All the online tips are going directly to Washington DC and not to regional agencies.

They rotally fucked up on this school shooting because now we will force them to get regional tip lines.

All TIP LInES go back to tips.fbi.gov in Washington DC .
As a web developer this means they are not going to regional agencies. They are controlling which tips they forward out. This is how they are keeping all the good regional fbi agencies in the dark.

>pic fucking related. It is the Portland Oregon fbi online tip line.

Tips.fbi.gov is the national tip line in Washington DC

They are so fcking fucked it’s why local FBI agents aren’t able to snip the terrorist bullshit before it happens.

A regional tip line would look like this: tips.fbiportland.gov

But no they are all sent to a central public server

Where are you good FBI agents at GeT the fuck in here

Big article coming

Everything is ssooooo fucked.

Other urls found in this thread:


Man that is fucked if it's true.

ive sent some tips to the fbi from portland before. good to know.

also, if you ever walk by their building near the airport you will get approached by people just pretending to be regular civilians. it's pretty funny.


Blow-in-the-dark FBI niggers are criminally incompetent

They honestly could not have dropped the ball any worse on this one


Actual webdev here

How the fuck do you know what they do in the backend, they have enough information there to forward anything automatically.

Zip, City, State is all they need to do an automated anything. You are making very brash accusations that you have 0 basis of knowing or claiming unless you have direct access to the source code of their backend.

Everyone needs to record a video of themselves and upload it here right now if them going to their local fbi website tip line and make a video of the links they clicked to get to the tip line.

You need to do this immediately before they switch this up.

This will be the next biggest story and it will be what gets Hillary arrested and the swamp drained so fucking get your shot together and do this rn

IF you get this url tips.fbi.gov it is fucked

Because all tips would have to sent via smtp if they were not on the same domain. If they are on the same domain they can share the same database. But they are not so they would have to be shared via email. And the email chain is fbi.gov where it is gathered not fbi.portland.gov so they give up the gig right there. And they are not on the same domain.

If you are using vpn the fbi would not be able to register your location and reroute the chain to a local agency. Therefore it is impossible to collect tips regionally without a fbi.portland.gov submission form.

Fuckig checked I just proved it

how do you even know if they have anything automated and directed appropriately in the first fucking place?


Approached about what?

drain swamp. maga

I got banged on for FOIA'ing John Rossi :^(

never a bad time to hammer the IC with
>what good is all your fucking spying if you routinely fail to protect us from shit, even when serious tips are reported long in advance?


Yeah.. it was quite possible that some corrupting was going on where the tips were used for political gain, not just to enact justice, sigh. I hope the regional tips websites get pushed more now.


>Approached about what?
in portland?
probably homosex proposal

fucking russian shills made me foia request a bunch of shit before election with fucking copypasta and shit, do you remember that?
Goddamn that week or two before election is like a fucking dream

there are more ways than e-mail to transmit data between servers you giant dummy

w-what do they do at that government island

>If they are on the same domain they can share the same database. But they are not so they would have to be shared via email


remember jilloli?

i don't get this

Does it matter? its going to same agency anyways. The problem isn't where its going, its whether or not they actually fucking reading them. It doesn't seem like their actually reading it.



Oh, fuck me. Can we stop trying to get reform out of the FBI and just have them shut the fuck down? Jesus fuckin Christ, reform is pointless. They perpetrate this shit they don't work to stop it. Don't be fuckin retarded.

HOLY FUUUUUCK! This means if the local FBI agents heard about the tip before hand it could have given them a higher probability on stopping the terrorist attack before it even started in the first place. Thus systematically sabotaging the deep state’s sick demented endeavors.

Conclusion: They we’re behind this the whole time. youtu.be/cphNpqKpKc4

>and to think I thought they were just memes.

Lol the green text was a joke by the way. Inb4 people start taking my post seriously on a satirical message board.

bump for interest

can you counter the argument that have a central place for tip[s to go into means that they can get reviewed there first? meaning they have a special branch/group/whatever that handles the amount of requests? Im not disagreeing I just need more to go off of.

hey remember when we were kids and watched the xfiles and thought they actually did their job?

