How soft is Eru?
Knight's & Magic
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Where the threads at lads?
I just realized I love all the scenes where they introduce cool new shit to the Knight Runners and hate every scene with Addy.
Give it to me straight Sup Forums, am I on the wrong board?
No, she's just boring. Unless I'm also on the wrong board.
There isn't even one in /m/.
The two things I think this show does well, despite being an isekai, is that it's an upbeat show, and the cast of characters aren't useless. It's a fun watch every week, and the MC isn't dominating every scene like most isekai's do.
It also gives you the joy of seeing the "mid-season upgrade" every other week.
eru gave kid a nice view
I like the show as well.
I have no idea why so few people watch it.
Especially when we can have 4 days long smartphone threads.
See, mecha get upgraded. Fleshbags don't.
You are merely being enlightened to the truth.
The biggest issue with the show has to be the rushed pace, but since I never read the light novels I don't really care about that. But I loved the ending of the new episode, next week is gonna be hype as hell.
The carriage was more high tech than I imagined from the LN, not that I'm complaining.
Tzendorg looks great.
I love mecha so much, this show is fantastic
smartphone threads are being kept alive by digibro wannabes
I'm pretty sure the rushed pace was intentional since if we go the normal pace then them having a bout against the knight lab is the end of the season, which pretty much only scratch the surface of the story. I'm liking the adaption so far and the mechs are portrayed pretty well. Don't know why, but the CGI goes pretty well to the fantasy mechs.
Smartphone threads last because the show managed to attract 3 different groups of people who are posting for different reasons. People who genuinely enjoy the show, people watching it ironically, and shitposters who only post about how its the worst anime ever made. So when all of these people are in the same thread you get lots of arguing which makes the threads last.
It's not often I get to watch a show that has mech styles from my favorite SRPG mecha game.
Battle Pope Mech is the best.
Yeah I don't mind the rushed pace since the manga is going at a glacial pace. We still get a decent amount of development from the side characters and its obvious we rather see the mechs get shown off anyways.
Cause its done by the lads that did MJP, they know how to work with CGI
That explains alot, I fucking love MJP.
Kid has 0 sexual feelings for his sister. He's actually normal. In fact he's the most normal out of all the main characters.
Dude I love the way the MC and the rabo guy speaks.
s2 when ;_;
Don't tell me those reactors grow on trees or something
can only be made by elven magic,
but our boi eru finds a way to make his own
Looks organic.
You ain't half wrong there user
Now put a saddle on and ride it to battle.
i should start learning programming, it turns you into a kickass engineer, soldier, mage, pilot, trap, etc
I like that the keys are knives, are all of them going to have unique designs?
It's makes you autistic though.
No, autism is prerequisite.
I see! If two people pilot a robot, it can fight two opponents at the same time!
Did Eru-kun watch too many EVA shaving commercials?
Eru's mom is the softest.
any announcements on models yet? I would love to get my hands on one of these
I'll have to bring this up, sorry.
Why do they bother with mechas when that have armored carriage?
It's pretty much like a tank if you add magic wands on top.
The mana consumption would be significantly decreased as it only needs to power wheels and the turret.
Why don't they just produce mana warheads?
Because they clearly love fun.
cause they can't fight the big monsters with a carriage
I'm tired as fuck sorry for the mistakes.
Well, it wouldn't have the same maneuverability as a mech. They have giant ass monsters in this world, they need something fast and strong to keep up. A monster could just pick it up and eat it or some shit
cause eru like Mechas thats the point of the story. If he wanted to make tanks and other earthlike weapons he could have done so long ago. The point is that hes an /m/tard thrown into his fantasy
Well technically principles aside, he just need to createin his case modify a isekai version of a nuclear reactor that generates mana
People here don't realize that a lot of viewers dropped this anime already because of it's stupid writing.
Tell that to Monster Hunter user, they have tech for continuous shooting bowguns, gunlances switch axes and such, yet most still melee the shit out instead of going military commando and bs.
>expecting anything from a goddamn isekai mecha show with a trap as mc
i swear man
i fucking swear
Who the hell would watch this for the "writing" nigga? This show for admiring cute Eru-kun and mechas.
To be fair in monster hunter, a lot of their tech is still pretty basic. Considering how fast the monsters move, the ballistas and dragonators aren't exactly enough to take down most monsters.
How is the writing any more stupid than every other "isekai MC amazes native people with common sense ideas"?
and that's why we have a dead thread
"common sense"?... in this anime, the people are retarded and idiots.
By that metric, Smartphone threads wouldn't exist in the first place.
fuck yeah motorcycles
I don't see eru as a trap since it's fooling nobody.
He may be a bit effeminate but he's clearly an autistic 30yo mecha enthusiast trapped in the body of a cute little boy.
like the other user said, smartphone managed to hit the fuckwad trifecta and get 400+ threads cause of it.
Anyone got the spoilers for what's special about Eru's own mecha that he wants to create? I'm betting that he wants to create a robot that's co-piloted by an AI and the 'AI' is actually some sort of spiritual elf that got trapped in some sort of device and became friends with Eru.
Because mechas are fucking boring no matter what show they are in
>Code Geass
hey LNfags who gets the second gundam from the ED?
Get a load of this faggot.
I mean it has 6 arms and can fly, that's unique enough as it is.
yer wrong, he needs the the elven know how to make a flying six armed mech with a keyboard, no ai shit here lad.
how much of a fukken pleb can you BE
I just want to see king and lab people reaction when a chunk of metal flying in the sky. Because I don't live at era when Wright brothers invented plane.
No, Ikaruga is controlled entirely by him. Its a Silhouette Knight that is capable of drawing out 100% of his abilities and using them to their maximum potential. There's nothing like it on the planet, and no one else like him, who can pilot it.
>common sense
Eru's sense is opposite of common, that's the selling point.
will edgar ever get with helvi?
the parply one? i think that's the short haired girl's original that was turned into the first telestale
Isekai Smartphone did it first
There's a reason attack helicopters are two seaters.
Helicopters aren't a horse.
This guy needs more lewd
Eru-kun is not a guy confirmed.
She can take a bath (naked) with other girls.
>lewding eru
What is wrong with you?
He's physically a little boy.
Girls don't mind little boys.
dammit japan
Reminder that the dick makes it better
You, sir, are a transphobe.
Since he has all his memories of his past life, does he remember being pushed out of his mothers vagina?
He needs to be lewded with mechs.
>Wright brothers invented plane.
that's a nice joke you got there lad
There are ancient mechs in monster hunter.
You just don't get to use it
Once you've seen two impractical humanoid robots beat each other up with impractical weapons you've seen every mecha scene ever. It's just overdone and pointless. Gundam and Code did it well but it's p. predictable and shit otherwise
remove yourself from the planet homes
Once you've seen two people beat each other up with impractical weapons you've seen every action scene ever.