why is the US so crazy and violent? What is going on here? We need to think about major gun control or something.. this shit is just getting out of hand. All these mentally ill retards getting guns easily.. its disgraceful
Why is the US so crazy and violent? What is going on here? We need to think about major gun control or something...
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Instead, we should give every American citizen a free gun and training.
Shit thats bad
Kill yourself. There have been two.
You are in denial bro
Brilliant comeback, dickless faggot. You're amazing.
No, there really have been only two mass shootings in schools: Kentucky and Florida. All others were just some incident tangentially involving the presence of a gun. In one, some fucking idiot killed himself in a parking lot near a school, so libtards labelled that a "school mass shooting." The only mass involved was the guy's tiny brain liquifying out through the exit wound.
Lol more excuses from a loser sexless virgin alt right fag
>counts incidents where guns AD/ND on school grounds, a girl brought a gun from home and AD it, a bus got shot by a BB gun, and others where niggers/spics got into a shootout a block away from a school
Wow, really makes you think! Cooked book satistics are the worst kind of lie.
cool story bro
>mentally ill retards
say that to my face and i'll shoot your whole school up, faggot.
>go to (((google))) to research these """""shootings"""""
>the first I read about was a 3rd grader pulling the trigger on a good bolstered weapon resulting in a weapon discharge into the floor, resulting in zero injuries
>the second one I read about was an accidental discharge of one round, also resulting in zero injuries
Literally fake news
Retard OP. Those aren't school shootings you faggot. The one in MN is where a 3rd grader hit the trigger of the school policemsns gun. Retarded fuck.
This is false. Look up what they consider 'school shooting'.
lol its right in front of your face and you're too thickheaded and stubborn to your pet faggot Drump that you don't even see it
>a deranged self-hating jew
Because we HATE life and so do our children. Doctors shove SSRIs and who knows what else into our brains and children who are still not fully developed, calm and rational adults, end up losing their shit and killing the people who they think hurt them.
You haven't provided a single coherent argument faggot
He admitted his biological mother is Jewish. He's half slavic and half jewish
Canada never has these, I'm glad.
Honestly, only a pussy needs to justify his need for having a gun.
Because the Democrats created a hysteria bubble and this is the price they have to pay for it.
It has happened before
One shooting here compared to the ten billion that happened in America
this is such a tired insult. I first got laid before Sup Forums was even invented faggot. take your matriarchal faggoty ass elsewhere
cost of liberty, leaf
You went from "That never happens here" to "Oh, one shooting". What happens when I post more? How many do I have to post before you admit you're wrong?
we are a nation of satanic sodomy. what do you expect?
>virgin fag trying to talk back to me
>force kids to go to prison for 12 years against their will
>"why are they all these kids so fucking crazy?"
80% of those were "projectiles that struck a person or school property" not a school shooting
It's like saying 95% of women are raped because they, at some point in their lives, will have a partner who started sex without verbal consent.
no u