Why the hell did manga industry became so bland in these past few years? Apart from a few series...

Why the hell did manga industry became so bland in these past few years? Apart from a few series, most of the newly released stuff are unbearably boring.

>non-anime/manga image

Kill yourself.

What was I expecting for posting in Sup Forumsutism?

Do you speak Japanese and regularly buy a wide variety of magazines? Because if you don't, you have no right to talk about the manga industry.

>Do you speak Japanese and regularly buy a wide variety of magazines
I know the industry better than anyone else on this site including you.

My uncle works as a sewer technician, that's why I know a few things about manga industry.

Prove it.

fucking scanlators aren't scanlating good manga

literally no other reason

I'm not gonna waste my time trying to prove against some random fucktard which opposes my authority from the start. It's already useless because you'll keep finding shit in whatever I say.

>which opposes my authority from the start
Thanks man, I had a good chuckle.

Now now, that's not the way of addressing your betters.

this, only isekai WN/LN/Manga get quick translations nowadays, most of them are bland and repetitive wish-fulfillment shits


>non-anime/manga image

>Why the hell did manga industry became so bland in these past few years
It's the art what makes it bland. So now, we have a good end-of-the-world story, but the artwork is so fucking abysmal that I had to drop it because it's almost unreadable (see Sekai Oni).

Because nobody has Bleach to shit on, any longer.

I work as a scanlator, and so far we've worked for 2 audiences: Those who like to read a good story, and those who like fanworks. It's hard to keep with ongoing good manga becuase their scanlation process cost quite a lot. Another reason is for because it's hard to keep a straight line with lenghty works as translators often get frustrated with their results. It's a lot more easier for us to scan fanworks for they're more sustainable and cost less than a regular manga. But still, we always want to get our hands on a good work, but we have to be sure if mangaka is actually promising for it. That's why we don't like to give a chance to debuts or less known works because the risk is too big and it might blow up in our hands like it did on many occasions.

What about already completed manga?

It's the same. Like I said, we only choose works that we deem could be profitable for us.

Readers' desires also play a huge part. If they want to see shounen, we provide a shounen. If they want to see Isekai, so be it. Unfortunately, many of the scanlation teams are too dependable to their own audience. If you ask me, I'd love to scan Garo issues, but that wouldn't help me.

Images SHOULD pertain to anime or manga. It is not a MUST

The last few years have been great. Get your head out of naruto you dumb faggot.

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