Infinite Stratos

Today I remind them

Neither are even close to reaching Chifuyu's greatness.

Leave the poor Houki alone, she's not utter shit.

>Foreign cast
>German girl
>always best girl

>not utter shit
pick one

But that's wrong, you frowning piece of shit

Bullying is not good, no one deserves it, not even Houki.

The only good thing i remember about this show is Laura

And who will the MC end up with?
Frenchie and the cake?

Tabane > Chifuyu > rest > shit > your waifu (if not the first two)

>And who will the MC end up with?
It's pretty obvious.

I'm okay with this.

Move aside, best girl coming through

This has been confirmed by experts multiple times now.

>Objectively best girl
>Stands no chance of winning
Japan needs to stop fucking doing this!

>I'll just take my brother and leave. You bitches can fight it out amongst yourselves.

Maybe not in the light novels, but I'd say shes got a pretty good shot in the manga.

young girls can't compete with the charms of an older woman

she is in another league




Frenchie was cute too but Laura always did things to my body that fake boy did not
No idea who you talking about


I grew to hate all of them. They're s many other harems with the same character archetypes but way less garbage.

Netflix will save IS, season 3 soon houki bros.

>replying to a bait thread made by Houki-haters
It's like you want to give them (You)s.

Laura tasted defeat, she loves it.


She's German after all, tasting defeat is second nature to her.

Anyone got a link to or name of that doujin where Ichika catches Charlotte in the shower and Charles is a boy

Not that user, but well-played!

Don't remember
Luara/Charlotte and the "old Chinese friend" girl are the only characters i remember

Why is Laura not already impregnated?

Green hair, huge boobs.

I concur.

Germany > France = Russia > China > Japan > Britain > Houki

Chink best girl

>all this hate
I haven't been keeping up with the latest LN's. Did Houki win already? She seems to be the only one that isn't a huge slut that puts out on the first date.

I like her frowning

leddit memes get out

Can we all agree this shrine maiden fox girl Houki is best Houki?

I have to agree. Fox girls make everything better!


Does wanting to have your way with "Charles" make you gay?

Memes aside, she would be the top tier wife among the rest.

Yes, Your Highness

Easily the best Houki and best girl.

>have DAT ASS

>constantly worry about small chest

I will never understand this

I want to be waifu'd by Laura.


I still want to know how she made the ears and tail move independently.

Cecilia has better butt and you know it.

Has it been finished yet?

Anime, yes. Novels are still ongoing, along with the Yuuki Homura manga adaptation.

Why doesn't Ichika just fuck his sister haha like as a joke lol
For real though Chifuyu or bust

What would you do in this situation?

walk out, french is shit

>implying any version of this pile of crap other then the LN is tolerable.

>implying the LN is tolerable
The Yuuki Homura manga is the best version of this series.

Cecilia has a better everything.

Rin is best chinese waifu
shampoo is only an overrated bullshit

Learn the real differences


This thread needs more Chifuyu.



>dense self insert gary stu gone bad
who tf enjoyed this?




got anymore of these, Houki or anyone else for that matter?


Why do you guys hate Houki?

Because she's a more annoying Kirino.


Because they are hypocrites haters fags
Houki is so bad hated like underrated

Houki >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> charlotte > Shit (You), kirino


Rin is the best Rin, all other Rin's are dumb bitch pretenders.

I can't hate mai waifu.

Excuse you? All the rins are the best except that loli slut of kokonoe rin and that hypocrite cunt of kujo rin

What is even going on in the light novel now?

Vol. 11 was set in the UK, a date with Cecilia, she hosts a party, Charlotte gets an upgrade to her IS, you get to see Clarissa's IS unit, Phantom Task and the good guys cooperate to take out a rogue satellite weapon, Ichika's unit undergoes 3rd shift, and a bit of other things. I only read a summary, but it was plot heavy.

No, that is factually incorrect.

Sorry what?

nanomachines son

From my perspective.


>old hag



It's as if Chifuyfags are the only ones who stayed with IS, while the others just moved on to their seasonal waifus.
Where are all the Charlottefags from 2011?

Not even. There are such things for sale right now.


I tried. I tried furiously for at least 15 minutes. Nope.

Laura a shit. Chifunee confirms it

who is madoka?

Clone of Chifuyu.

what if shes a twin of ichika? would kinda explain why he could pilot no?

Why would you clone a male, when you could clone the undefeated world champion sister?

i said twin. it doesnt make sense for her to have a locket of chifuyu-nee if shes a clone

I'd think Chifuyu would remember having a little sister.