>Atilla the Hun, one of the bloodiest and most brutal conquerors of all time
>Turned into a tan cute girl
Where did it go wrong?
>Atilla the Hun, one of the bloodiest and most brutal conquerors of all time
>Turned into a tan cute girl
Where did it go wrong?
Other urls found in this thread:
Why would you assume he was bloody?
Don't call her that, it's not "cute". Bad civilization!
what I hate about is, that they made her some sort of a mentally ill self loathing bitch.
She's also a cute giant who lives in an asteroid or some stupid shit like that.
I don't see anything wrong here.
He raped and murdered his way through Europe
B-but she is cute. I want to call her that
She's not self-loathing though is she? I was more surprised she was even capable of falling in love with the MC though
The question is how could it possibly be any more right?
If you don't like it just wait until they also release a male Atilla and put the "Altera was the actual one in the nasuverse but this is the manifestation of what the legend came to be seen as" shit they do for every popular servant
Would Atilla be a good wife and mother to your daughters?
Name one
Nothing went wrong.
Just a way different origin story.
Nasu-verse Attila ain't even human.
Putting aside the whole Altera thing, Attila could fucking turn anything she holds into Photon Ray. Even when she was "human" she had that sword of the war god.
The historical documents about the huns are barely existing, so we don't know if she wasn't a cute tanned beauty with white hear for real.
During Extra development. That's when they first turned a clearly evil person into a cute girl, by making Nero.
>brown with white hair
>blessed with ability to discern bad civilization
>swings around a rainbow glowstick gogurt whip
Is this perfection?
There's 2 Vlad IIIs
Elizabeth and Carmilla. Loli Jack and strange fake Jack. Lancer Vlad and Berserker Vlad. Also male Arthur but for him they just pulled the alternate universe card.
i wouldn't put my dick anywhere near anyone called the "scourge of god"
It was so hard not rolling her. I need to save my quartz for JANNU ALTER. But I will roll her when I get another chance after that.
I usually don't even like small breasted characters.
Why does she dress like that? Isn't it chilly?
Don't forget
>comes in 2 sizes, small and extra extra extra extra extra extra extra extra large
When even the gods fear you, the environment being cold is nothing.
What's the point? She's too big for your dick to even go inside.
Maybe her butt hurts
Did she conquer large part of the known world because of breast envy?
>being a yurifag
Hakuno canonically likes to rest on Altera's abs, that's what her giant form is for.
>claims not to know love
>falls in love with MC
I can imagine she conquered because she was angry about other women calling her a washboard during one of the meetings
>raided Rome twice
>destroyed the Western Roman Empire
>destroyed any unlucky tribe that happened to be in his way
>Shirou summons Atilla instead of Artoria
How does the war go? I'd imagine she's easily one of, if not the most, powerful servants available. It looks like she could wipe Gil easily if she wanted to.
>city of Venice literally formed by refugees fleeing into inhospitable marshes to escape him
Can I fuck that?
>one of the most successful conquerors of all time
Considering that she can attack space itself, I'm pretty sure Attila is one of the most powerful servants.
And then there's Teardrop Photon Ray which is essentially an artillery strike courtesy of the war god Mars himself.
She dies six times in the game, and (you) die front of her while she tells (you) how much she loves (you) right before (you) die,
and she dies afterwards
Shirou dies during Bahsaka attack because no Avalon. Emiya and Rin are also killed in process. Gil kills everyone and uses the Grail purges the earth of degenerates. Everyone, including the planet itself, live happily ever after.
>Shirou dies during Bahsaka attack because no Avalon
He doesn't get hurt, because Attila won't get Gay Bulge'd and be left too weak to fight Herc, then forcing Shirou to take the hit.
>Emiya and Rin are also killed in process
Attila kills Archer outside the house. Rin goes home.
It's still fucking Hercules with 12 lives. Attila won't be winning that easily. Especially with an incompetent master like Shirou.
Also, Attila won't get Gay Bulge'd? Without Instinct to saver her ass, she'd probably be dead.
Lancer's orders were to scout the servants, not kill them. He only used his NP because Arturia figured out his true name and provoked him. Altera probably won't know his identity and Lancer will retreat.
