Eyes thread

Post your favorite anime eyes

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The Rinnegan is really cool.

Rinnegan takes up the whole eye



I do like those eyes


The best.

ore wa emilia ga suki da


Everything about her is disgusting, including her eyes.


God what a shit character


The best

I'm kind of a sucker for heterochromia.

an eye*

Love the eyes in this show in general.

Nice. This is what I came here for; I'm glad you're on top of it.
Best seiyuu :3



Came here to post this. Any eyes animation where they mix multiple colors in characters' eyes looks gorgeous imo.

Pic related, eyes were also the only good thing to come from this show.

I want to cum on Emilia's face.

For real, Sup Forums?


I want fuck these.

Mikasa from Attack on Titan has the prettiest eyes

The eyes in Mahou Shoujo Ikuseu Keikaku are also really good.

Same show different girl

Same girl different scene

This tbqh.



I don't know why, but I like look of small pupils.

Just admit it, you felt the urge to post coffee after so much sugar in one thread without any mention to her. Just like in any Hotaru thread you need to barge in and tell people Saya exists

Absolutely Disgusting


how can you possibly like those eyes

never even watched Dagashi, I just like the look

keep those eyes closed





>Not posting Saya's superior shihakugan



God that's so bad lol

What the, this looks like 90s.

I like them too. It makes the character look stupid, which is cute.




>not liking the eyes
here's the collective (you). did the summer shitposters leave a bad taste in your mouths?


Doragon eyes

my wife has the best eyes




That's no waifu, that's a clock!







Best girl

the tiny pupils are weird
everyone in this anime looks deranged or extremely surprised 24/7

So green and round like emeralds

Mystical Eyes of Strict Yukinon.


I strongly dislike the overly bright digital looking eyes in a lot of post-90s stuff. very uncanny valley

her entire body is round

blurry pic, but still



Yuuko Kanoe

I wish I knew of more stuff where the eyes have manga-like drawn linework

Evil bitch.
>Let's go to heaven together
He was just a kid, he had his whole life ahead of him. What about his friends and family?


that triggers me more that it should.

What does Sup Forums think about anime girls with their eyes and mouth turned upside down™?

Pretty okay


Uh oh it looks like you said the secret code word!

i just love everything about her

i knew you would do something like that!

Wanna see something unexpected?

sure - show me something unexpected.


Even the fact that she only likes vaginas?

>uncanny valley

The fact that she want to give her virginity to araragi states that she isn't that strict about that.

tinyurl com/m3jtk47
I'll give you 3 guesses to the content of that link

Love me some Black Bullet

Why is her blood blue?
Is she actually an alien