Tomorrow is day 8.
Urges are insane

Converted to Orthodox Christianity two days ago. This my longest nofap in a long time.

Keep going my dude.

I havent jerked off for 5 days (mexican flag because im on vacay with my mexican gf actually an anglo canadian) and damn feel great gym feels better last night we gave each other bjs does that count

Is this 90 days bullshit true ?

Why the fuck would you do that? fap nigga.

Get a hobby.

I started mma + im focusing on my studies + i work part time at a local shop

Real men do that

me a good catholic
me no masturbate for 40 days
fuck me

Do you have a gf cause they will fill ur day with alot of tedious shit plus working helps i think as long as ur jerking off to thoughts that are vanilla and.not porn its fine

>gave each other bjs

So...she's a trap?

No im single
But is this 90 days miracle true ?

Dont listen to pablo he lies

only having sex with a woman is ok

I'm a week into no fap, and quitting alcohol, tobacco and coffee cold turkey. It's been easier than I thought.

Kinda is desu i didnt jerk off coincidentally for about 2 weeks when i met my current girl and i felt more confident on my game if you know what i mean like a bit more witty and fast with humor but i think it varies. However i dont think its pseudo there is something to be said about not jerking off but 90 days idk i think its best to do not do it til ur in a steady relationship but thats me

Im from canada fgt i just have enough money that im able to travel to escape the cold sven

90 day miracle? What in the everliving fuck are you on about?

You think ur going to have superpowers and have supermodels blowing down your door to have sex with you after 90 days.

God no fappers are this delusional, fuck off back to plebbit

Yeah true but i think for ppl with confidence problems it helps to a degree

What's your no fap target, user?

Not saying this amerimutt
But i read things like 90 days is actually the time necessary to lose a habit and permanently rewire your brain

90 days at least
I did 17 days once

>that look down

Literally checking to make sure her tits were bouncing for the sake of attention.

Way to go!
Keep it going!

when lent ends

came 4 times so far
on a diet right now to lose a few kilos (68 down to the usual 65, yeah skinnfag i know)

Wouldn't you know without looking?