Go back to Europe

America isn't your home!

Other urls found in this thread:

books.google.com/books?id=GnoIxg-A1msC&pg=PA94&lpg=PA94&dq=cinmar bipoint&source=bl&ots=HFp0jEz7ro&sig=_gvfAEUhK3azYJ03SB9QqoQLIII&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiVwb7CiazZAhUKzoMKHVMbA6EQ6AEIPzAE#v=onepage&q=cinmar bipoint&f=false

It is now

>"You Stole America from the Indians"

Thanks to Mueller we know that Bernie Sanders supporters were Russian agents. You are colluding with Russia to undermine America.
The moment you posted your IP was backtraced and we can contact the cyber police anytime we want to have you charged as a Russian agent working for Putin.

We took it from primative savages who were in a constant state of warfare with each other over access to shiny polished shells along the river banks.

to the victor goes the spoils ol chum

It is now, we won it from you red faggots fair and square. Not our fault you couldn't unite and repel da ebil white man.

I'll give you some beads and liquor if you fuck right off

I know multiple Cherokee and they hate both niggers and Mexicans. Please stop Siouxpache posting and die off already. The only tribes not worth exterminating were the ones sent to Indian Territory.

As soon as the Injuns go back to Siberia.

And your culture imploded when we showed up so its not yours either, also jokes on you, I am a fucking mix breed with one of the tribes that didn't cuck out like the fags in the picture



Is the American climate slowly turning us into natives?

>the same chabad shitposter larping as a mexican
go back to khazaria. America isn't your home!

Daily reminder that USA is resposible for the fall of western civilization. Bashing white people and white culture started in Muttland and spread to Europe.
Black history month, black power, black lives matters, SJW, all of this is Mutts invention. Hollywod, gorylion jews, banksters, globalists - thy all come from Muttland or serve their masters from Muttland and Wall Street. Porn industry, degenerration of culture, low education level, high crime and many more. We all know its true.

Europe muast unite and fight with Mutts before its too late. It's all Europeans responsibility to stand against Mutt's propaganda.

B-but muh 1/64th Cherokee blood!!??

Learn how to fucking spell, you illiterate.

my great grandfather was a plains indian. do i get to stay?


No joke though, native Americans wiped out their own culture after they got guns and horses. That said as well the Native Americans are a great example of why you should be careful around newcomers and migrants.


Fine, but we're taking all the firewater back with us.

Checkmate prairie niggers.

>Wipe out their own culture

more than 80% of the population died for the plague.


What's worse: a home that isn't yours because you took it by force or a home that isn't yours because you lost it because you're weak?

How about whites just to back to Europe?

80% says the people who never saw the body's, or the dead tribes. yes the culture (CULTURE, not race or people) died because of the pop wipe and the guns and horse, it imploded

Don't forget alcohol and sugar

actually, he is a russian chabad troll that larps as a mexican. you can see he shit here

and that is not even the start, couldn't handle the goods that where open to them.

are you one of (((them))) or are (((they))) just paying you?

Shill thread


Go back to Asia

>Go back to Europe

Tell that to the niggers, Jews and spics.

Our home.
Cinmar Bipoint.
Case closed.
books.google.com/books?id=GnoIxg-A1msC&pg=PA94&lpg=PA94&dq=cinmar bipoint&source=bl&ots=HFp0jEz7ro&sig=_gvfAEUhK3azYJ03SB9QqoQLIII&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiVwb7CiazZAhUKzoMKHVMbA6EQ6AEIPzAE#v=onepage&q=cinmar bipoint&f=false

You might not have lost to Invaders if you didn't insist on picking fights with each other every other Tuesday and banded together, instead.

>Not because they killed all the buffalo and drove the people out of their houses.

Shouldn't have sold it for crumbs and wars you could not win, then. The ancestors on my Native American side were soo foolish.


go back to syberia you werernt the firlst ones eithr mongoloids

We’ll go back to Europe once you lefties left Europe kick all the blacks and Arabs out. Deal?

Go back to asia gook!

Only if you walk up through Canada and Alaska and back into Russia the way you came here.

Eh...Jews didn't steal the land though.

If I could, I would return to the land of my forefathers. Alas, they only take poor uneducated Muslims and moon crickets, chief. Now, if you wouldn't mind, I'd like to take a hit of that sweet native herb you got in that peace pipe you got. If need be, I'll trade for some pemmican and gunpowder.

Go back to Siberia : America isn't your home!

Nowadays it's more like "go back to Africa, America isn't your home".

America isn't indians home either. They came from Asia. GTFO redskins.

i am Cherokee and i want you off my land, khazar

Well. Jews bought the land in Palestine.

Not really.

"The first was Neve Tzedek, founded by Mizrahi Jews due to overcrowding in Jaffa and built on lands owned by Aharon Chelouche.[14] Other neighborhoods were Neve Shalom (1890), Yafa Nof (1896), Achva (1899), Ohel Moshe (1904), Kerem HaTeimanim (1906), and others"

Wouldn't a UN flag be better for you than American?

Do blacks, Asians, and Orientals get to stay?

How about the Mexica?

Europoids were the first Nations long before the neomongloid Indians showed up.
North America is Atlantis and home of the white Man.
More whites should come home to their promised land.

>America isn't your home!
It's not yours either faggot, Indians are Mongoloids, so, I guess they have to go back to Eurasia.

>America isn't your home!
on the contrary, this is not your home, redskin. America was founded for and by the white man, you were simply wildlife that had to be removed to create a glorious nation.

cry more jewboi

Taiwan to be exact

>Thanks to Mueller we know that Bernie Sanders supporters were Russian agents. You are colluding with Russia to undermine America.

Spencer works for Dugin so it could be...

Westward expansion was a mistake. Manifest Destiny was a mistake.Asphalt and copper mines are a mistake.

You're a bunch of weak faggots who lost your home. Finders keepers losers weepers. Sit back and enjoy the show over the next couple decades where the future of whites is decided. Will we be obliterated or will we rise to secure our future for the next several centuries? Either way you will still be nothing more than a loose collection of a dead people. You are exactly what I do not want to become and are the example which drives me to demand the ethnic cleansing of the west.

go back to your reservation America isn't your home

Go back to Siberia you filthy land-bridgers

a propaganda lie