Dragon Ball Super


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Reminder that Son Goku is beautiful.

Still think that double aura looks stupid can't wait for it to get replaced.

The great debate, which intro is better?



wakey wakey gohanfags

Reminder that Son Chi Chi is beautiful.

Gokuck is getting ringed out and losing the ToP without even getting the chance to use the KK, calling it now.
Good thing there is a someone else who is strongly hinted to be getting a new transformation.

reminder that goku belongs to caulifla now

Where are my Chi-Chifags at? Let all these other posters argue amongst themselves while we discuss best girl and how Toriyama complete wasted her as a character.

>Super Saiyan Black

Jesus christ, these hacks are running out of ideas.

>Use the SSJBKK? I gotta save my energy Beerussama!

You can't criticize writing if you have never tried writing something yourself.

>mfw no fucking episode tonight
I just want to get this shitty arc over with, stop making me wait an extra week

caulifla does not want goku

>mfw watching the spic DBS dub
Gotta say it's pretty good, better than the abortion that was Kai dub
Let's hope it keeps that way

>paying attention to "anime fans" in the youtube comment section

I would berate you, but what do I expect from these threads?


Is he wrong? Toei could give two shits about what people post on forums.

Leave Jiren to me. Also post those pedro db super videos

That actually looks cool.


>That's doesn't sound like the mindset of a close minded fool at all.

That isn't new you dumb nigger, go look up filler shit like goku and pikkon vs cell

Reminder that Jiren The Gray is beautiful.

Thoughts on Joji Yanami?

100% chance she'll reduce your pelvis to dust. Will you?

main themes go
Infinite World > BT3 > Burst Limit > B2 > B2 >>>>>>> everything else

>Kid Chi Chi


Yeah ok..

Wtf 3 had the worst intro of the Tenkaichi series

Goku should have been a girl. Prove me wrong.

IW and BT3 have terrible intros and intro songs. What the fuck is wrong with you?

How long until this is canon? Also Caulifla appreciation thread and every other girl hate thread

Do you think we will ever see this in the show?

How come nobody is complaining about this:

It's already bean established that Universe 7 is superior to Universe 6 because they beat them at the tournament (which was supervised by Zeno sama himself), and U7's Hakaishin is stronger than U6's Hakaishin.
Now what kind of mental gymnastic should I use to reach a conclusion that U6 is above U7.
>Toei animations as it's finest


Chubby loli Chi Chi is cute. CUTE!!!

Anyways, why did toriyama stop drawing cute lolis? They were the epitome of his art with the exception of automobiles and beefcakes.

Goku wasn't actually there and he was just doing a kamehameha in spirit. Idiot.

BT3 intro was the best in the series where the others were just shit rock

we want the vegeta audience

Here's some canon as you asked, no need to thank me.

What do you mean "Why"? Are you some kind of faggot? Kid Chi Chi was the best Chi Chi.

But we already have a girl Goku

Why do wrinkles look good on Goku?

So you've never played Budokai then?

I agree then we could've got piccolo stealing vegetas saiyan wife and he'd look pathetic settling for bulma

It's literally listed in the guides as a canon form Goku takes then, idiot.

Oh but lets just ignore that cause it was A-Ok to recolor back then. You're only a hack if you do it now!

Even if he is only in spirit, the fact is he's still in Super Saiyan Power form, retard.

Vegito? The bangs are different.

>Spic headcanon strikes again.

She's just being tsundere.

>Leave Universe 2 to me


>The YT chanel i used to watch livestreams on got C&D'ed
Anyone have another stream?

>having eyes too far spread apart
>mouth too small
>shoulders and arms too puny
>head wide as whole body

Fuck off brayan

It's the most badass thing in the series. kys.

YEEEEEEAAAAAAHHHHHH (Have you been trying a new skin moisturizer Jiren? Looking shiny today, I telluwatman.)

This, she looks ugly as shit.

Lol, you mean those user submitted episode guides on fucking wikipedia?

>people actually prefer caulifla to the original db waifus
Super was a mistake.

Are you a lolicon? She's was just a kid. The first picture in this thread of Chi Chi is an adult Chi Chi with her kid attire. Is current Chi Chi shit because she doesn't dress like a slut anymore?

Boogie back~

How did Gohan not develop mental issues after the shit he endured as child? Besides pic related.

>no new episode today

Cry more faggot, that shit is one step towards rainbow Super Saiyan.

reminder that Athrun Zala is undefeated in SEED mode

>literal cuck
>sex bot

Obviously B3, pic related shows they know what's up.

It's a retarded meme.

leave Zeno to me

You have to do something besides whine about it, like something a reasoning person would do to communicate with another one.

Why are you literally telling lies on the internet?

I hate late Boo and EoZ Goku's eyes.

>Obviously B3
KYS, you're wrong.

What's his end game?

>arrogant rodent goku tryhard

Don't ;o listen to him, call the Galactic Patroooooollll.

I know people joke about episode skips but if one actually happened I'd probably just kill myself

t. Pedro

Jiren is a jobber.

>Videl and 18 are good parents
>Bulma is rich
>Chichi is having her children educated so they don't become hick trash like their father
What doe Caulifla have over any of them?

Kale will comfort Cauli once she loses the tournament

Should have posted a pic that didn't exclude Launch then..

>absolute disgusting attempt at female saiyan
>fight obsessed tomboy
>bitchy around saiyans that arent kale

Caulifla time is up user. Superior multiverse waifu's time to shine is now. Caulifla wishes she had style and class as Brianne and could get thicc on demand. Android 18 was the dragonball waifu but she turned out to be a cold robot bitch, brianne will take out that trash waifu too.

>Are you a lolicon
Are you new to Sup Forums?

Press ESC to exit full screen faggot

give up now Jiren while you still have your honor intact. I promise to not make a fool out of you in front of your pride troopers, just step out you're not on my level.

Why did they make the music for B1 and B3 utter dogshit when they remastered them

>purple aura
a hakai?

So close, so very very...

There will be no time for any of that as they will be getting erased.
I can't wait.

>TFW Jobetafag
>Even the merchandise depicts your husbando jobbing

Stay mad Jobetacuck!


>asks a legit question
>le memes xD
Fuck off


>Literally Nothing

Goku's attention.

It's weekend, this thread is filled with normalfags.

U10 is finished next. Press F to pay respect to Gowasu.

What was that?


>all that bullshit you just ignorantly typed for no reason
>Top percentage of Farfetch'd