False flag confirmed.
1) Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Scott Israel want to have a school shooting in their county.
2) Alphabet Soup gets a tip on a "suspicious comment" that N. Cruz made about wanting to be a "professional school shooter".
3) Alphabet Soup says they can't verify it and leave him in place to become the patsy.
4) Date & time of shooting is selected by DWS and Scott Israel.
5) Feb 14th – Students at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School have an evacuation drill in the morning.
6) Something causes Cruz to show up on campus via an Uber Taxi("Hey meet me outside class after Pre-Calc! --Cindy").
7) Hired team of 2-3 shooters goes into the school and kills kids with Cruz on campus.
8) Alexa Miednik(Blonde Jew witness) sees Cruz during the evacuation and speaks to him while hearing shots fired elsewhere on campus.
9) For unknown reasons, hired shooters fail to execute Cruz and stage his suicide.
10) Students are evacuated and Cruz leaves campus in the shuffle.
11) Cruz does not know the police are after him and decides to go get something to eat at McDonald's/Subway without knowing he is the pre-selected patsy.
12) FBI/Police arrest him as he walks down a residential street on his way home as he has been pre-selected to be the "shooter".
13) They spend the night using MKUltra/Brainwashing techniques him convincing him that he has done the crime.
14) Feb 15th – Cruz pleads guilty to 17 counts of premeditated homicide due to the MKUltra/Brainwashing techniques.
15) Feb 16th - Demolition of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fl is announced to cover up the scene of the crime.
16) To be continued...
Fuck israel. Both the country and the sheriff.
Tearing down the building is a good way to make it look staged.
Fucking Columbine didnt get torn down.
columbine was an actual real shooting done by 2 speds one of which was a kike
this is a false flag
>school shooting happens
>school gets torn down
who are these (((lawmakers)))?
>bodies not even in ground
>tear down school just like sandy hoax
what did (((they))) mean by this?
why would they demolish a perfectly good building?
Keynesian economics.
so that people trying to reenvision the shooting wouldnt be able to
Good way for a community to get some new infrastructure.
good rundown, thanks
Is this a fucking joke? This shit is so beyond fucked up, it only leads to one of two conclusions ultimately:
1. These things are really false flags
2. They know people think these things are false flags and do shit to fuck with those people for lolz
I mean come on
>school claims they're already at capacity of 3000 students
>going to demolish a 900 student capacity building during a school year
damn, FPBP
sandy hook was a false flag. there was only one shooter, and this is the image they released? just fucking lol
How many school shootings happened all together in 2018?
Does each school get torned down when theres a shooting?
(((totally legit)))
Hm really makes you think.
court doc says John Curcio was arresting officer
BLM claim he may have staged evidence:
The kike sheriff was friends with hrc.
The shooter was a kike himself.
Probably haunted now desu
U dumb fags will believe anything
Why would they realistically be tearing down the building though? I don't think I'm entirely sold on flase flag
Wait, what, why?
You motherfuckers are so goddamn retarded...
Don't you have a coup to plan? fuck off fbi
I'f you are on the fence, then you are a complete fucking retard.
Kill yourself now.
Wonder if this is why ol' Norm McDonald was reminiscing about Oakall Prison last night?
They burned that to the ground in a cover up, too, as he tells it.
Where is the survaillance camera footage? You mean to tell me a high school has no cameras in the hallways or classrooms? My HS and even Middle School had security cameras. (((WHERE IS THE FOOTAGE)))
Case closed no footage released like columbine means FF shooting.
Sounds like something else may have been happening at that school. Something pizza-related.
You wouldn't tear down a perfectly good school unless there was something you wanted to hide.
Tearing down an entire school to cover up easily cleaned up evidence of a staged shooting doesn't make sense, but tearing down the school to hide certain facilities or functionality that may be pizza/occult related...
FBI tips are being sent to dc and not regional agencies
→ #
It happened three days ago. If you are sold on it being a hoax when we haven't gotten all of the evidence or even heard Cruz speak then you need to reevaluate some things. You guys are basing this off of witnesses and mkultra brainwashing, this is /x/-tier shit.
Thank you for reminding me to be sleepy.
There's a video you contrarian faggots.
so if another one happens at the new school, do they knock that one down too?
What else is there besides the snapchat video and the video of the dead nigger as they walk out ifbthe classroom.
Im talking about security camera footage. Why are they not releasing it like they did with columbinr.
Same with sandy hook, no security cam footage whatso ever 7 years later.
Bull fucking Shit
If you truly unironically believe these things are false flags you deserve to be hung with piano wire.
False flag cucks are /pols/ flat Earthers.
So you also believe a bunch of durka durks with boxcutters precisely flew an plane into the side ofbthe pentagon perfectly perpendicular and a building fell without even getting hit by a plane?
Stay asleep blue pill fag.
FF happen all the time, there are evil and corrupt parts within our govt. This is 1st grade for anyone that truly knows whats goin on.
i dont get it, is it a false flag or an elaborate insurance scam
>"suspect" was conveniently part of a white nationalist group
>it's somehow considered believable that he would go and fuck up a movement's reputation by killing random kids for fun
Columbine is still up. Is that not a false flag now?
