Dragon Ball Super
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Friendly reminder that 17 is gonna get eliminated by best girl
Cringe and Disgusting is Cringe and Disgusting I can allow this one
Leave Hit's donut to me, Jiren!
What the fuck is wrong you?
Keep telling yourself that
Threadly reminder that Gohan at his maximum power is as strong as SSB Goku, and he'll soon get a new transformation that will put him even higher than that. If you either don't want to believe nor like this you should just KYS, because it's canon and is what it's going to happen eventually.
He may not be the hero we deserved, but he's definitely the one that we are needing right now.
Leave the tournament of Power to us
I really like #17 now
Say it with me CHADgeta bros!
Miss me yet?
not enough shots :/
Who will fall to Ten's most powerful attack
The Volley Ball attack AYE SIR
So why was Vegeta so upset over his loss on earth again?
Goku didn't beat him. It took 4 of them to bring him down. In a one on one, Vegeta was fucking crushing him.
I mean "muh pride" and all but still, he was empirically stronger than Goku in Saiyan Saga despite losing the fight.
who are you again?
How do we fix this shit guys? I say we start off by killing off the androids.
Wilford Brimley aproves this girl
I hope that bitch gets her ass kicked
Wakey wakey Ribriannefag
Android 17 stood on the sun. Even Broly couldn't survive that, and his power was maximum.
Android 17 is going to solo the whole universe 2
what's her name?
what is this?
>killing off the only good part of this arc so far
>posting worst db villain
consider this fish hooked. i'll fucking cut you.
Am I ready now, Toei?
Friendly reminder that 17 is going going to pound the fuck out of her.
Fuck say it isn't true bros. Hit can't job against Dyspo the cuck. He just can't.
tfw everyone is an idiot except you.
Say it with me Jirenbros, and if there are none then I shall chant
Jiren will save DBS!
That ought to be some random path to power background character
Just Leave the Rest of U2 to Me
Because Vegeta is a whiny-ass shit tier character who should've been killed off permanently in the Freeza saga.
>Even Broly couldn't survive that
Broly survived getting vaporized by a comet and getting shot into the sun.
I thought Dyspo was weak since he was almost eaten by a plant
Will Frieza get disqualified because he kills someone? I honestly want to know.
>Mary Sueventeen
>golddigging whore who would have jobbed if not for krillin
goku black and zamasu are gay too for hugging?
>gohan talking at the next episode preview
Our guy piccolo is out, isn't he?
Lost his tail.
But why would Note eliminate 17?
Who can compete with Chad7?
Looks like theres some donuts needing to be Dysposed of
Leave Gran Padre to me.
when the 18 avatarfag comes back think of this
>Flying U2 girl saves team mate from falling
>oh shit they can't be ringed out! this could actually make the fights interesting
>The very next scene the flying fairy gets knocked off, making her entirely pointless
what the fuck was the point in making such a big deal out of the flying characters if they're just going to get beat easily and have no impact at all?
>Blocks your path
I heard someone here likes Turirin.
Leave 17 and 18 to me
>People still think powerlevels matter after Jobber 17 matched punches with SSBlue.
RIP 17
>there are literal retards who thought 17 was stronger than Vegeta
The next episode will prove otherwise.
>Gohanfags wetting their pants over the preview
Am I missing something? He was jobbing throughout the entire thing.
It looks like Ribriannefags were targeting the wrong man this whole time. Watch out, 17 is coming.
Where is this from?
A Pile Of Shit?
dragon ball needs more kitties
Why is she so perfect, bros?
It's not about powerlevels you dumb cuck. It's about good fights. I'm happy power levels don't matter anymore since you would think that means we would get strong fighters in other teams, but they're all jobbers that lose instantly.
Why is next episode a GOHAN episode?
Bitch Please
This guy has another form apparently
>17 rising to get serious
>that limp, inhuman rise
>that fucking look in his eyes
Ten already defeated Multiverse Cell. That androids are safe thanks to him.
Android 15 Movie Probably
that's what years of raising another man's son does to you.
But U9 was already erased.
Probably History of Trunks movie?
Reminder that General Blue is beautiful.
Dbs posters ranking by intelligence and posts quality:
1. Briannefriends
2. Gokuchads
3. Cellfriends
4. Piccolofriends
5. Roshifriends
6. Tienshinhanfriends
7. Krillinfriends
8. Yamchafriends
99. Gohanpedros
100. Jobgetafags
101. Zamasufags
102. Caulifags (clinically retarded)
I think we all can agree on this one
>Tenshitcucks are ITT
>Thinking non Saiyans are going to do anything in DB ever
spoilers already say their fight gets interrupted so there wont be any conclusion next ep.
Yes, stupid.
How will she react when Gohan arrives?
Yes, please come back and finish taking out the fodder with your dyke friend.
Too weak now. You need a golden form to play in the big leagues.
reminder Caulifla stinks
>Gohan will solo the rest of the universes
You know it will happen.
How is it the mortal warriors can damage the arena floor? I understand god's of destruction sure but regular mortals?
Ribrianne will eliminate 18
17 will eliminate Ribrianne
Toppo will eliminate 17
Gohan will erase Gowasu's Universe (U10)
Hit will eliminate Ranger Beerus (U11)
Roshi and Ten will Job to the Namekians (U6)
You want to get Gohan beaten up by a loli that badly?
Nigga what he looked hype as shit. Get that cuck shit outta here you ignorant bigot
That's not gay, that's just narcissism.
Why the fuck are you spoiling shit? Don't you know how to ? Goddamnit.
I want some angel pussy if you know what I mean.
There was a knock off Cell in the tournament. He jobbed already.
>Ribriannefags mad as fuck just like their shitty waifu because she's gonna job soon against based 17.
Reminder we aren't dealing with the average android anymore.
Universe 2 and Universe 11 teamup when?
Bruce Faulconer Sucks!
I hate this show
Fucking hell gohanfags, I thank the world for your existence. Your delusion runs so deep that only you could come up with retarded statements like this.
Literally cannot stop laughing right now.
Because he still lost, and because Goku's power rivalled his at times, like when he beat him in the beam battle.
He wasn't too pissed about it until Goku got to Namek and was way stronger than him, and then became a Super Saiyan.
He says while he's collecting the dragonballs that he'll eventually return to earth and beat Goku and co., so it wasn't a particularly high priority. He also says he learned valuable lessons (like sensing ki and suppressing it), and also got way stronger, so he's not really that upset until Goku surpasses him massively and attains Super Saiyanship before he does.
>literally have a guy who can IT and save people from ring out
>just stands around doing nothing
I have no idea why people like his shitty fucking music. The JP soundtrack was monotonous sure, but I can usually tune it out. Faulconer's shit never stops and it's just so amateur.
17 Is a canon cuck you fucking nigger
That's what he gets for being a pedo.
is Toppo officially /wakuwaku/?
That guy got ring outted by 17