Be me

>be me
>go to school
>dont have to worry about getting shot at it
>thanks mexico

Other urls found in this thread:

Ah yes Mexico. The land of no crime.
Hope your dad isn't a cop down there.
Somebody post webm

>be me
>be not Mexican
Life is good

I'm really happy for you desu, just keep away from the cartel turf.....Oh wait..,I mean just don't do anything to piss off the cartel overlords anywhere.

moving to Mexico soon boys desu I hear it's much safer there than in the US

good luck getting to school lol

>Ah yes Mexico. The land of no crime.
I fucking lost it

Pay for the wall Jose.

You get beheaded instead

Didnt like 30 Mexican students on a bus all disappear a couple years ago?


Get shot at the school? Like out of a cannon?

2017 was Mexico's highest murder rate of the century with almost 30,000 murders. America has 12,000 fewer murders in any given year with 2 and a half times the population and MUCH OUR MURDERS ARE COMMITTED BY FUCKING SPICS FROM MEXICO.

Fucking kill yourself.

Look what you've done, now you're going to be infested with burgers. You really want the 56% menace coming for your señoritas? Build the wall now!!


well if you niggers keep crossing the boarder our government will burn a classroom of you niggers again


>Grand Theft Amigo

>be mexican
>wake up because mom is screaming that no clean water is available
>go downstairs and find dad rolling cigars by front stoop (can't afford table cause filthy spic)
>get ready for my job at the tamale factory cause im 13 and in spicxico
>go to tamale factory
>cartel says that i'm a pussy and don't know what i'm doing
>i get beheaded because of cartel

Technically correct. Chances are you'll be carved up with a machete if not merely kidnapped, raped and tortured first.

Good for you looking at the bright side though, OP.

>be Mexican
>go to school
>learn nothing
>go home
>entire family is decapitated


Why would anyone want to live in USA?
>high crime statistics
>go outside, get shot
>bad education
>number one in exporting white guilt, sjw ideology and other cultural marxist inventions

>be me
>go to school
>earthquake makes school fall on my head
>thanks quetzalcoatl


Thats awesome dude! lets just send all the mexicans back, to lovingly enjoy mexico!

Why would anyone want to be Japanese?
>ugly, beta slant eye
>tiny dick
>women look like pre-pubescent boys
>boring ass society
>anime influenced fagboys with no testosterone
>top 3 least desirable men, right next to niggers
congrats gook, you're a faggot

>not worrying about getting shot at
someone post the webm of the mexican school shooting in case it hasnt already been posted

>be female
>not realize that the chances of being raped in mexico is literally fucking 80%
>get raped

>be mexican
>get beheaded


>number one in exporting white guilt, sjw ideology and other cultural marxist inventions
We're also number one in exporting nuclear explosions over jap cities.

That guy getting run over
We just had another earthquake today actually, I appreciate your concern

Why don't you give this a watch OP.

be me.
NOT be mexican.
feels good man.



It's more than just a meme

>not looking at the guy casually strolling down the pedestrian bridge

God, can you leafs please just kill your peopleselves already


>Be mexican
>Casually look at druglord in the eyes on the street
>Get handcuffed to a fence
>Tongue cut out
>Face peeled off with a potato peeler
>Hands cut just for lulz
>Druglords piss on my skinless face
>Use screwdriver to pull my eyeballs out of their sockets
>Remove penis and testicles using a pocket knife
>After 10 minutes of laughing they have the decency of shooting at me in the head
>Ghost comes from the afterlife
>Goes on Sup Forums
>Post about how great being mexican is

They had it coming

Where is he?
We need him now.

>Be mexican
>go to school
>leave school and get kidnapped by cartel and held ransom
>thanks mexico

Amazing and clear description of life in a gun-control Utopia. Soon all our leftists and gun-grabbers will be rushing to safe, civilized mexico to get away from Dangerous gun-soaked America

>be u
>worry about cartel
>worry about gangs
>worry about low paying jobs
>worry about police corruption
>be safe from school shooting cause by hispanic school shooter named Nikolaus De Jesus Cruz - today only

Nuff said

>protest in uni
>(((cartel))) behead you

Mexico had 35,000 gun related deaths last year as oppose to the US that had only 6,500 and mexico is half the population of the US. Who the are you kidding beaner? This is public knowledge and easily accessible.

Do mexicans know that you can't get blood from a stone?

That's like ransoming a dindu from public housing. Scratch that. A dindu in public housing has more money that the average mexican.

his dad wasnt a cop you stupid

was a rival narco

What really grinds my gears are latinos who don't know their place.

This. Spics are literally worse than niggers.

Is there really a fucking difference there?

250k Salvadorans will never find this acceptable.

These people literally think it's OK that 20% of the salvadorirans here in the US give like 20% of their GDP per capita to this state

Seriously? Nobody has the webm?

>where im currently staying
im safe, right guys?

They dissapear you by the bus load in Me-he-co and shoot you. You're country is infamous for it.
I'd rather live in fucking finnland than Mexico m8 and finnland is the worst place I've ever been. It's all igloos and puffy faced eskimos that smell of raw fish but at least their politicians don't kidnap whole classes of school kids and have them beheaded.
You're baiting aren't you. In the Idocracy meaning of the word too, prolly.

>Be Mexican
>Go to school with 42 of your amigos
>Never seen again

But hey it's so much better when it's government funded narco death squads doing the killing, right?

>go to school
Pick one.
>#2 Mexico
>#5 Haiti

Even worse, leaf, will be when all the libshits here finally realize Trump is going to be President for two full terms and they flee north and wind up taking all your dogs

I was waiting for someone to post that video of that elementary mexican kid shooting everyone in the school room lol surprised nobody posted it

We loved that guy. He helped the iron maiden by letting her bomb Argentinas runways with nuclear bombers loaded with conventional bombs to send the clear message 'we will win no matter how many of you die' from airfields in his country. Shhhhh! It's a secret. But not a very well kept one.

i've seen this posted several times... do leafs really fuck their dogs?

Lmao you talk like you are in a positition of power, blue collar nigger

Another good thing about being mexican trash is you won't be kidnapped. They only kidnap white or rich kids. Thumbs up bro.

start with you favela nigger

Are you seriously saying Mexico is a bastion of safety?

They were SJWs communists so it’s OK.