Upon being summoned and confirming that Shirou is her master, Atilla goes on a rampage immediately following her natural instinct to destroy everything.
Everyone else bands together to stop her.
You challenge my every decisions. It is as if you seek to lead the Huns yourself......
To be fair that's space attilla who's entire lot in life is to Fuck up entire planets, and she is extremely damn good at it too.
>It looks like she could wipe Gil easily if she wanted to.
Gilgamesh beat her in their duel. He didn't even need Enkidu or EA. She would only be a challenge as Sephyr, not as Atilla/Altera.
>And then there's Teardrop Photon Ray which is essentially an artillery strike courtesy of the war god Mars himself.
Both Nero and Tamamo survived Photon Ray. Sure Tamamo used a decoy and his out of its range, but Nero tanked that shit to the face and beat her.
I'd rather see historical figures turned into cute girls than have them go full sumanai.
>Nero tanked that shit to the face
With the regalia's power, that is.
In Body!Hakuno's route Teardrop Photon Drop was used against Nero who didn't block with the regalia, she was fucking annihilated, not even leaving anything behind.
>still no gengis khan
>still no lu bu
>still no guan yu
>still no bai qi
compared to most of the servants in FGO that only have tens or hundres count kill, those hero chinks have kill counts more than millions, especially bai qi and gengis khan who flattened a several dynasty by themselves according to history
Nips really hate chinks huh?
>>still no lu bu
>still no Lu Bu
Are you perhaps autistic user ?
loli Hitler when?
ie he was just the personification of all jews hatred for themselves. Totally not like loli Jack.
Must've missed that
Gil achieved draw after trying to sucker punch her during fight with Jeanne and simply moved goalposts.
He loses not just because of not having Avalon unfuck his mistakes but also because Atilla is super expensive when it comes to Mana consumption.
Bitch is the only person to talk to the Extra MC about consumption and this nigga fueled Gilgamesh no problem.
See my pic OP
>Nips hate chinks
Li Shuwen, Lu Bu, Jing Ke, Wu Zetian, Yan Qing.
>where did it go wrong
what did he mean by this
Altera needed outside help from Hakuno in order to earn that stalemate though. Had they just fought as independent servants (like she was going to) she'd have been forced to become Sephyr due to the poison Gil inflicted.
what I don't remember is Tamamo being your "sub-servant" and Nero being your main servant, where the fuck does that happens, in CCC?
Not the user, but name one (1) fight where Lancer doesn't use Gae Bolg. I'll wait.
Just know that Extella is an AU of CCC and Extra massed together with parallel world fuckery
It all began with Saber being turned into a woman and the rest is history.
Also Altera cannot wipe Gilgamesh. She got played with during her 1on1 no master fight against Gilgamesh to the point where she would've died if the MC hadn't stepped in and even if she did become Sephyr which i'm not even sure is possible when she's a regular Servant not in the Moon Cell she would have just gotten fucked over harshly since Gil openly admits she would be a worthy opponent then or in other words he'd go serious.
Extella uses a different Fate/Extra as its basis called Fate/Extra Zero. Google it if you want to know about it.
In Extella/Zero. A retelling of Extra and CCC. It was originally a novel by Nasu, but he only got as far as the outline:
Extella is the sequel to a plot outline that never got published. Extella/Zero was only going to have one route (Nero's) so they had to find a way to justify Tamamo.
Read Extella/Zero. An extremely retarded version of Extra and CCC where Hakuno gets both Tamamo and Nero. It exists for one reason alone. Nasu still has a boner for every Saber, even the worst Saber Nero, so he wanted her to be the only main heroin. Tamamo was thus reduced to a side servant.
when nasu realize he could gender bend old legends for maximum profit.
Extella Zero.
Rumors say that the Extra anime will end up being it.
>It exists for one reason alone. Nasu still has a boner for every Saber
Nah... I'm pretty sure it's just to retcon the 4th battle which is the choice between the Mad Vlad fight or the Arcueid route. Little else is really changed from it too much.
i still cant get over how fucking stupid her sword looks like.
its just awful.
so basically my fucking Tamamo waifu gets cucked because Nasu has a boner for Saber
at least this saber is not boring... but fuck off, I prefer Tamamo
she kill him either for being a sexist moralfag or beacuse he dosent want to destroy mankind.
