Would Rosa have grown up to be a kinder and more emotionally stable person if she hadn't been abused by her father and siblings, felt responsible for Beatrice II's death when she was about 13 years old, and abandoned by her husband and left as a single mother? Or was Rosa 100 percent nature and zero percent nurture - someone that would have been a completely horrible person no matter what?
Umineko Debate Thread
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All she needed was dick. I wish I coulda swooped in there for some of that sweet rosy puss. She would of chilled the fuck out plus I would of been rich as all hell.
I wond tap that if given the chance. All she ever need was a dick to calm her down.
I always wondered why she had trouble keeping a boyfriend. She's hot, charming, and heir to a huge inheritance. What drove the men away from her?
The kid.
Did you miss the entire parts where Maria drove them away? Why do you think she was so abusive?
Every thread until we reach the Golden Land.
Gomen, I haven't read episode 4 since 2009... is Maria really that annoying...?
She would have turned out alright if it weren't for her screeching autist of a daughter constantly embarrassing her and happily reminding her of Beatrice every day. Fuck Maria.
It's like you missed all the parts where she beat the shit out of her because all she kept saying was "Uuh Uuh"
She had boyfriends, did you forget about the part where she lied to Maria over the phone then went nuts and yelled at her boyfriend for judging her actions. She has a guilty conscious but does nothing to alleviate it.
Everything wrong with Rosa stems from her being the youngest of the Ushiromiya children so the brunt of the abuse was towards her, especially with how much of an asshole Rudolf was. Her other problem was her good for nothing baby daddy who fucked off at the first chance he got but it doesn't excuse Rosa at all for blaming Maria for it, she should have just moved on and realized it's all the boyfriends fault and no one else.
But like every other Ushiromiya, none of them could solve their own problems and ended up drowning in it.
>Maria knew all along, she was just playing along with the real autist Yasu
To be fair Yasu is fucking awful at hiding. I feel bad for George and Jessica for being actually retarded.
She's legit psycho.
In hindsight the Ushiromiyas really got what was coming to them
They just went out in a miserable way.
Rosa just needed a boyfriend who was willing to accept her and her daughter. That's all she needed, and she would have been a much happier person, wouldn't have been so angry at Maria for "ruining her life" and compelled to take her frustrations out on Maria.
>there was more than enough gold for everyone to swim in absinthe and be handfed by the finest of whores in all the land
>still murdered each other and wasted all of it for nothing
Kinzou and his spawn were a mistake
Should have banged Battler.
I'm honestly surprised a good looking woman with money can't snatch someone, even when carrying with an autistic daughter. But anyway, if Kinzo weren't a fucking psycho who fucked his daughter, lives on top of a bomb and fantasizes with blowing his entire family with it all the time, all of his children would be better adjusted members of society and some of his children wouldn't even exist.
Inheritances always make people fight, the more there is to inherit, the worse it gets. A lot of people would murder their siblings for far less.
It's so hard to reason Kyrie's motives at EP7 and her personality in EP8
Good ol' Goldsmith.
Her personality in EP8 is a complete fabrication made by Battler.
Rosa's problem is that she's too needy. EP4 has her basically talk about how much she needs her boyfriend and implying that both their children are nothing but burdens keeping them from having this affair. Her whole thing is that she's not really that much more mature than Maria because of the trauma.
Although, maybe if she had a husband who was like Hideyoshi for Eva, or a therapist to go through her shit with, she might have turned out more well-adjusted. A lot of Maria's autism comes from having no friends due to having moved to a new place, no Dad, and a shitty parent.
Hell, until Maria met Beatrice, she thought she was God's Child because Rosa sperg'd out over being asked about Maria's dad.
EP7 even points out the gold made everyone stupid. Krauss tried swing his dick, Eva pulled a gun, Rosa got greedy, and Rudolf and Kyrie were crazy.
It's implied that they're creations of Battler given self-awareness about all the shit they've done and their role in the game.
Rosa is the least hot mom in Umineko.
Rosa is the most hot mom in Umineko. Just the most mentally deranged, probably not the best option for a wife.
Natsuhi's an uptight bitch, but she's hotter IMO.
Honestly, it's when people say that Eva's the hottest that makes less sense. Only reason I can think of is femdom.
I want to fuck Lambdadelta!
Dlanor is Worst Girl. EP6 she was fine with Erika raping Battler so long as she could solve her mysteries.
Posting best Seacat.
No. Absolutely no chance.
she really is such a perfect character, makes me wish people would write more characters that are huge dicks like her
There is no way someone can have such bad taste.