>p-please help me dad
Dragon Ball Super
Other urls found in this thread:
Krillin's loss was dumb and the comedy wasn't worth it.
I stopped time
and I wont take even one second to defeat you
Bri for me!
Chadhan Not even using his bang yet and btfoing u10.
gone in one week gohanfags
another time cheater?
good thing these threads will become much better after that
You can clearly see his cuck bang in the op pic
Reminder that Son Gohan is handsome
Gohan will end out fighting someone to the death and either him or them will get disqualified.
Is that a JoJo reference?
Remember this is your dark horse for U7 MVP, Android "Leave the Pride Troopers to Me" 18
Reminder that Android 18 is beautiful.
Alphas report in!
It is a known FACT that Gohan will win his matchups. They booked him so that they can push Gohan from a jobber to a mid carder eventually turning his baby face into a headliner.
Wow is he seriously jobbing in the fucking preview? HOW WILL GOHANPEDOS EVER RECOVER?
Reminder that during this time, Yamcha is fucking the shit out of Puar to compensate the fact that his friends didn't choose him to be part of the ToP.
This is the wojak to use when Caulifla is erased.
>Geekdom 101
All participant universes' logos.
so, gohan and goku are getting new forms.
how confident are you if vegeta will or will not get a new form too?
why not just hide under 17's barrier until the tournament is over? They have the most people left.
What color was U9?
>Cuckhan headlining any fights
Fuck off.
Oops, missed a spot. Fuck off.
best eyes
Why isn't Lapis your favorite character yet?
>What color was U9?
Same color as U4
>Plebs unironically believe this
Which team will be erased from existence next?
Will they somehow bring the universes that die back?
Wrong. These are best eyes.
No one realized Cabba was unaffected by Briannes love attack?
Universe 10
>D-dee bee z-zee too was a-animated like that but at l-least it had '''''''impact'''''' and muh shaky camera!
Can we just start mocking these retards? They have ruined these threads too many times now
We all know he's a faggot.
18 is great as well.
Are my fellow burgers awake?
No, they will be erased forever.
Father.... Jiren to me.
they gonna get erased so hard
I wonder if the pair thing will come into play later?
I feel like this is going to be related the the pair thing. There has to be a reason other then "Zeno felt like it" that those universe were erased.
Howdy You All.
Be lucky at least Toei didnt fuck up DBS like OP..
pairs has been kind of a big deal for super.
super saiyan blue and frieza gold
U6 and U7
Fused Zamasu
He's in love with his sishu.
Reminder that Z-babbies last thread literally admitted that the choreography in DBZ was the same but at least it had ''shaky camera'' and ''speedline'' effects
Top kek
Do you want the characters to stay dead? Or do you want team U7 to wish them back?
This looks awful for a series that prints money for Toei.
what's the difference? Only Jiren may get some screentime after this arc.
Leave Super's choreography to me
What the fuck are so many Super apologists doing here? It's like there's an inflow from ShitFAQs. That would explain why these threads suck balls.
That's the point, One Piece and Dragonball and even Sailor Moon Crystal can look like shit because those are iconic franchises with fans who'll watch it no matter what, kinda like how Pokemon survives due it's popularity, they don't have to try, they'll make lots of money anyway, why try when you don't need to?
Krillin was hyped and look what happened in his own episode.
If we take the original DBZ during the height of its fame, and just put it into the present time, being the same thing storywise (ofcourse art and animation would change) would you think it would be more popular or less, and why?
neither. I wanna be surprised
I want Toppo to fuck off already.
well its a bit of a paradox since it was so influential.
don't worry amigo, just shake your device's screen and they will go away
he's right tho
lmao Gohan's existence is solely created for the purpose of him jobbing every time
His fights are well choreographed at least.
Reminder that hair-down Ka17le is a miracle of the 12(11) universes. Top tier waifu material. Cau18lifla a shit.
>Gohan will struggle with u10 fighters while base Freeza already took out their strongest fighter.
it's almost as if this is the Super thread and you trying to force down your hatred on the show every single thread is annoying to say the least
When they started the transformation sequence over from the beginning, they shouldn't have played it all the way through a second time. They should have shown cut to something else, preferably something that furthers the story, to give the impression of time passing and then cut back to where they were before17 interrupted them.
He can pose as much as he wants from the stands, with the rest of his Faggot Troupers.
This shot is heartbreaking
Cuck lol
I'm here fellow burg.
Nice to hear someone else acknowledge best girl.
So Brianne defeats Zircol, then Gohan and Piccolo defeats the rest, thus U10 is deleted.
>managed to get these 2 in a random 10 roll with their episode in my mind.
sasuga, they've avoided me for a long time.
How like how they nonchalantly showed the namekkians
Because he's not Lazuli.
No, for me.
spinoff when?
So who do you think is going to be eliminated in from U7? My bets are on Tien, Roshi or 18.
I'm not trying to force anything, and I don't even hate on DBS, retard. There's just more Superfags than usual. Fuck off ShitFAG.
>Gohan is the reason Gowasu gets erased.
Gohan confirmed for faggot. Hasn't Gowasu suffered enough?
I hope they merge all the universes at the end of this, I'd love to see some crazy cross-over adventures with these guys.
17 will go next, beaten by Brianne de Chateau
>in the Super thread
She is one of the only angels who likes her universe, GoD and Kai. She is into muscles and loves being in GodTube videos. She seems similar to Whis.
Would Zamasu have protected her smile?
>getting a kind old man and an endangered animal species erased while giving a little girl heartbreak just to prove his worth to his shit dad
Sasuga Gohan!
During that transformation scene I was literally thinking "I'd love to see a Ki blast come in right about now".
This episode did not disappoint.
Androids have been given a lot of love this arc.
Probably Tien followed by Roshi. Piccolo needs to stay until those U6 Namekians are introduced. No idea about 18 but I hope she gets a decent one on one fight before she's eliminated.
I've been enjoying this arc a lot so fat but holy shit episode 105 sounds like pure hot GARBAGE
Where is fanfic fag with Android 18 vs Frost? I believe this fight is gonna happen before 18 gets knocked out
>yfw ywn watch Gowasu's GodTube videos again
Cus opening a GowasuArchive channel when
I'm guessing Roshi will get eliminated by a gag similar to Krillin after taking out his enemy.
Maybe, but if the DBH opening was right, Brianne is jobbing to the Saiyan Girls.