Was she justified in the slaughter of civilians?

Was she justified in the slaughter of civilians?


Depends on if she wins the war



They werent civilians. She followed all international laws regarding the matter and had given then fair warning to evacuate prior to the shelling. Since they didn't evacuate, they were enemy combatants and treated as such.


I think the proper term is acceptable casualties

>Nice story m8
No such thing OP.


>wasting bombs, soldiers & fuel just to bomb an empty city

I suppose the cost was worth it just to prove an asshole point

partisans are not civilians



Jesus christ...

They sure showed those buildings.


They weren't the right race, so yes.

Who started this war anyway? Was it even NotGermany? The beginning shows some other force invading Tanya's country.

Also, why doesn't she just explain how to make nukes? Are there really people who don't understand how they work? Just tell some scientists you need some uranium, then explain how centrifuges work to obtain uranium 235, then tell them how a gun type or implosion type nuke works. I find it hard to believe an average person couldn't explain these concepts to others...

Once they get nukes it's fucking over.

Were the enemy mages justified in slaughtering Tanya's clothes in the latest manga chapter?

logistic in 40K is full retarded

40k sure is a meme machine

Yes, she followed international law and they refused to listen.

no, the top brass think that was good idea go full conqueror into some disputed territory (AKA break status quo), leavind the other boundaries with deficit of manpower

NotFrance started the war, notGermany was not the aggressor. Even worse, when notGermany righteously retaliated, all the "good" guys supported the aggressor state. They reaped what they sowed and I hope Tanya turns their shitty little countries into glassed craters.

>Was she justified in the slaughter of civilians?

Yes. According to the rules of war she was allowed to attack them. She also protested the orders to her superiors anyway but was overruled.
Tanya the Evil isn't very evil by modern standards, she doesn't love violence, plays by the rules, risks her life to protect her subordinates, works hard and isn't particularly sadistic in anyway. Her only real vices are a love of comfort and coffee.
But she IS evil in the classical sense that she rejects god. Even a good person who rejects god is evil in this world view. WW1 was the period where the last classic enlightenment views died and the modern industrial society took its place.

That's not why she's considered evil. She's considered evil because she only "acts good" as opposed to being good. He's the sort that would be fine if he was reborn as a slaveowner in the confederate era south and any objections to slavery would be for financial or logistical reasons instead of ethical or humanitarian reasons. This is a person that thinks basic human kindness is hypocrisy. Tanya is not a good person and is more of a neutral at best in that she also won't go out the way to do more evil.

Bomber Harris made one fatal mistake: he didn't go far enough.

Might makes right.
>Captcha: STOP poste


>Might makes right.
You summed up satanism in one sentence.

You mean the Republican unarmed combatants?

Stop making these threads. You remind me of a Season 2 that will never come.

Just wait for the manga and novel dude.


yes she was


>Do a bunch of awful, villainous, sociopathic shit towards the other country.
>Get mad when they start doing it back to you like its somehow uncalled for.

Why does this happen every single time? I'm not even talking about any specific country here it seems like a historical constant for every nation.

Tanya's cute therefore its ok

Why is Sup Forums full of leftist cucks?

do you think Tanya jacks of in her new body considering they are genderswapped?

>we worship a ruthless imperial officer of an AU Germany who is trying to take over AU Europe
>we enjoy watching her slaughter her enemies
>we cackle when she asks for visa, because no immigrants are allowed
>we hope that the Empire will succeed in continental dominance even if it loses
>leftist cucks

she hasn't even reached puberty you sick fuck

>Thinking tanya is evil doesn't make you a leftist cuck

She hasn't gotten that flood of hormones yet. And honestly she (he) is far too practical to bother spending all night masturbating instead of sleeping. If you're not well rested you make bad decisions.

Technically not a warcrime

It actually was notSweden that went retarded and everything escalated from there

This. She is my homosexual waifu

It's going to take years for yenpress to catch up.

Human beings love to be hypocrites if they can get away with it.

>trying to take over au europe
Nope, its notgermany vs the world because notfrance got their ass kicked and ran to daddy.

>Tanya commits zero war crimes, legally speaking
>everyone frothing at the mouth to send her to the gallows

>Noel commits dozens of war crimes, knowing full well they are war crimes
>everyone jumping over each other to defend her

What gives, Sup Forums?