>Nasu still has a boner for every Saber
That's Takeuchi, not Nasu. Everyone knows Nasu is a fujo and only truly cares about male characters. Nero is getting pushed lately because Nasu said Arthuria's story is done with and he's not writing more of her so TM needs a new Saberface to put on the forefront in the meanwhile. Don't forget that Nero is also the Whore of Babylon/Mother Harlot and most certainly gonna become a Beast so that's yet another reason why she's on the forefront lately.
Just wait until Amaterasu becomes a Beast. You'll have your Tamamo spotlight then.
Awful. Why do they have to pick cool characters and turn them into women. Just ruins them.
Except that Nero is just the canonical waifu. She was the one summon, the one who spent time with and served Hakuno the most, and ended up with double the screentime Tamamo would get. Even the ending is her ending. Everything is now Nero. Tamamo is just fanservice that exists to serve no purpose. Which is why so many, including myself, ended up hating Tamamo's role in Extelle. Because she's just there, being retarded and doing nothing.
This one change bring Tamamo from best girl in Extra and CCC to the worst girl in Extella and Extella/Zero.
Yes. Exactly.
Though I disagree on your claim this is a good Saber. Zero historical accuracy in her character, too arrogant and entitled attitude, but unlike Gil, she lacks the power to enforce her dominance. She's one of, if not THE most forced character in my opinion.
She also gets thrown off a bridge right at the end by Nero. She doesn't even make it to Twice Peaceman.
It's hilarious how much they bully Tamamo. First she lost her route, then she got a different, abusive master, then she tried to seduce Hakuno with all her wiles and got BTFO because his affection for Nero was stronger, then Nero beat her in the 4th round, then after Hakuno stopped her from dying with a Command Seal she decided to call herself his Servant (she isn't technically his servant at all), then at the end of the story she's pushed off a bridge as a lighthearted moment of comedy when she's trying to do a "heroic sacrifice."
This was all before Extella had her defeated first in every route but her own, made her completely irrelevant to the overall story (you could cut her route entirely because the only thing that happens is Mathman corrupting Elizabeth.) And at the end of the true route she's reduced to a clingy neighbor next door whilst Nero and Hakuno raise their new baby Altera in Nero's grand kingdom.
That's before you talk about Nero getting the Carnival Phantasm and All Around Type-Moon cameos, Nero getting the event in F/GO and Nero getting a whole anime in Last Encore. Oh and Extella 2 is a thing. I wonder who that'll revolve around...
I've never seen a supposed Heroine get blown the fuck out so hard before.
in my head Extella never happened and my character is happily pumping Tamamo every night
Nero got ruined later with Septem and Extella. She was pretty okay in Extra and CCC.
>Zero historical accuracy in her character
Honestly, the biggest issue is making her a dindu nuffin. Nero says she did tons of things wrong but then everyone and their mom goes and starts sucking up to her and how Nero is da bes. The dissonance is what kills it, it's like there's two people fighting over how should Nero be written and portrayed as at Type Moon.
A Tamamofag must have tried to kill Nasu's mom or something. The amount of shat-on Tamamo has suffered is plain unnatural.
Hopefully this new Nero reminds you all as to why Tamamo is a second rate heroine only good for losing.
Nero and Tamamo are for plebs.
Sakuras and Emiya is where the true Extra patricians are at.
All you need to walk away from Extella with is Alteras characterization. That's really it. The rest doesn't matter. It's like what Extra was before CCC happened. Just another what-if,the game even makes an example of that by bringing in the tree-branching timeline shit
It's not just in your head. Extella doesn't replace Extra. It's just a different version of it. Like how there's 3 routes in Stay Night. It's just a different route. Tamamo is being best waifu in her route, where Hakuno and Tamamo are in an RPG on an adventure to defeat Tamamo's other tails.
>Nero and Saber alter car
The strongest racer?
Gee, if only everything in Fate was canon!
>used goods
>worm slut
fucking kek
>Saber Alter
It's Rider Maid Alter Which is dumb because there's already a Rider Santa Alter but hey
You wish
the way Extella is written, it seems like the first 3 parts of each servant are discarded because they are "bad futures" and there's a "true route" with Saber being the main servant and Tamamo being cucked as fuck, and altera being a cute daughteru
>That mommy
God bless Type Moon.
