Legs over tits

Leg lovers share your favorite image of legs.

I find legs to be superior and sexier than tits. They're far more alluring and never expire. Plus you can do far more erotic things with legs. Like Footjobs and Thigh jobs.

boys have better legs than girls, OP

just so you know where you're headed

Let's try to make this somewhat Sup Forums related. A rather recent pic.

Robot legs

Bare legs are way too sexy.


I've come to really appreciate white pantyhose recently. Don't have many pictures, if any, of them, though.



Legs, buts and breasts. This is the perfect combination.

i still can't get over the weird feet they keep giving her nowadays

force dampening, load bearing.

still, she had regular legs and feet in the manga until she got turned into a lil skeltal angel



KTKMs lewdless is underrated.




How? Boys legs are tree trunks, girls legs are more shapely and curvy.



Legs are sexy, feet aren't.
Stop trying to find allies, footfag

nothing wrong with treetrunks if they are attached to something nice






Literally any doujin by Kyockcho.



Bare legs are excellent, but covered ones are a whole new level of sex.





Excellent thread, lads.


tfw no legs

Please keep it anime and manga related.





Stop posting my wife, thanks.





One of my wife



what's the point of this being a gif?


No idea, just happens to be an image that I have. my deepest fuggin apologies.



Mai waifu


I wanna sniff them.


Red a best

>ywn join the mile high club






Any reason why she has a emirates/qatar airways uniform on? Is she gonna get shit on by a bunch of sand niggers in Dubai?


those legs made me cum twice.

Robot legs are best legs.


miracle of the universe

I want to lick these metallic legs.







I have jacked off to just her legs alone countless times.




I love pantyhose




>Sup Forums is all shi-



All parts of the female 2D body are exquisite.

Thigh meat is yummy

Shit legs, you're confusing ass with legs.


You guys aren't bad



this show had some good legs.