Did blacks vote differently before marxists destroyed the black family?

Black fathers have been successfully replaced by the government. We see the same marxists now destroying the white family in the same fashion. Wasn't there a period in American history where the black family was mostly in tact? What were their politics like back then? I can only imagine what white politics would look like if they succeed in making 80% of white families fatherless too.

666 on her forehead in hair.

Are you kidding? Up until the 70s most black families would make most modern white families look degenerate by comparison.

Leading all the way up to the day of the "Civil RIghts" movement blacks were on par with whites in a lot of social indicators. Segregation in America advanced blacks as a people far more than any period in their history.

As racist as I am, if you control for the amount of people growing up in fatherless homes, 90 percent of black peoples problem vanish. Its by far the most important indicator of how your life is going to turn out regardless of race.

checked, and don't you talk about my blackfu like that

yes it was called the 50's the jfk came and fucked it all up LBJ DIDNT START IT THAT POTATO PRESIDENT COMMIE PIECE OF SHIT DID AND IM GLAD HE GOT SHOT

you are implying that niggers knew anything about politics prior to their giving of "rights". They've been trained up from their primal state into learning to vote for whoever is going to give them more stuff. Educated animals, and you''ll see soon enough when they finally decide to release the niggers on us.

"Democrats are the real racists!" cuck horseshit.

Get your alt-cuck baloney our of /pol. The reason why niggers are the way they are is because they are NIGGERS!!

PS - I wouldn't mind having that niggress working as my house nigger slave i confess.

and by their history, I dont mean just here, I mean their entire history as a people. They basically went from animals living in a jungle living horrid, brief, brutish lives and within a couple centuries were functioning junior members in the most successful society in known human history. Think about what an achievement that actually is. And Civil Rights destroyed all of that almost instantly. When you know that and here from cradle to grave universally how good the Civil Rights Movement, thats one of those blackpill moments that makes you hate humanity

leftists are far fucking worse than niggers. niggers are benign little non-threats without leftist ideology that are easy and malleable to work with

Blacks started voting for Democrats in the 30's when the Dems were literally the party of segregation, Jim Crow, and the KKK. They voted for Democrats because of welfare. You can even find the various black community leaders of the time writing how shitty it is that they had to vote for a bunch of racists, but they really wanted welfare.

I'm not even joking.

they actually voted republican when they had a real education and both parents

Kek, nigger lover

They flipped in the 30s with the New Deal but they at least didnt vote as a complete bloc sort of like spics do now until the 60s, and every election since then its been >90-99 percent democrat

Yeah. Their votes went in the trash.

Yeah I’d be able to deal with a lot of them if it wasn’t for liberalism. Imagine if they got hit in school by the teacher? They’d be more well behaved. If some leftist wasn’t telling them to hate whitey they’d probably pay less attention to us.

No. Blacks are incapable of voting as rational individuals.

>black Americans were good once
When will this meme die?

so restoring the black family wouldn't really make them vote republican? For whites at least, there definitely seems to be a strong correlation between destroying the white family and whites voting for a paternal government.

>Blacks started voting for Democrats in the 30's
Dude, it was the great depression.

How does Stacey Dash look so feminine, lads? Most black women are coursing with testosterone and look like ugly fat trannies.