Why is Taiga so short? Taiga stands proudly at 4'7" but I guess that's fine because that's the average height of the board anyways.
Why is Taiga so short...
Lolis are supposed to be short and small.
You can't blame pinoys for being short, it's a part of their heritage.
She wants to know, too.
I haven't wanted to fuck a board so badly since Plank.
>165 cm tall
That's not what they said idiot.
because they know their audience so they make the girls super smol
Taiga is worst girl.
Groundlets, when will they learn?
It's easier to give her upsies this way.
are you retarded?
reminder that anyone under 4'11 is medically considered to have dwarfism
I want to marry Taiga and comfort her insecurities as I stroke her hair.
You'll spoil her.
Get in line.
Isn't Ryuuji a manlet too?
Did you even have to ask?
Ryuuji is supposed to be tall.
maybe by japanese standards the average jap is like 5'4
Japs are intimidated by tall women.
Do manlets have to squat on the toilet to take a shit because their feet can't reach the ground?
She is compressed into a butthole.
Go on.
She's the Palmtop Bunghole.
I had a strange nightmare that I was stabbing Taiga to death in the shower the other day.
I thought it strange. Not because I was stabbing someone, but that I was dreaming about an anime I've not seen in years.
The human brain is so weird.
Nice blog, upvoted, liked, subscribed.
taiga is 26 now according to anime time span.
A 4'7" cake
>still managed to force out triplets
How did she do it?
26 years and she still doesn't measure up.
How will she ever recover?
And became a construction worker!
What is this garbage from?
Fuck if I know.
I only know its Yasu's art and that boorus tag it as "Toradora After" whatever that means.
I presume a canceled project?
Taiga is shown to be dumb in the series so it makes sense she would go for skilled labor instead of an actual job.
>there are people RIGHT NOW who will lower their standard to accommodate someone as longitudinally challenged as a groundlet like Taiga
How do you guys sleep at night knowing your genes are in the hands of somebody who is only a few feet long?
Taiga is taller than me so it's a bonus. Better genes.
why am i so flat
This manga hasn't reached the Christmas party yet?
Hasn't the manga ended?
she so short she should get mating pressed
The cutest dwarf.
should i draw her getting lewded
not everybody is white
> Reading Comprehension 0