Google gets a browser finger print on everyone who sumits a tip...GODDAMNED FBINIGGERS

curl tips.fbi.gov

That was propaganda, of course. I wonder how many kids they paid Hollywood to make favorable depictions of them in media.

very big, if true

the funny part is that they wont hire us..

its all propaganda. I fucking loved that show though.

Regional FBI agencies are the comped ones.

I love David Dunchovney

The problem with tech in government isn't drugs, it's that good techs have pride in their work and therefore can't tolerate working with government's inefficient and ineffective policies. Even if you are a total patriot it's just too frustrating.

What about the time we all tried to report tips to the FBI during the 2016 election on the Clinton Foundation and Seth Rich?

>As a web developer
Well that explains why you're so fucking retarded.
Stay pleb.

I agree. the article is a clear example of how retarded these agencies have become. I think we are collapsing or something. everything seems gridlocked with bureaucracy and political correctness.


There are ways that it could hypothetically still be routed through the local office, you'd want to traceroute to confirm.

PSA dont traceroute them.

Once data hits their server you can't see where it does. OP is a restard.

I fucking butchered that sentence didn't I.

Fuck off there is no subdomain period for local fbi. Most of us are vPn fags anyways they can’t detect proxies within proxies so most tips are collected and sent to DC central even if they did have regional tiplines. This was proven with Florida shooter tip that was sent through local Florida fbi That was not forwarded to local fbi. No technology can sift proxies within proxies within seconds and reroute to regional fbi sites. If they did they could catch criminals immediately..
It’s fucking over for the fbi they will now have to get regional subdomain as or they are fucked. Most fbi employees don’t even know they aren’t the first stop. Everything goes to dc.

well I would say if this doesnt get traction or dies. slow night. that this important. but you already know that. im signing off for the night. good work user.

Bumping a huge reveal. It was obvious something structural was amiss at the FBI for awhile now.

I thought the FBI's poor performance was a combination of bad funding and political interference by Obama, ("hands off kebab"). Now it sounds like in addition to this, they been operating thirty years behind their adversaries. What a fucking joke.

Are they really not this stupid and this is a psy op? I always wish that's the case and that I'm a loon.

I gotta get some sleep. I'll check thread in the morning. nice work anons.

idk about yall but when i report shit to the fbi i dont try to hide my ip i want it to be taken seriously tldr senpai is low level feds


The fuck a tip is a tip no matter what your ip is. Shouldn’t matter.

and no none of us want to get vanned reporting killary in a moloch sacrifice

The fbi is about to get a nice expoze of comped sushi tomorrow.

Look on the news

No one will ever submit an online tip ever again. It will be by phone

The last tip by phone was the guy who called about finding cp on comets server. And they shot up comet

It really made them squirm

Hope they have enough phone lines


Bumo sounds interesting and big if true


They're sent to the Public Access Line unit which is located in Clarksburg, WV. PAL is a part of the CJIS division.

Source: fbi.gov/news/stories/fbi-public-access-line

I love Gillian Anderson

That's not her

That’s the call line not the online tip line fbi shill

Fielded by the same staff, dumbass

"So far this fiscal year, Public Access Line personnel have answered more than 617,000 calls and processed in excess of 611,000 online tips"


are you saying theres gonna be another false flag jewish psy op?

Yeah exactly my point all through one central server. They just pick out what they want to forward.

Case and point Florida shooter

Thanks for the info case closed fbi is fugged didn’t even need to prove their domain and dB has all info sent to one location


There will be more as long as the dc fbi and a few many bad nuggets around the country are removed from power within the fbi. The regional tip lines will get tips to more good agents at local fbi. Rather than the large amount of fucks in dc


Doesn't Debbie's brother run the fucking field office in Miami?

No, Robert Lasky is the SAC of the field office

All you need are metal detectors, armed guards, and locked doors. So easy it makes me think it’s the way it is on purpose.


We resolve IP to sort them a bit into regions

tick tock.

No "you" dont

Not if we have 10 proxies. What happens when you get German proxy on the line. That’s why you have one database in Virginia with a fat call center and tip line exchange in One place so a few ducks can monitor everything.

Honestly should have all your phone numbers listed in a directory so we can choose what agent we want to talk to


hey man... it's not 2006 anymore

bumping with karlie feets as this is of top priority

Is this going to be used to push for a privatized replacement of the FBI?