Sup Forums, what is your honest justification fir racism?

Sup Forums, what is your honest justification fir racism?

I love this board, but every black I am friends with is republican, talks just like a "white" would talk, and supports everything you guys do.

It is purely anecdotal, sure, but these are dozens of blacks in the south who have the same views as us, and they are good friends.

Does Sup Forums say it is even wrong to be friends with conservative blacks who are a positive influence on their communities? Why?

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>things that are not true

You can teach a monkey to behave but you can't teach it to stop being a nigger

The war on blacks is a cultural war, not a war on individuals. Most blacks are pretty cool, like how most whites are pretty insignificant. This is about the broader picture where what whites have built is undeniably superior to whatever the fuck niggers think they want. It’s like a cultrual battle between adults and monkey children; the adults can be fucked up, and the monkey children can be cool and nice, but it’s more than that.

Racism is justified because the different races evolved to be different. Blacks have an average iq of 70, commit all types of crime in vastly higher proportions, and haven't achieved anything culturally or scientifically. They just have different genes and behave differently. The only reasons you can find blacks who act white are
A.) Because blacks in the United states have 30 percent european dna on average.
B.) Genetic cultural mesh. White culture produced by white genes influences blacks to behave in ways that aren't their natural state of being. If you isolated blacks on and island away from white people they would act more like their natural selves.

>You can teach a monkey to behave but you can't teach it to stop being a nigger
Dunno. Best Black friend I have acted whiter than anyone else I know, and introduced me to anime.

INB4 anime is corrupt. You should know this whole board was founded to discuss anime by Moot, out fearless leader.

> Most blacks are pretty cool
Dude what world are you living in. Most blacks are clinically retarded. I'm not kidding. Most blacks have an iq under 80

My people will not be victims of the Kalergi plan, Fuck it I'm sick of slide threads.

shill detected.

Look man, I really glad you found the one based black dude in existence. But don't start a thread about anecdotal unicorns.

No reason...

Lmao why did pacific Islanders evolve to be cronic gamblers

I guess I don’t run with swamp niggers like you, I dunno. Like I said, most of the ones I know are cool.

Are jews, dare I say it, /themasterrace/ ?

What is a swamp nigger lol?

More like /master parasite/


It's nepotism/subversion/corruption and I can prove it.

Is this explained by IQ (avg. 95 in Israel, avg. 97 in 90% Ashkenazi Haifa) or Jewish supremacism, corruption, and subversion?

>One Jew.. 1:50
>Two Jews in row.. 1:2500
>Three Jews in a row.. 1:125,000
>Four Jews in a row.. 1:6,250,000
>Five Jews in a row.. 1:312,500,000
>Six Jews in a row.. 1:15,625,000,000
>Seven Jews in a row.. 1:781,250,000,000

I would rather live in an African country with all Blacks than live in an all-White progressive nanny-state shithole.

Is this explained by IQ (avg. 95 in Israel, avg. 97 in 90% Ashkenazi Haifa) or Jewish supremacism, corruption, and subversion?

Is this explained by IQ (avg. 95 in Israel, avg. 97 in 90% Ashkenazi Haifa) or Jewish supremacism, corruption, and subversion?

The proof that the jews aren't the master race is simply that they have never created a civilisation or a decent culture. They have to live parasitically withing other peoples civilisations.

They destroy everything they touch. They are the eternal enemy of mankind.

white people benefit from white supremacy
what is so hard to get about this?

>positive influence on their community


Yeah I can't tell if they inevitablely destroy ever civilisation they inhabit because they never evolved the sensibilities needed to maintain a civilisation. Hence why they always advocate for anti-civ policies. Or if there really is a pseudo jewish conspiracy to destroy competition. I think the easiest answer is a little of both.


Nobody cares about what happens on the nigger ethno-continent. Nobody cares about how Jewish the press is or is not in Israel.

These are our lands. Untold millions of our ancestors and their tribesmen gave everything for us to have these lands.

trees aren't a race, user.

Yeah I don't claim to know the why it's very elusive and multifaceted. I just recognize patterns of behaviour.

>highest IQ in the world

I am actually from Singapore, and this just proves how useless IQ tests are. Parents here actually send their 8 year olds to after school classes to study for such IQ tests, and that's why we are able to score such a high average.