To be honest, everyone but Altera got the shaft character-wise in Extella.
Nero and Tamamo had their waifu-pandering turned to 11. Altera got all the character development (and yes, she's another villain-type heroine who didn't think the MC would ever trust/accept her for what she'd done in the past.)
It was Altera's time in Extella, so the other two got either reduced screentime (Tamamo) or had all their depth removed to make Altera's character more tragic (Nero.)
Last Encore will give people the Nero from Extra. Those PV's are filled with nothing but the ruined streets of Rome, the dead and dying, and a Nero who looked like she'd experienced nothing but suffering. It doesn't look like you're getting comedy fun time with Red Saber in that anime.
I, for one, want to pound this chuuni edgelord.
That's a whole different issue altogether, and I agree that's one of the many reasons of why Extella is also a turn-off. It feels like they are trying hard to make it the "canon" Extra despite canon meaning jackshit in Type Moon. One cannot help but think about how much Nero is getting in comparison to Tamamo, Emiya and even Gilgamesh.
Let us hope that Extella 2 turns out better.
Altera was the main focus and she didn't get a fucking moon drive transformation, it fucking baffles me
>even Gilgamesh
Don't put him on their sad level. Gilgamesh is a glorious bastard who doesn't need much to keep his shine up. All of his parts as little as they may be in Extella are all great shit. Just witness this majesty
Also this reminds me that Jeanne didn't really do fucking anything at all in Extella. She has no purpose other than being a general with tits
She doesn't get cucked since technically you end up with both of them at the end of the game. and also people seem to forget she's the only one in the game confirmed to fuck you
Didn't he die from drowning in his own nosebleed?
>Emiya and even Gilgamesh
I imagine because there's just nothing left to say about those two. After all 3 Stay Night routes, Hollow Ataraxia, Extra, CCC, Zero, GO, Prisma fucking Ilya and Strange Fake there's not really anything else to add.
They're on the backburner the same reason that Arturia is. Their stories have already been told. They're kept around for fanservice and merchandise reasons. But there's no new ground to break with their characters so they have to stay as cameos.
Extella 2 will probably focus on Altera again. After Extra, CCC, Extella, GO and Last Encore I imagine Nero's story wont really have much further left. Altera will be the Extra/Extella protag (despite her unproven popularity.)
For me, it was a bit different. I was a pretty big Arturiafag, and Nero looked like Arturia, so she was the first servant I picked with high hopes. But I ended up hating the entire game by the last week and quit because of how much I ended up hating my own servant.
Her design was just retarded. I'm sure those who think with their dicks will appreciate it, but a supposed "heroic spirit" with a transparent skirt, with design like that of Arthur's clothes who didn't exist until some 1200 years after Nero, all of that made no sense and just made me question WHY. If a character is straining someone's suspension of disbelief with just the design, you know you're doing something wrong. Or that person is retarded. Either way, safe to say I wasn't a fan of the design.
I had looked up her identity first. I was excited to have an "evil" servant like Gil. Nero is one of the most infamous rulers of all time. Then I got an innocent and naive girl who acted cute and UMU, and just periodically claimed she was not good. I was extremely disappointed. When I learned about her being a dindu nuffin, that was just it. At that point, she was just a personification of the concept false advertisement.
>a Nero who looked like she'd experienced nothing but suffering
And that's the worst part for me personally. She's supposed to be the one to make others suffer. Just being another TRAGIC HERO WHO DINDU NUFFIN WRONG is boring as fuck.
>She has no purpose other than being a general with tits
Just like in Apocrypha!
Honestly, what makes me the most depressed about Extella is Redman. It's not even his Hakuno and all his Hakuno and he went through was suffering and struggle. He can't never catch a break.
I want to have anal sex with Altera
You're delusional. She ends up with Hakuno along side Nero, which Nero hates. Hakuno also only survives on Tamamo's route.
If Li Shuwen picks up a spear, does he get access to God Spear Needs No Second Strike even if he's Assassin?
You mean right.
>summons himself
what a guy