She actually was justified.

The enemy combatants in the city where using the civilians as a human shield with their cooperation.

So, what does she do? Let them get away with that shit? Fucking no. Just mindlessly kill them? She doesn't do that either. She tells them that any civilians that do not want to be enemies should leave the city, gives them time to evacuate, and then bombs those who remain in defiance.

And she didn't do that because she wanted to kill innocent people, she actively wanted to avoid an international incident. She did that because she had no other option and the enemy forced her hand, which is still a situation she tried to handle in the most ethical possible way.

The only place you can really find fault with Tanya is in her attitude, but you can't find fault with her actions.

All civilians were evacuated, anyone who remained was an enemy combatant.

It's just basic conflict escalation.

People increase the intensity of the conflict by little steps at a time, and both sides start feeling like they need to push the envelope a little further to best the other side, all the while blaming them for it because they don't believe they would have ever needed to escalate at all if it wasn't for the other team doing it first.

It's basically the same situation as two children starting out fighting over the last cookie, escalating to calling each other names, and then full on fighting. When the fighting ends, both are invariably going to believe it was the other kid's fault the whole time that things got so crazy.

Literally just their attitudes. Most people on Sup Forums don't really think logically, they think emotionally. Therefore if someone acts more innocent, Sup Forums will be way more willing to treat them as such in general.

when did i say she was evil

Was Arene a AU German city, or was it a city in land captured by AU Germany?

I think it was a captured one, it was in NOTbelgium/NOTnetherlands, but i cant recall if those are actually sovereign nations in the anime

Mostlikely not!Elsaß/Alsace

>implying they won't make a new season

>gonna probably wait till 2019
Atleast we have the manga.

manga is better

On one hand I can't fault the citizens for staging an uprising. On the other hand, why the hell wouldn't they let their wives and children evacuate? They might not have realized that NotGermany was going to shell the town to hell, but surely they realized that it wasn't just going to all blow over, that at the very least a large contingent of troops would be marching in and busting doors down...

>God gives Tanya powers to make her believe
>Then gives powers to other people to kill her
God is a bit of an asshole

For he gives his sunlight to both the evil and the good, and he sends rain on the just and the unjust alike.

>God with a capital g
But he was just a generic final fantasy/isekai god, not the Jewish one.

don't think too much about it unless you want your nice world to go away

it's always the Jews, user.

She didn't do anything to disobey the NAP so it's fine.

All can be traced to Tanya not knowing when to shut her mouth like everything else. If Tanya had things easy then she'd never be able to believe according to her own argument she tried to make back in the afterlife.


There is no such thing as a war crime.

Considering she wrote the laws on civilian engagement, yes she's justified.
Nah, winter 2018 and it being announced soon after the western release of the book and airing around the time of the figures release.

Slaughter of civilians can be justified.
As citizens of a country, their actions directly or indirectly support it in war. They can also become full fledged combatants at any time. They are valid targets.
The only time they shouldn't be attacked is when their cooperation is part of long-term strategies.

Not to mention they did shoot the captured Imperial soldier(That was captured on video) and that shows that they are armed and willing to do harm against people of the Empire.

>given a second chance by god
>given every opurtunity to lead a more faithful life
>god seemingly helps her refuse him

So, did god stop caring about his plan for her or what?

Also, this god person stated himself that when people die they are reincarnated. Does that mean Tanya is sending the enemies she kills to a better place? They could all be reincarnated in a time with no war or hardship, no struggle. If you assume that, she's actually doing them all a favor.

>She's considered evil because she only "acts good" as opposed to being good.
And that's what made her a modern person. In modern society we judge people by what they DO, not what they claim to believe. Your actions are the only thing that matters, no matter what your intentions were.

He's probably butthurt that his plan failed

He's using Tanya as a tool to spread faith. Take a look at all the people who know the horrors of Tanya firsthand, a lot of them turned to religion because of her.

The things I'd do to that salaryman.

You sound like you understand modern society less than the average Sup Forums NEET.
How good do you think a racial supremacist tat works within the boundaries of the law would get judged by society at large?

>Turn to the god that Satan herself "worships"
Not sure how that's supposed to work


in the Grim Darkness of the 41st millennium there is only memes

>tfw it doesn't set an example at all and dick-ass nobles still don't pay their goddamn tithes

That nose bothers me