>but the paneling and most of things moving
Let me guess...pic related ?
30 volumes*
skip to the final boss: Apocalypse Zero
The execution isn't any good either. The plot twist with Satan doesn't add anything, are we supposed to feel anything for him? What's the point of his duality with Akira? They're pretty much strangers except one of them reveals his girlboner for the other one chapter before the end.
Miki's death was pretty good at least but that's all I can see speaking of execution.
i don't get why tumblr mocks this page
I never read this but my takeaway is that he's saying it coolly and without emotion. if that was intended it's fine
>miki's death is good
>best plot twist is bad
How about you stop having godawful opinions, then maybe people will take you seriously?
Holy fucking shit, Satan is a character who acted for the benefit of his own people. It's not hard to get, or to empathise with, unless you're a psycho.
You keep talking about execution as if you know anything about it.
Rules are there to get broken. Artists that are realisitc because they think it makes their work better by defaut without carefully thinking about it are mistaken. Its what your art can convey thats important.
Nagai made mistakes but his art was visceral, emotional and creative.
heh, that'll show that pleb whose the boss of this anime chat room
>How about you stop having godawful opinions
I don't want to get banned from Sup Forums.
>Satan is a character who acted for the benefit of his own people. It's not hard to get, or to empathise with
He did literally the same thing he complained about from the beginning of the series. And his reasons for doing so (the sake of his people) are explained near the end so there's no room to empathize. Satan is a shitstain and the best news of the manga is the angels coming for his ass at the very last page.
I'm not complaining that the characters don't look realistic, but sometimes it just doesn't look great, especially the fight scenes. I agree that he pulled off the Devilman anger scenes. Akira is the highlight of the manga.
This guy gets it. It's the reason a good sloppy punk rock album is better than a Steve Vai album.
Fuck you.
Hitler did nothing wrong.
>Satan is a shitstain and the best news of the manga is the angels coming for his ass at the very last page.
Christian cuck detected.
God was the true shitstain of Devilman.
Those last two panels were really unnecessary.
Read Devilman Neo. Some really cool stories and artworks in there. Parasyte mangaka did a chapter too. Before that read shin Devilman Shin though. After that Violence Jack and then Devilman Lady if you want to.
There is also a manga about Amon wich is pretty crazy and delves deeper into the history of the demons. Including best demon girl.
>slaughters shitty demons who kill shit and tried to destroy humanity
>destroys humanity for his gaylust and slapfight with God
Yeah no. Satan is the worse, no matter how you look at it.
I feared the Jojo fanbase latching on to Devilman before this PV, mainly because of how many "OMG this show is so wacky!" moments are spread out throughout early Devilman that reminded me of how I felt when I was first exposed to Jojo. However, judging from the PV, Yuasa is probably gonna take some liberty and fix some of the tonal issues with first couple volumes of Devilman so that there's a more appropriate build up to all the serious tragedies in the second half of the manga. Hopefully that'll prevent the same reaction that Jojo got happening to Devilman.
Devil lady was better
was it? isn't a whole section at the start just black panels with silhouettes of akira's face talking?
Daaaaamn Amon hit THAT?!
God created demons, and then genocided them. He's a fucking maniac with no empathy. No wonder Satan rebelled.
Sideburns literally never look bad
Who cares if it isn't set in the 70's
>Devil lady was better
Anime was good, the main girl became a lesbian and had sex with another girl, that girl got killed, but then they had sex again in hell which gave her power up, and the devil ladywas raped by a blonde futa girl later as finishing touch to lose both of her arms in finale.
Nothing else can compare.
Devilman lady was an interesting read.
God has more legitimacy to slaughter the demons than Satan has to slaughter the humans, since he created them, and because the demons gleefully took part in humanity's genocide.
>God is in a better position to call the shots.
>God called the shots against the worse group in universe
>Satan is in the worst position to call the shots, as it not only makes him a piece of shit but also hypocritical
>Satan called the shots against the least evil group in universe
Satan is the villain, no matter how you look at it edgyboy.
God makes everyone and everything that ever lived have to repeat their lives and all humanity repeat the whole of Devilman just to punish Satan.
It doesn't matter since everyone forgets about it. Muh timeloops. And it's his creation so it runs the way he designed it, nothing wrong with that.
Maybe you're right if you didn't forget one thing
Satan has TITS !
The art style is literally the main thing that makes Devilman readable
After Akira becomes Devilman, the plot itself is a nonsensical series of events that only happen to justify a bunch of neat monster designs and gore, but the art gives it a nice flavor when there isn't much meat to the story or it's characters.
Demons can't help but kill and lust, because that's how they were created, by God.
Devilman is just about exposing the evils of Christianity, and does a fine job at it.
Its a bit out of place. Though I am not sure why Yuasa cares about that he always goes against the grain, Maybe thats why he wanted to differentiate himself from all the other adaptions and spin offs of devilman.
You got me senpai. But he also has a dick.
Shut the fuck up retard
>the plot itself is a nonsensical
Maybe if you're a vegetable, but there's nothing nonsensical about it. It's a superhero story where Devilman rips demons off.
fuck off
he wasn't even especially good at it
I hate when people spout this opinion because they clearly read it online
The panelling was excellent. Don't know what you're talking about.
The framing makes for perfect comedic timing, especially since he's saying something as dire as the fact that his dad died, in the first panel Ryo's face is smaller than his neck is wide while having this dopey sort of look, and in the last panel he has this stupid fucking smirk on his face
I love it but it's honestly hilarious
>Demons can't help but kill and lust, because that's how they were created, by God.
Yeah. His creation, his design, his rules. Good and evil barely make sense outside of that realm. He created something shitty (basing on the morals of the universe he created) so he wanted to erase it. That's a good thing.
>Devilman is just about exposing the evils of Christianity, and does a fine job at it.
>being this delusional
Devilman didn't take on a huge subject like God and religion by showing bland MC fighting demons and everyone suddenly turning into mindless beasts and suddenly SATAN HAD VALID REASONS (except not really). It's a dumb story and it should not try to take itself more seriously than that. It doesn't accurately depict anything about morals, humanity, society or anything, it's Naruto except spooky and gore.
God is pretty much depicted how he acted in the bible. Its quite the realistic take on god. The old testament at least. He wants attention, praise and obedience and doesnt shy away from violence to get his way.
Demons didnt want to give him any of that and wanted to live accoriding to the rules they evolved to live in. God said fuck it and genocided them. Basically the same story as sodom and gomorrha. Two cities that partook in "unmoral" behavior and therefore desrved to get wiped out.