What will happen if I do 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, and run 10 km every single day?
What will happen if I do 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, and run 10 km every single day?
youll become a respectable human bean
You won't even get through one day.
But Saitama was not respected. Many view him as a scum.
If you actually get to regularly do that, you'll be respectfully fit (toned, not jacked) and doing maintenance
it's the 10km run that kills you. everything pales in comparison
I don't see why you couldn't make the pushups situps or squats harder somehow. who says you can do them faster or with more weight?
Actually, this is basic training for middle-aged men.
Darkshine probably did more weight training and cardio than Saitama did.
Get elected as president of Russia i think.
Depends. I'm an average (by European standards), slightly overweight person and i can jog 10k just fine. Putting one foot in front of the other takes so little energy it's really just a matter of will.
Running that much every day without taking time to rest would lead to severe exhaustion before anything else. If you somehow powered through that you would inevitably get injured.
It's not like doing it once is particularly challenging, doing it every day with no rest days in between is what would fuck you over.
You will never know because you will quit it and never finish it like everything in your life.
It gets easier.
t. guy who's been doing it literally every day for the past 204 days.
You could easily do it by running shorter jogs 3 times a day leaving a resting period in between.
Most atheles work out in the morning, in the afternoon and in the evening so their bodies get rest and dont get worn out while having maximum progress.
you'll go bald
Can you take down S-Class demons with one punch yet?
But what if I'm already bald?
your scalp falls off then
It's the impact on your bones and joints really. Running is terrible for your skeleton.
You'd be better off replacing the running with an equivalent amount of cycling. It would be entirely feasible then.
I guess to go in to more detail
It's hard as shit the first time you give it a try. The only "trick" is to do what Saitama did and keep at it. Think of the exercise as more of a spiritual and mental training than it is muscle training.
I started off doing sets. 25 push ups, 25 sit ups, 25 squats, break, 25 push ups, etc, etc. And I ran 1 mile, drank some some water, ran another mile, drank some water etc.
My diet mostly consisted of water, almonds, bananas, and fruit juice
Over time you'll get so used to the routine. Then you can do 100 PU's, SU's, and SQ's with no trouble at all if you start with an energetic spirit and mind.
But the road to that level is a hard fought one. There will come a day when you're doing push ups and you'll collapse from the exhaustion and muscle pain. You'll want to stop right then and there. But if you dedicate yourself and conjure up as much energy and determination as possible, you'll get through that hump and then 100 push ups will be nothing to you.
As for the running, if you're not careful it can really hurt you. When I first started off my legs were in an immense pain from doing running and squats. At times your legs will stop working spontaneously for a split second due to all the strain you've put on them from all the running and squats.
As for the results, you pretty much get a slim fit body. Also watch your overall body weight. Be careful not to go under the average body weight because doing and exercise like this every day can drastically increase your metabolism.
And as for the hair loss. No sign of hair loss for me yet. Maybe I'm not trying hard enough.
>all that fucking sugar
>no protons and no fat
I can't believe you kept up any exercise regime like that. In fact I can't believe you managed to get out of your bed at all.
Man fuck the no protons diet.
Isn't it unsafe to go 10km every single day?
depends, does that 10 kilometer route take you through Detroit?
Did I click on /fit instead of /a?
I think there's a surprising overlap between the two boards, /fit/ has a massive hardon for DBZ, Saitama gets posted now and then and goal body threads are full of anime guys and references
just pretend this is one of their fictional goal body threads
did you be sure to activate your almonds before you ate them?
>mfw I found out activating almonds is a real thing
Apparently it means bringing the nut to a state of pre-germination, I think it's done with submerging them in water. It gets rid of enzyme inhibitors that make nutrients less digestible in unactivated nuts.
I went on a trip to Germany for two weeks, and we did about 25km a day of walking. After one week, I could barely fall into my shitty hostel bed after the wind-down. I could barely get up in the mornings. One day, I got a fucking hernia in my back and passed out from the pain. It wasn't just my body, it was my feet and legs. My feet looked burnt and my legs were cramping every night.
Running 10k every day would destroy your body. It doesn't matter if you're fit, I am fit, walking that for two weeks nearly broke me. Running might be easier on the feet (running shoes have a lot more support than hiking sandals), but will be much worse on the body.
Yes, take it easy a couple days of the week.
I take steroids.
I think someone in french got ligament torn for running 10 km everday (+ other set)... check yt
>can't even do 1 pushup properly
How am I ever to get on saitama's level
that would be the hardest part for the lardasses. 10km is fucking brutal for the untrained
>tfw can barely run 2 miles
I have shitty stamina. Would it be pantsu on head retarded to try to do 10km immediately instead of slowly building up to it?
10km run everyday would be exploding_knees.jpg to most people, even athletes. your joints can't take that type of punishment on the regular without rest periods.
Don't think your done just because you have your almonds activated, you also have to make sure to energize them or the whole endeavor is pointless.
You will develop a decent base physique although you really should add pull-ups to that routine for a more balanced spread.
i started out like that too.
do negative pushups.
start from high up, then lower yourself to the ground as slowly as you can.
in a week you should be able to manage one normal pushup.
then build up from that. i'm currenntly at 25 pushups max per set. or 10 clap-ups. i started 2 months ago
Hi Mob.
look up couch to 5km
I got you senpai.
Is swimming better than running?
>Maybe I'm not trying hard enough.
You must've forgotten the most important part, not using air conditioning.
Are you guys all 50 years old and over 300lbs? Running does not destroy your body you weak shits
But can he do it at 400x Earth's gravity?
It does if you don't have proper form, good shoes that fit your running pattern, and give your body no time to rest.
