What is an appropriate sentence for the crime of Strawberry theft?
What is an appropriate sentence for the crime of Strawberry theft?
Mugi is a good girl.
She did nothing wrong.
A spanking.
>She did nothing
you got that right.
2 seasons and a movie but she is only remember for that one stolen strawberry. its her entire character.
You are right. All them nigger boyfriends are having a bad influence on her.
the age old classic punishment of SIXTY NIGGERS
"This person has stolen a strawberry!"
That and getting railed by blacks.
There is, IIRC only one actual nigger in K-on, the guy at the airport. And when they meet him Mugi says "hello" but Azusa feels the need to tell him that she's seventeen, which is totally legal to fuck in Britain I think.
A date with me.
Did Azusa start the rumors so that nobody would suspect her
Cherry popping
What evil
I think she'd rather take
a hit on the head?
Chopping off her right hand. So says sharia law.
Keep your BBC fantasies to yourself, pervert
What a criminal
>its her entire character.
Hey man, Hitler is basically only remembered for the holocaust. You do one thing as evil as stealing a strawberry and it's all we'll remember about you.
Mugi is too stronk to be contained
>pic related
Hitler is remember for far more than that. He's remember for Fascism (even though Mussolini was a Fascist dictator long before)
He's remember as the guy who ruined the Chaplin mustache.
He's remembered as the person who started World War
5-10 years imprisonment
Sumire > Mugi to be totally honest
Well if is the law there is nothing we can do about.
See she is doing it again. Someone needs to stop her.
Have her virginity taken by a sweet flute.
Dye her hair black and shave her eyebrows
>eating a straberry was the most important thing Mugi did in the whole S2
how pathetic can a supporting character be
Stop! You've violated the law! Pay the court a fine or serve your sentence. Your stolen goods are now forfeit.
Wealth beyond measure, outlander
Where does the "mugi loves BBC" meme come from?
Stop messing with my waifu.
Though I agree her only role in the anime is to borrow the K-ONs her properties.
Azunyan is a WHORE!
Yes, she's a WHORE!
By the Gods! There's a psychopath on the loose!
Help! HELP! I'm being attacked!
Sup mugi
Come on now there's no need to get violent!
Did you not see the Mugi and Ritsu episode, arguably one of the best episodes in both seasons
Mio should also be charged with indecent exposure
>Where does the "mugi loves BBC" meme come from?
Faggots who can't think of any other way to deal with their own desire for negro cock.
Execution by firing squad.