What went so wrong?
What went so wrong?
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She ate to much candy
japan basically insulted you guys claiming that you have no right to complain because nobody on this board buys BDs
They realized having such god-tier designs for a fucking snack anime is just too much lost potential so they downgraded.
Explain this to me. What happened to hotaru?
nothing, there's already other S2 promo pics where she looks identical to S1
I don't even care about the hair what happened to the eyes
Is that the same character? The one on the right is hotter tho
Lets hope they wont downgrade her boobs.
Wait wait wait wait.
Right pic is from 2nd season promo? The flying fuck?
>Right pic is from 2nd season promo?
Did Hotaru lost her Rinnegan?
I will wait to see it action before I judge it but they really should fix it so her crazy eyes are more pronounced.
I've only read the manga so I'm not even upset about this
>anime is a success
>give the second season to a different studio with a lower budget
why do they do this?
>why do they do this?
>with a lower budget
So was that a poetic question? I'm not sure.
Completely different staff for S2, for some reason
They reduced the crazy like 80%, I won't be able to watch this infomercial.
Because NEETS will still buy their shit while they have to put in less effort and money.
Because Feel butchered it and it didn't sell well.
She's Trunks.
But those crazy eyes is what makes Hotaru so fucking sexy
Nice. I like the manga art style.
I really must be alone in liking the new design more. The colours are softer an a little more pleasing for the eyes, and the eyes are a cuter shape (though that is all subjective). The lack of eye spiral is the biggest flaw, but that may change anyway.
that little peek of bra is beautiful
not as beautiful as you, user
i can deal with the shit art style but give back the rinnegan at least
Is she going to have the same voice actor as well?
>The magazine also confirms that Ayana Taketatsu will reprise her role as Hotaru Shidare.
>Because Feel butchered it and it didn't sell well.
And yet here we are with a continuation for next year. Also, apparently Feel is still gonna work on this in some capacity.
Hotaru is old and busted.
Tejina is the new hotness.
I thought it's because the S1 staff are too busy working on Kekkan Sensou
Post the other s2 promo art
Yes, you have shit taste
Why not both?
The balloon girl is better
easier to color
>inverted nipples
>dumb reskin brocon
Fuck that's a downgrade
Her design couldn't hope to measure up to Saya's, so they improved it.
My nigger.
I'm just happy to see Hotaru and now Hajime. Best girls.
>2 seasons
wait what? didn't it sell like shit? is the manga selling so much hey feel like giving it another shot? or is it because contrat issues or something?
Oh. Too bad for me, I guess.
have you been under a rock? It was announced this week
I like her new hair more, feels more natural, but i won't judge the rest until i see it animated, the darker eyes can make her sexier if done properly
I know the anime is called Dagashi Kashi but it didn't literally need to be about candy, the rare moments when its not about sweets are the best parts.
>wait what?
Go back there
Worry not!
saya will save this season too.
You mean she's not going be in the 2nd season? Wow thanks, Saya!
Well that's good news.
>best at everything except being best girl
Please, why did he say this.
This show is bad. I don't even eat candy, so I don't know why I watched it.
I fap every thread.
I think you know why.
What do her armpits taste like?
Don't put thoughts into my mind
>tfw went to japan on business last weekend
>too much shit going on that I completely forgot to find a shop and buy the dagashis on this show
>don't know when if ever I'll be back
>anime is a success
Uhm user.
Dagashi Kashi sold 1.5k copies
The only reason it got another season was because the MC design was extremely popular.
>buy my anime, manga and merchandise
As long as they don't change best grill, they can do whatever they want to Slutty McCowtits
Why do sayafags identify with saya is it because they have beady eyes?
How far into the manga will this season adapt?
>second season because neets can't stop fapping to MC
>Change her design and make it worse
The fuck?
>Mc is kokonutsu
I mean female lead, you know what I meant user.
Manga Coconuts looks cool sometimes.
Hotaru rpg shop geimu!!!!!!
For something like this anime sales arn't the determining factor. The manga sales went right up after S1. If candy sales went up too that would more than justify a second season.
Looks like the production committee contracted a cheaper studio though.
Jesus F. Christ, that's the biggest S2 downgrade since Date-A-Live.
Who the fuck would even continue watching this if it looks like that? The only good thing in this entire show is Candy Autist's gorgeous design.
Its just a promo image.
>The only reason it got another season was because the MC design was extremely popular.
That's the only reason it got the first season, and the manga.
The whole thing is a fucking candy advert. A fucking. Candy. Advert.
Hotaru is so wasted on this shit, I wish she was in a real anime with a story and plot.
>real anime with a story and plot.
name one.
DAL II was made by the leftovers of the studio that went bankrupt though.
Who's gonna voice Hajime
Houko Kuwashima, Megumi Hayashibara or Rie Takahashi?
I might start watching this tonight for tomorrow, what should I expect?
candy and tits
>see any image of Dagashi Kashi
Neat, that's generally what I assumed it be.
And ass!
It needed more ass focus.
Did someone say "ass"?
The western obsession with "thicc" ass is an artifact of primitive negro culture Jews are trying to push on whites. It's not in Asian OR European genes to be attracted to fat asses--we never sat in caves worshiping fertility dolls. Look deep down in your heart and you'll realize ass is just a meme.
we actually did have similar fertility dolls though
I want to fuck that water
That tinfoil hat's preventing circulation to your brain.
That's Ramune.
Just ignore the spammers their dumb but what can be done mods don't think the "thicc" shit is filter worthy.
Anyway i get virgin vibes from those posters because bent over women all have big wide asses even the small butt ones.