It's very easy to fuck up your joints by running/jogging if you don't know what you are doing, on the flipside it's next to impossible to do the same by cycling and swimming unless you way overdo it so those are usually recommended for cardio over running.
Try being a neet for few years with little to non physical activity and running even 3km will kill you.
No, because darkshine did as much as he wanted and he eventually stopped
Saitama did all he could every day to the upmost without complaining. The rest of people either
>rely on superpowers
>rely on augmentation
>rely on robotics
>only do as much workout and training as they seem necessary
None of them bring themselves to the limit
and a real hero
>No, because darkshine did as much as he wanted and he eventually stopped
>Saitama did all he could every day to the upmost without complaining.
Did you not watch the episode? Did you not read the manga? Did you not get the joke?
It's a shit tier "basic get in shape" exercise.
>Running that much every day without taking time to rest would lead to severe exhaustion
no, i run marathons and i do this everyday. its like jogging for 1 hour
eri is cheating though. prosthetics make you better at it
Actually, if he subconsciously controls gravity, his workout may be even harder than Darkshine's.
>there are people who still don't get the joke
100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, and run 10 km every single day is something that an athlete or reasonably in-shape person can do as easily as breathing.
I can't even do 15 push-ups in a row.
>>tfw can barely run 2 miles
>I have shitty stamina.
Faito, user! Ganbare!
If rather die before I do cardio, I don't mind lifting, push ups or whatever.
hello /fit/. stick to your squats fatty
That shit tier jokd exercise, because it was killing saitama and the limit of what saitama could do, was what broke his limit
The important thing is not doing impressive exercise, is doing the exercise that could be considered someone's limit, which only saitama has done.
>no pulls (Inb4 deadlifts is a pull)
>no OHP
>no about work
This shit is guaranteed to not only make you look like shit, but give you muscle imbalances too.
>sound theory that is well though and fits the theme of the manga
>"oh shit, I have nothing to answer, I'LL JUST CALL HIM AUTISTIC!"
But to answer you
Real spoilers from the webcomic
in the webcomics that theory is confirmed in a conversation between a guy from the house of evolution and zombieman. Saying that the secret of saitama's strength is he having broken his own limits by doing what was the most taxating for him. That mediocre routine, because it was the limit for a mediocre guy like saitama, having been done without rest, was enough to break his limits. No other character ever thinks of going over to his own limits, like darkshine or tanktop master, even if their day to day
You'll grow hair.
Why do people always forget saitama was fighting monsters the whole time? It wasn't every day but he got in enough scuffles to make the overall stress a lot more than just the exercise.
Your knees will get fucked up.
What's the matter? Can't handle a little neutronium?
>walking 15 miles destroyed his body
You're not fit lol.
Typical Sup Forums.
>i swear guys ive never done exercise before
>yet i can run 10k which is almost 50 or more min for unexperienced runners
>a day
You don't seem to understand that prolonged running without rest will destroy your body.
Rest is important to allow the damage accrued by wear to heal. Doing it every day would destroy your ligaments, muscles, and joints.
>I don't do any exercise but I can jog 10km
You mean those jogs old women do where they sort of take small hops from one foot to the other?
>subconsciously controls gravity
If you're talking about Tats being unable to lift him that's because he's ridiculously resistant to psychic power.
There are too many to reply to you all, so I'll leave it with this many
You are all fucking retarded. Humans have the most resilient skeletal-muscular structure of any animal that exists. The reason you can't go 10km every day is because you are fucking weak. Yeah, going from doing nothing to that every day is too much of a jump, but if you work up to it 10km is absolutely nothing to something like a human. Humans started their upward trend as persistence hunters. I'm sure it's not a big surprise to any of you that most animals can run faster than humans can, so humans would hunt them down by just tracking them and chasing them until they were too tired to run away any more.
>People bitch about pushups and situps
Kek I'm a 100kg hambeast and even I can do like 40 pushups and 80 situps in one go
Not humanly possible. You will die of exhaustion before you can accomplish all of them.
Wouldn't being a hambeast make pushups easier since the distance to the ground is smaller?
Walking 15 miles a day everyday should not "destroy" your body.
You're a soft body fuck and are not fit.
>Running 10k every day would destroy your body.
That's just Marvel Citizen Syndrome.
I'd like to believe Real Life human are closer to DC Citizens
I run about 10k every two days and I'm far from being super fit
athletes can do 10k every day easily.
Are you implying that the shitposting on /fit/ is even remotely as bad as the Dragon Ball threads on Sup Forums, or is it actually a board worth checking out?
Look at the top athletes (long distance, middle distance) training programs and say their bodies are being destroyed.
You're fucking retarded. They don't run ten miles at once every single day.
>and 80 situps in one go
1 inch ROM does not count.
Don't listen to anyone encouraging this. Doing this every single day will eventually ruin your knees and cause your body to actually be less physically fit. These exercises are not conducive to proper growth.
10k is 6 miles and they do
Most athletes have a day where they rest and recover but I would be willing to say that there are some that push themselves to do it every single day regardless.
Are stationary bikes a good way to do cardio?
That's called overtraining and that's exactly how kevin ware broke his fucking leg when he landed
10k is a rest day for some guys I know. It's not always 100% intensity
Actually RUNNING for 10km is pretty impressive.
Thats just lazyness. I knew somebody that used to weigh something similar to that lard, and lost it all. They could do a few situps when they started even at that weight. That fat lard there is just a lazy sack of shit that thinks it will magically fall off if he puts his arms behind his head and pushed a bit.
I never said it wasn't called overtraining nor did I say it was a good idea.