What was the fucking point?
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Ask the jews
The point was a simple political power move by Germany.
They went in thinking it was going to be a classical war and didnt take into account the monstrous advancement of technology that led to a meatgrinder stalemate.
Its like if Russia vs USA broke out today, except both sides have forgotten they have nukes and start deploying em the next day.
central banking ensuring they have countries truly indebted
Destroy the monarchies of Europe to usher in a Brave New World.
good, monarchies suck
It was so that (((they))) could weaken and dismantle white empires.
one take if you choose to believe it...
pikes letter to mazzini
"The First World War must be brought about in order to permit the illumitati to overthrow the power of the Czars in Russia and of making that country a fortress of atheistic Communism. The divergences caused by the "agentur" (agents) of the Illuminati between the British and Germanic Empires will be used to foment this war. At the end of the war, Communism will be built and used in order to destroy the other governments and in order to weaken the religions."
it was also a giant testbed to see how far the modern nation could be pushed to support, manufacture and industralize war. during WW1 almost the entirety of the riches gained by the british empire during its reign were transferred over to america via much needed trade and arms deals.
The eternal burger
literally about making money and consolidating banker control.
whatever reason there was to start the war, continuing it past 1914 was entirely pushed by war profiteers using yellow journalism.
they engineers ww2 reaching the scale it did to finish the job that was only half done by ww1.
after ww1 everyone's armies went back to peaceful decline.
after ww2 they managed to keep the entire world on a war manufacturing setting for 70 years.
All countries fought for a different purpose. Countries fighting against the same countries usually don't have the same goal (except for wars like the Balkan Wars)
lol would you rather be ruled by some guy who's bordlerine autistic who came into power through no merit on his own? Stalin, Hitler say what you want but those were formidable political opponents. Kaiser Wilhelm, Czar Nicholas these guys were all imbeciles and were handed over near absolute power. That's how monarchies operate
such a shallow view of history... Eternal Burger indeed
personally i feel words can't express what a low point the first world war was for our people.
the of naivety of our leaders and generals and the lack of ability, or downright refusal to accept strategies must be changed to adapt to the industrailization of warfare, and the actual effect of such industrialization led to a level of needless suffering not seen since then.
To make way for me
Uphold your treaties.
is this Istanbul?
To be the better European Empire, then they realized this war wouldn't be an easy one to see who would take whos territories. But by that point all sides involved had spent enough resources and men in the war that they couldn't withdraw without their public attacking them for paying that price without a victory in the war.
Defend the west against the subhuman german horde.
WW1 was so fucking stupid
Germans trying to show everyone they had a huge dick.
Drown yourself.
London or some other place in the UK
WW1 was a goyim blood sacrifice
good video
WWI and every event proceeding from it has been one big cause-and-effect all in order to create Israel. Here is the simple version. Forgive me, I have to approximate dates.
1600~ Rothschild's gain control of central banks and expand their influence.
1700's French Revolution caused by the Rothschilds and their Jewish newspapers. Prototype Secular (Atheist) Revolution which is used later in Russia.
1700's Rothschilds gain control of the Central Bank of England, begin controlling England.
1700's-1800's Rothchilds use the India Trading company to create a world wide trading network.
1800's England force-ably sells Afghani opium to China. China goes to shit, China fights the British to stop the opium imports twice, get their shit kicked in both times. China becomes a giant drug den.
1800's Zionism becomes zeitgeist in Jewish community.
1900's US President Garfield is shot by a Jewish Anarchist/Communist preventing a second term.
1900's Progressive Theodore Roosevelt runs against Republican Howard Taft, splitting the vote on the right, which guarantees a landslide victory for Democrat/socialist Woodrow Wilson.
1914 Archduke Ferdinand is killed by a Jewish Black-Hand member, rebel group in Kingdom of Austria-Hungary.
1914 Europe is ruled by monarchies that are all cousins of each other, none of them want war cuz kinsfolk, but their advisers push for war anyways.
1914 WWI starts. All sides suffer huge casualties. Stalemate.
1915 The Balfour Declaration is signed between Lord Rothschild and the British government, if Rothschild can use his influence to get America to enter WWI, then Lord Rothschild will be given the Land of Palestine, which is currently owned by the Otttomans. (Britain promised Rothschild land they don't own)
1916 US enters WWI as fresh troops, beats the shit out of Germany.
1918 Versailles Treaty grossly punishes Germany with an unpayable debt, stripped of military, and humiliation.
>What was the fucking point?
1916 The Jewish Communist Party attempts to coup the German government back in Germany during the middle of WWI. The Coup is put down, German Christians are royally pissed at the Jews.
1918 - 1945 The Ottoman Empire is broken up by England and the Land of Palestine is given to Lord Rothschild to create Israel. Palestine is full of native-born Semites aka the Palestinians. Rothschild needs Jews to create a Jewish state, so he instigated antisemitism in Europe and in the Middle East in order to drive Jews from their assimilated countries into the newly created Israel.
1917 Bolshevik Revolution started by Jewish Communists. Communists massacre and starve millions, preparing the serfs to be cannonfodder for WWII.
1920's the Balfour Declaration is revealed to the Germans showing how they were betrayed by the Jews. German Christians are pissed.
1930's Hitler harnesses how rightly pissed the Germans are to start locking up and executing Rothschilds and destroying their usury-driven economic models peddled to western nations.
1933 Havara Agreement Between Rothschild and Hitler to transport Jews from Germany to Palestine (Israel).
1933's Hitler's plans are a threat to the Rothschild's and the International Jewry. International Jewry declare Economic War on Hitler and Germany.
1939-1945 Christians are sent to war by their Jewish-owned governments again en-masse to slaughter each other for Jewish interests in proto-Israel. Over 20 million Russian Christians alone were slaughtered in bloodbaths the world has never seen.
The Jews used WWI to get the land of Israel.
The Jews used WWII to populate the land of Israel.