Little Witch Academia
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To all anons who made it this far, heaven is nigh.
Oh boy i sure want to stick my dick up that montenegro
>Trigger animator Yoneyama Mai replied to Bokujoukun's tweet with "Looking forward to it!"
Was it rape?
>Megumi's face when
Probably a bit lewder than that.
>Diana's face when reading
Does Akko even know how to be lewd?
When did bokujoukun's twitter go back to being unlocked?
They've deleted the three tweets that become this
*blocks your path*
For a week now, I think. Mostly to advertise for comiket.
Need an edit of Andrew reading 1984 but that as the cover.
No, but she has good instincts. She'll figure it out as she goes.
Which episode was he reading that?
Seconding this. I would do myself, but I'm not at home.
At the end of episode 10
Well at least she's expressing her gratitude?
>that role reversal
>those cute Akko and Diana expressions
>Diana serving Akko tea right before she forces herself unto Akko
I don't know if I'm ready for this.
What was that fanfic where Akko has time traveling adventures with her grandpa Croix similar to Rick and Morty?
Andrew's copy had the same Shepard Fairey cover as the girl in this Yoshinari painting
I reckon Yoshinari must have that edition himself
Since the Barbarabutt I wanted to do more so here's a sketch of more witches.
It's time for Akko to get Cavendish'd
Post more little little witches.
Damn this is looking good. Might become like Pretty Neighbor, where it's so good it might as well be canon.
Nice! This is some good stuff.
can you repost the Barbutt?
I think it actually means something like "Sex as Thanks".
I don't know, ask someone who's actually practiced in Japanese.
The user before mistyped the small "tsu".
Try セックスして頂きます instead.
What was the point of Andrew if he ended up losing to Diana?
Muggle POV. The romantic moments were the leftovers of the scrapped romance subplot.
He provided a window into the mindset of a non-magical person, while also showing how the English nobility reacted to the events surrounding Akko's adventures.
Because y'know.
The reactions of the English nobility was so very important to the plot.
To learn the true meaning of magic and help convince the grumpy old men that magic's not all bad. Also, fun interactions with Akko.
Andrew lost but that doesn't mean Diana "won".
In any case, his intitial point as character was to be the muggle point of view, but Shimada wanted to shove a romantic sub-plot on him that was about to end up taking all the spotlight so the had to axe it.
>multiple DianAkko doujins in the works
>no SucyAkko doujins at all
Why this?
thanks, here you go.
Now we just need a doujin of Sucy being NTRed.
NTR isn't that bad if it turns into yuri. Except that one time it happened to me in real life.
There is no romance in LWA, you can write a fanfic where Akko marries Andrew and it would be more canon than anything these ufags can come up with.
>no cutesy non-H doujins
>andrewfags still mad
>they're rivals so obviously they love each other
>haha orderly versus chaotic, yas!
You couldn't be more pleb.
And shipping is cancer anyway.
they're not rivals did you watch the anime or not?
honestly...all Anko fags give the same shitty arguments
they seem retarded
if you think "anko" moments are more valid that the Dianakko's ones you are wrong
and maybe that's why you are single
>they're not rivals
They are, they just not your conventional rivals. Akko can't go Sasuga all the time like Diana does and Akko does shit that Diana can't.
Whoever that thinks that Andrew x Akko and Diana x Akko is canon after everything that has been revelaed is just a retarded delusional shipper.
They are in the sense that they often clash with each other, you literal autist.
>deflecting to strawman
>ad hominem
Yeah, fuck off.
What? Did I accidently wander into Sup Forums?
What are you talking about? that pic is clearly Diana.
I don't think it's canon and i don't want it to be because I don't want LWA to transform itself in a shitty romance anime
and I believe that everybody can ship what they want but Anko fafs always come to shit the thing believing that their ship it's the only one valid
I want to write a doujin where Akko gets expelled and everything goes wrong for her.
But in the end she finds her own happiness.
>not wanting to fuck montenegro
Come someone explain why so many anons hated the way they developed Croix's character?
Sick of seeing so many haters but so little arguments that actually make sense...
I want to write a doujin where Akko gets the shit kicked out of her and told she'll never be a real witch, and then chariot has to comfort her
That's how absorbed I'll be while reading it as well.
Fucking perfect
why do i feel like i recognize you from irc
>Sick of seeing so many haters but so little arguments that actually make sense...
You consider those arguments as "little" because you're a biased Croixfag that fails to see the bigger picture. If you can't recognize the direction flaws of the 2nd cour then there's not hope for you.
The best they can do to somewhat salvage Croix's development is to add a peripherial media expanding a bit on that.
Someone saw pic on the lft and thought it looked like a political map of the Balkans
>You consider those arguments as "little" because you're a biased Croixfag that fails to see the bigger picture.
No, he meant "little" as in "few", it wasn't a description of the arguments
Oh yes, now all that's left is someone translating the full thing and WE'LL BE READY TO FAP
Keep wanting Trigger to go bankrupt.
>Let us have sex so that I can repay you
Well I can buy this excuse. Diana seems to be socially retarded enough to do that.
can someone post the pic of tattun gunposting at the interview??
I want to keep feeding Constanze sweets!
user if you're still able to fetishize something that hurt you in real life... you may need to seek help.
This one?
/fit/ user?
It took years to get over it.
Not the first time I've been compared to him.
>Gunposting IRL
Truly our guy
Somebody needs to make an edit of this with Andrew Akko and Diana.
What the absolute fuck...
Now that sucks.
This, just more salt on Andrewfags wounds
My fucking sides man this is priceless
Why did I read this? there's so many things wrong with it. I want to beat the shit outta him, her, the dyke and the anons involved.
Anyone have more Ursula in her Chariot outfit?
Here's one from Kengo himself.
Now I really need a copy of this.
Ursula got fat!
Try to buy it. It's actually cheap, putting aside what the shipping might cost, of course.
>I didn't get fat
>someone stole it and replaced it with a smaller size
Prof.Ursula pls
There's on of Akko and Diana requesting her to wear the outfil to take her photos but Chariot tries to evade them, then Croix comes in and magically puts her the clothes for them. But I don't have that pic.
>Heed the advice of random anons on Sup Forums
>Get shit result
Well he deserved it with that level of intelligence.
Well, this certainly perpetuates the idea of /fit/ guys as dim-bulbs.
Well what was the best option in your opinion? Had he talked with his gf she would have told him to not worry and even make her angry.
Drop the girl. Then again, I haven't even been particularly attached in any relationship.
where is that cutout of it
Holy shit, maximum cuck, that's why if you are going for threesomes you need to bring in an escort or a hooker rather than a friend because shit like this can happen