Hey user! Lemme see your dick!
Tsurezure Children
>Sup Forums don't care about dicks
Do Sup Forums want girls? But girls are freaky.
Am I going crazy? I can remember reading this chapter (124) way before, but apparently it's only been uploaded to batoto today
This is one of the best chapters. Fanservice for everyone.
Cute butt
New chapter?
Who will win the imouto?
You probably saw the raw with non typeset translation.
Whoever does is an unfortunate one.
You mean lucky.
Oh Light Music Club.
>Takase x Kanda may get together on the last day of the word
>Chii-chan will be busy saving animals and Sugawara how kind he is just helping her
Little Bro has good taste.
>I'll put a stop to that
>i'll put a stop to that
>Minagawa will lure Furuya-kun into swinger actions
Love master remains best boy.
I'm glad that this chapter was continued for the omake. It was too good for to leave it alone.
> You will never be this happy
Why even live
Kana is so cute.
Who is best couple?
KajixAkagi for me. I think the rappers are the most under rated. Yamada is a yo yo cute!
Fuck this fucking show it's just a bunch of stupid normalfags doing stupid normalfag shit and makes me remember how much of a fucking loser i am
I like Toda and Sunagawa the best.
How can the other boys even compete with Love Master?
Love Master isn't someone you compete with, but someone that pushes you forward.
Yeah no. They are extremely idealized. Normalfags are nowhere near that pure.
Kaji and Akagi.
Who's going to be the first girl to lose her virginity?
>I wanna read the one of one piece
Ryouko when Akagi forces himself on her, or Ayaka when she forces herself on Gouda.
Suna and Toda
>should we have sex?
>I dunno, should we
Then it'll stalemate for eternity.
>let's have sex
>nah, don't wanna
I hope Onimusha blows Yamada with his improved rap skills away soon.
Yamada hypes be up
Has Love Master lost his virginity?
I thought Kana already has?
Of course not
She wishes
I'll always be partial to Space couple.
>he probably started reading One Piece as a child
>is now a grown adult
Fuck, how many people have died without getting to finish it?
>That glare from Fuyumi
What an amazing display of emotion.
Whoa there, bud. Out of line.
I think Minagawa-san has badmouthed penguins before.