Princess Principal
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I hope there's no delays this week.
>Black and White
>Both are samurai
These two can be friends
It's out nigga!
Use the god-damn catalog mate
It's better for the board if there's more than one thread for shows on their airing day.
Generals are a massive cancer and shouldn't be condoned.
You see, the magic of not being a generalshitter is that as soon as there's nothing to talk about, the threads stop. And when there's lots to talk about, there's enough threads to contain it.
Chise single handedly ruined this series
Let's see if people are going to use this thread or make a new one.
Can we all agree that Ange has the best legs this season?
I want to get poked by Princess horns.
I want to cut her horns off.
Ange is simply the best this season.
This show is actually so much better than it should be.
Like I actually don't understand how they managed to make an intelligent and engaging story about schoolgirl spies.
>didn't even hesitate for a second even though she's rather weak
>would have been decapitated if it wasn't for her being a cyborg
Why is Beato is heroic and based?
Everything is possible if you do this.
For one, it isn't really about school girls. I thought this show would be much more SoL from the description.
Amazing episode. This is probably AOTS.
I want to do things to Ange's legs.
It's just not the same without the clang
be less autistic
about all other people's
best ideas of fun
I want to protect this ninja's smile.
>playing cards with your buddies
>this happens
What do you do?
C-cute and lewd!
So they're all basically orphans in one fashion or another.
Why wasn't any of the soldiers paying attention to this shit?
Opening theme of the year, or opening theme of all time?
Whoever loses gets to rape them.
They were too scared to do anything.
I'm guessing there's a good reason.
I'd argue the year, but Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid was fantastic too.
I can't believe Beato's fucking dead
That's royal breeding stock for you.
This was some SHAFT tier of dialog visuals.
>I like pickles
I'm loving Chise more and more each episode.
Looks as if Beato...
...got a beat-down.
So Normandy is probably Charlotte's uncle on her royal parent's side?
He just can't be the queen's brother, though -- because (a) if he were the queen's brother, he would be king, and (b) he's Charlotte's uncle, and the queen is Charlotte's grandmother.
(I wonder if in this timeline, Albion retook mainland Normandy and "Duke of Normandy" refers to mainland France rather than the Channel Islands?)
She should've quit while she was ahead.
Sex with Beato?
I want Beato to say "Ange-san~" while making this face.
Okay, I can more or less stomach that they don't give a fuck about anything resembling to a chronological order, but how come an entire platoon of soldiers witnessing that Angie and the others are top class bodyguards and Normandy still doesn't suspect anything?
Best episode thus far
They didn't see anything, and they might've assumed they were supposed to be anyway. It's not like they sit and tell the soldiers everything about confidential security matters.
Compiling that code?
Why contain it? S'cool.
I disagree.
They were disguised. Like in this pic, nobody knows who is this mysterious person with Princess.
>I'll just go an report to the spymaster that two bitches kept stealing our cards and redistributing them, ruined our fucking game like
Post some racist jokes, please
Too bad this doesn't loop well.
Chise has the best design of them all.
Japanese running VS western running
1 - Needle-chan
2 - Princess
3 - Gazelle
4 - Dorothy
5 - Chise
6 - Beatrice
7 - 7
8 - Ange
9 - Amy
0 - The queen
Dubs - Ange and Charlotte
>that simultaneous self-deprecation and NIPPON STRONG vibe throughout the whole episode
And people say Japs don't have a sense of humor.
Useless character
How long will this stay up? Any takers?
I'd hit her with my sword, if you know what I'm saying.
>it's not like they wouldn't ask a very detailed report after an incident like this especially if it fucks up the head spy's plans
Not even glorious nippon katana folded over a thousand times could get through Beato's denseness
Someone please tell me how this makes any fucking sense.
How can someone so high up the hereditary line AND personally favored by the queen be politically and factually irrelevant? Shouldn't she have a lot of people trying to garner her favor just in case the Duke of Normandy and a couple other suckers kick the bucket? Or am I just misinterpreting what a "princess of air" is supposed to mean?
Fuck off already.
But that incident was planned by the head spy.
If anything, he would be trying to shut them up so the incident can't be traced up to him trying to kill the queen's pet.
Because she's a woman dummy.
And so is the queen, I think.
>implying she's not a figurehead
She can't be irrelevant when she's supposed to be married to Ivan to strengthen their relationships.
Presumably other 3 other princess are already drained the supporters pool.
I found it nice that nips were portraited with the small eyes they have.
It means she "insubstantial" like air. In political terms, it's as if she isn't even there.
I want to impregnate this little yellow monkey
I'd stick my sword deep into her throat, if you know what I mean.
Is there a webm of all the funny walking this episode?
Haiku form won't suddenly give you validation, you stupid faggot.
No Vicky pls.
I got Beato lol
Stop these memes.
Give me some cheese please.
>intelligent and engaging
I'd marry her, impregnate her and live a happy life with her, if you catch my drift.
what is s1 of gunslinger girls, Alex?
Robots can't get pregnant.
Fuck it, I'll give 'er a spin.