Episode soon. Are you ready for the snake?
Centaur no Nayami
Shit anime
mlp pol horse pussy jews snakes aliens thought crimes
get the buzzwords out of the way
>not watching live stream
>late subs
episode is out on HS
Horse pussy.
Self-cleaning horse anus.
Looks like 3 was a fluke. None of the other episodes thus far have managed to equal or surpass its quality. We need more Angel-chan episodes.
Ready for putting my snake into her pussy?
Well, she is the best girl, after all.
Episode 3 was the most generic one. It's sad that this is what anime audience wants.
Nyankos are love
Are the Antarcticans meant to be jews?
W-Why do they have upside-down vaginas in their mouths
They're reptilians.
they are Mammals
69 certified mouth-pussy
they are bee-birds
Georgia O'Keeffe's ghost is moonlighting as a character designer in Japan.
What a terrifying world.
Snakegirl is cute
What the fuck... thats creepy.
this episode was too deep
Don't slap the snake.
Yet there is still that horror film, the original and the remake. I'm almost certain that correctional clinic is just a meme.
I feel like this series has some interesting political subtext but I hate the slice of life shit
Actually only one of them is the bodyguard.
Another is for spying on the bodyguard.
The last is for spying on the spy spying on the bodyguard.
>that throat pussy
what is this I'm feeling?
Snakes are nature's condoms
Antarcticians are a new thing. They don't really interact with "normal" humans.
Actual episode highlight here.
She's otherwise pretty cute.
Now I want to bully a tomboy into making her girly.
Who watching for the slanty eyes goat pussy here
Her VA is pretty good for somebody so new to the scene.
Did something break in here or are the colors this fucked up on the episode itself?
This is some occult shit right here. Reptilian """people""", satanic sex with animal humanoids, 2 races representing demons and angels, police state governed society, the citizens seem to be indoctrinated by the (((rules))). I feel like this anime is trying to portray the deceits of our own world.
This has been a big letdown for me so far. I liked Monmusu and Demi-chan, but not only is this one boring, all the crossbreeding propaganda is just disgusting. Shit like is not natural, all I see there is a girl babysitting her 3 nigger stepsisters. From time to time they make an observation about the repressive PC regime they live in and it seems like the whole thing is just a parody of real life forced multiculturalism. But then you have the centaur MC thinking about crossbreeding with a dirty winged rat and it ruins any message it could have had.
Napoleon shit soon, gonna get intense.
What an absolute qt.
Looks like a bootleg Nozomi.
The glasses are the most important part.
Don't wish for more Angel focused episodes if you want to keep thinking she's best girl.
>Get back from your job scamming old people.
>Tell your dad whose been watching the younger kids all day and has dinner ready that you hate him.
Back to the rape dungeon, Styko.
>Currently have the painters equivelant of writers block.
>Its a sidejob/hobby anyways.
>Take advantage of a government funding program to take half the week off in order to watch and spend time with your kids, one of whom gets sick easily (hence the government program money).
>Eldest daughter calls you a horrible father.
Prez is a bitch.
Kyoko's little scream there was cute, I really like her VA.
They're actually dragons if you look at the raws.
She has a hard life.
>Its a sidejob/hobby anyways.
That's exactly the problem
How so? Hes not talented or sucessful enough at it to make it a real job and hes got 4 young kids to watch that he needs to make time for too.
>forcing a tomboy to dress in a girly way
This is the best.
I was about to post something like that, pretty good seiyuu
Snek is the cutest.
>Hes not talented or sucessful enough at it to make it a real job
Exactly, but he still tries to do so. He even doesn't work full time at his bread-earning job to further pursue his painting career that doesn't earn him anything and obviously won't go anywhere. All this while having kids depending on him.
>She has a hard life
>Nice house
>Loving family
>Good friends
>Isn't hurting for money
>Literal good luck spirit living in the house.
Except he uses that time off to watch his kids, not paint, and hasn't been working on painting. Read the chapter, she's actually mad BECAUSE he hasn't been painting recently and is focusing on his family.
How long until Nozomi is sent to concentration camp?
Nothing wrong with Tsukkomi
Any more seiyuus like her? I want to watch something with a female character who has a cold yet elegant voice like that.
He is a shitty painter without dedication and doesn't have a full time job.
Except he did/does have a full time job. Between it and the government money they were making so much he can afford to take half the week off to spend time with his kids instead of being an absent Japanese father.
>and it seems like the whole thing is just a parody of real life forced multiculturalism
thats the joke user
What would blowjob feel like?
Cancer, I shouldn't have asked.
Wasn't it part-time job?
no he doesn't. what the hell are you on?
He's contractual, not the same thing as part time. Most contractual employees work the same number of hours during the day as a person with regular full time employment.
Tama just wants him to realize that “The man who chases two rabbits, catches neither.”
Worst episode yet. I enjoyed the shit out of the previous episodes, but this one was mediocre.
What this a 'The Thing' reference?
Of course not, that would be a silly thing to do while animating a story within a story about a monster in the Antarctic, since they've nothing in common.
Was the dragonkin with the red hair and glasses Akira?
Her lesbianess gives her progressive protection points.
>>Literal good luck spirit living in the house.
That last bit she doesn't know and doesn't really believe in herself.
Isn't it racist to liken the jews to snakes?
Only if jews are all girls with superior science.
So, perhaps yes, perhaps no.
Why is she so RACIST? She should be sent in prison already.
Hime a cute.
It's not racist because "Antarcticans" aren't actually people.
I want to suck her dick.
Due to some unfortunate childhood trauma she's terrified of gaping, toothy, and upside down vaginas, user. Could happen to anyone, really.
Will USA bring Antarcticians freedom?
It would be the other way around