1 page thread


That fukken manga gave me like 3 new phobias




Hey. That's not very nice of them. That's not okay.



Well, she is a murderer, rape it okay


Guess I'll accept it then. Murder is bad.

>the shock
Is shock a way to name a penis?

Did he died? Seriously though did he? If not I want to pick it up.


What a masterpiece even for this whore author


Nah, unlike in the manga you posted, cute girls don't casually die there




Thanks. Picked up.








>tfw I cried like a bitch with a softcore porn badly written pee fetish manga


Wow that's pretty homosexual.

t. good taste
I'm so sad that it got axed early and the author never got to finish it properly.


This is one of my favourite yuri manga.

So many good characters.





Is that some kind of gook humor?



Excuse me. It is high quality comedy gold. Also happens to be one of the best ongoing yuri manga (even though it's a manhua).


>how two girls have sex

Well, that is a legit question, you can't sex with no p0n0s

Guess they just have to keep trying then.

how not to typeset 101

Wasn't it ended because the author had health problems or something like that?
Or was that just some bs to save face?


Ah yes, the joys of an arranged marriage with a mentally retarded underage comically uncivilized foreigner

Does it really matter when they are so cute?


This guy knows what's up.






Obviously they rub the backs of their knees together.


Can you even call it sex with no penetration

Source? Already tried tineye, google and saucenao. What is the best reverse image search btw?

reverse image search for normal manga:
1. google
2. yandex
3. tineye
iqdb -> booru images
sauceNAO -> hentai, doujins, pixiv
whatanime.ga -> anime screencaps, gifs, webms

try using yandex and google for make sure you don't search the thumbnails

To be honest here, for me the manga would have been better if the guy was less into the idea of a totally depended underage wife from far away.
(Maybe it was touched upon later in the series, but i only read the first few chapters)

Here's 1 panel instead.

Much obliged. Who could have thought that the Russian make the best reverse image search tool.

Everyone was reading that before anime aired, summerfag




It didn't get axed, author came down with the japanese flu.

That chapter just got uploaded yesterday neo-fag.


Shit manga, if you read it I hope it is for the tits

Is he kill?



This is the first thing I thought of when I saw that page


NOTHING from that manga can actually happen, right?




Well, most of the stuff there is true but the numbers are tooo fucking massive


This shit is making my stomach churns

>CGDCT gone slutty
I'm getting mixed feelings here

Google gives me nothing. Sauce ?

Damn auto mutilation always gives me the creep

Gib source.

Give yourself Yandex.

Use yandex.



spanish bat




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this was a wild ride