V-Tech and that Oregon college as well. Fort Hood? Navy Yard?
Many fags claim Columbine is a false flag, something about them being Jews and connected to the military.
You know that story was a Sup Forums larp right? We trolled the fuck outta the MSM and they still havent retracted
How many other shootings have footage?
That was proven false, ADL took a thread on here and made it news. Sup Forums pranked the ADL, that's how shitty those dumb fucks are.
Since when was Columbine fake? And colleges are renovated constantly. No doubt the library was re carpeted at V-Tech.
that's not fishy at all
>9/11 truther too.
We need to take a page from big dick daddy Fidel and put you people on a boat and send you to sea to die desu.
So do you have any actual evidence of what you are saying? Like, actual physical evidence that isn't just a bunch of confirmation bias and shit?
So you have already convinced yourself that this is another conspiracy?
This, the page is archived too and dated, so we can prove the story originated here and that all the associated images could be found on google prior to the thread. The state of Journalism in the US is worse than North Korea.
Not a whole lot. Why havent we seen security cam footage of the LV shooter checking in and walking down the hallways yet. Any big name hollywood shooting you name of has absolutley no security cam footgae besides Columbine and maybe some other small isolated real shootings.
so youre telling me theyre gonna tear down the entirety of chicago?
Plenty of people have claimed it was a false flag. Again, they'll claim anything is a false flag.
This red pill is tainted
>Didn't watch the eye witness testimony that was provided to him.
There has never been a mass shooting with reports of multiple shooters?
You feel lost and scared in a world where you have no control over anything and no answers. Sometimes terrible shit happens, but that's not a pleasant answer and it makes you feel uncomfortable.
So you believe in a million different conspiracies and false flags because they give you a sense of understanding and control.
You have the mind of a small child.
Yeah this is all you need to know that it's a false flag. Sandy Hook and this one and especially Vegas how the fuck did people not demand CTV footage of the Vegas shooter it's fucking VEGAS cameras everywhere. Too much fluoride in the water.
>what is confirmation bias
>I have the mind of a small child
>believes the first words that come out of daddy government and mommy cnn's mouth about big policy changing events like shootings and terrorism
How can you be on this website and be so naive and ignorant of the lies and agendas being pushed upon the sheep by the wolves in control.
Schools had cameras in them back in the fucking 80s. No camera footage means bullshit.
Huh, I never knew that. I don't really look at any sources besides what (((they))) throw at my face full force.
Lawmakers know ghosts are real and expensive and they are keeping it from the public.
Yeah but you got it all figured out huh? Because of course YOU couldn't be wrong, everybody else is.
You clearly have a psychological need to believe in these things. It sounds terrible.
It's crazy mate.
every motherfucking time
Smug fire emblem shitposter isn't just a /vr poster, who knew.
Confirmation bias, also called confirmatory bias or myside bias, is the tendency to search for, interpret, favor, and recall information in a way that confirms one's preexisting beliefs or hypotheses. It is a type of cognitive bias and a systematic error of inductive reasoning.
youre right theyre probably remembering wrong. its funny how you think people who were actually there could be wrong and but wherever you got the idea that there was one shooter is completely legitimate. please enlighten us, where DID you get that idea user?
remember. to them, we are idiots with zero power.
>all of the evidence or even heard Cruz speak
I mean I know there's people far down the rabbit hole who claim it was a fucking MK Ultra thing, but no sane person will claim it didn't happen.
Particularly because unlike Sandy Hook, I can do a 2 second google search and find pictures of the Columbine shooters with their brains splattered across the wall where with Sandy hook there doesn't even exist a picture (a real one at least) of the evacuation.
Is this real?
Cuz Shultz needs more funding for her district and the FBI has done all the investigating they need so might as well (((shut it down)))
Because I'm a mosad agent and I wa-
well, you got me, it really is a false flag. Well, I guess I'll send out the death squads now. Do me a favor and unlock your door. It's just easier.
>Because I'm a mosad agent
this but unrionically
Jewish lightning.
Mass shootings and terrorist attacks are the new Jewish lightning.
>jewish school shooter
>jewish school
>destroying all the evidence
Jews are so evil. Every jew has to be hunted down and killed.
Good videos, but your number lines are fucking drooling stupid
crooked cops. The arrest report lists this address as Cruz's residence which he live at for 223 months. It's fucking fancy closed gate community, but no one he lived with has this address.
is it only for the money? I always assume shit like this has a primary motive and there is always the secondary "well, never let a crisis go to waste" objective
>special safety inspection
didnt the WTC get one of those?
If I was I think I'd at least be posting from a computer.
>muh smug animu gril
You're a fat fucking loser who's confused condescension with cleverness.
they have to talk about it here. If they told anyone in RL, they would be laughed out of the room and in to a mental hospital where they belong.
They think they "really know what's going on" and you can't change their minds with silly things like reality
Now I am going to be called names for thinking clearly
...what? Why the hell is that the conclusion? There's a shooting so they take down the building? What else could this be other than some sort of coverup? And what are they covering up? I'm confused.
>fluoride in the water.
figures you are one of those nuts too
It's not a fluoride stare. People look at you like that because of the moronic shit you spew