Communism is for the strong and Capitalism is for the weak

Capitalism follows the rule of the jungle and encourages people to give into their addictions. Communism requires people to give up their addictions and work for the betterment of all.

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I hate everyone why should I help

>work for the betterment of all.
no.. you just own nothing, not even the food you grow.

>Capitalism follows the rule of the jungle
Where only the strongest survive. Sorry the weak aren't strong enough to make it, I don't know how that's capitalism's fault. Weak people have always existed

>Communism requires people to give up their addictions and work for the betterment of all.
Like those 6 million Ukrainians that were addicted to eating enough food to survive?

You have to be a literal brainlet to think communism is ever a good idea

>Communism requires people to give up their addictions and work for the betterment of all.
You can't make men into slaves. It fails every time. And we like to actually eat. Not starve.
So no communism for us.

Why do you keep trying to shill here lefty/pol/?
'Specially when many of us believe in National Socialism instead of just Capitalism, making these arguments even more ineffective.

>capitalism is for the weak
>Capitalism 'follows the rule of the jungle'

>no.. you just own nothing, not even the food you grow.
Yes, ownership doesn't exist in a communist state, but you will get food when the central planning committee does its job properly.

>>Capitalism follows the rule of the jungle
>Where only the strongest survive.
You missed the point. Since the discovery of farming, there's been no need to show strength. Strong people surviving is a misconception - it's more like those who are lucky survive - that is why dynasties fall - because they rose because of luck and not necessarily due to strength.

>but you will get food when the central planning committee does its job properly.
And when will that be?

>Like those 6 million Ukrainians that were addicted to eating enough food to survive?
Holodmor? I don't think they were addicted to food. Addiction is being focused towards a single minded goal. People who are addicted to eating are obese like Boogie.


>You can't make men into slaves.
Communism requires men to be free and still work towards the betterment of their fellow human beings.

In capitalism, we are slaves to those who own the means of production.

>And when will that be?
When A.I and machine learning is used.


Capitalism has been around since the discovery of farming. Capitalism is more than 12,000 years old, and yet people judge communism which has been tried only since 1917.

You're a dumb fucking cunt dude, and Lenin was a pussy. If I meet him in hell, I'll buttfuck him within 3 seconds of meeting his kike following ass

>work for the betterment of all.
What insensitive is there for me to do so?


Reality has been around since the discovery of farming. Reality is more than 12,000 years old, and yet people judge leftist bullshit which has been tried only since 1917.

>What insensitive is there for me to do so?
It has been proven (Beng Holmstrom - "Moral Hazard in Teams," 1982), that when people work towards the maximization of the group's rewards, their individual rewards are better than when they look to maximize their individual rewards.

>when people work towards the maximization of the group's rewards, their individual rewards are better than when they look to maximize their individual rewards.
Then we will work together in capitalism.


The rule of the jungle is that the strongest survive. Looks like capitalism wins again.

>bawww capitalism has too much inequality
>smash the bourgeoisie!!!

both of these things are much worse under communism as has been demonstrated time and time again

>Reality has been around since the discovery of farming.
Strawman argument. People keep equating capitalism to the natural order, but it isn't natural. In nature, animals protect territory to preserve their source of food. After the discovery of farming, there was no need for private ownership of the means of production. Because unlike animals in nature, humans don't need to hunt for food.

Capitalism is a big circus where the wealth accumulated by a person is highly dependent on various factors outside his control - luck.


Communism is the removal of heirarchy at the root. Absolute equality takes from the strong and gives to the weak.

>Then we will work together in capitalism.
But you won't. Capitalism encourages everyone to the self interested.

This is especially true for the U.S. which no longer has an economy (the U.S. imports goods in almost all sectors except food and petroleum), and its economy exists purely because of it controlling the oil trade. The U.S. is a CEO state which came to power because the British gave it tech specs for access to industrial lines during WW2 (which leapfrogged U.S. tech by 20 years), and after the war, the U.S. was the only functioning economy. The U.S. controlling the oil trade has largely been due to luck.

So you are a bunch of faggot slaves waiting for gib me dats?

Why do commies always starve?
Why has communism failed every time someone tries it?

Communism is weak and will always die.

You are thinking of national socialism

>Strawman argument. In nature, animals protect territory to preserve their source of food, just like capitalism. After the discovery of farming, there was no need for private ownership of the means of production; however, humans are greedy animals and act within the natural capitalist system so they didn't adopt a shitty system that doesn't work, despite no needing to hunt.
*Fixed if for you.

but I'm a free market loving capitalist who gave up drinking, smoking and the herbal jew.

>But you won't. Capitalism encourages everyone to the self interested.
But it is in my self interest to work together.. You just told me it was here:

Oldfag bait.

>The rule of the jungle is that the strongest survive.
Since farming, we didn't have to follow the rule of the jungle. We follow the rule of the jungle because we give into our addictions rather than a it being a necessity.

You are not entitled to your labor. That will be redistributed according to NEED.

He sounds like a nazbol

>Communism is the removal of heirarchy at the root. Absolute equality takes from the strong and gives to the weak.
How do you define strong in an age where 1 billion of the people feed 7.2 billion people? Are the 1 billion people who are involved in farming the richest people in the world even though they provide the one basic commodity that's needed by 7.2 billion people? No, on an average farmers are the most poor people in the world.

Why is that? Because they're weak?

Why am I not entitled to my labor?

6 million is an over inflated number. Also, the population early on was too large to sustain, it would have happened under a capitalist system as well.

>Why do commies always starve?
Poor central planning
>Why has communism failed every time someone tries it?
Capitalism has been around since farming - more than 12,000 years old - and you're going to judge communism which has been tried since 1917?

>You are thinking of national socialism
Perhaps NatSoc is the first step to communism.

>however, humans are greedy animals and act within the natural capitalist system so they didn't adopt a shitty system that doesn't work, despite no needing to hunt.
Like I said, communism is for the strong. Not the weak who give into their addictions like greed.

>But it is in my self interest to work together.. You just told me it was here:
Ooh, isn't that sweet? So you're ready for communism then?


We work as whole for the betterment of the entire society. Everyones work is everyones bounty.

How the job going by the way? It won't work here no matter how hard you try, just to let you know..
I'm actually kinda curious. Are you trying to actually promote your cancer or are you training us to argue against that cancer better..

>doing its job properly
pick one faggot how old are you?


I can keep playing along if you want. I just figured that you'd want to know about how this repeating the same lines over and over again every thread is nigger tier subversion.

Capitalism is survival of the fittest: human nature.
Ever wonder why most leftists are vegans? The government (stronger males) need to provide for the weaker males (betas).
OP will hang first on the day of the rope.

>>doing its job properly
>pick one faggot
Like I said, communism is for the strong, and those who have given up their addictions and are willing to work for the betterment of society.

Which group is it this time? Shareblue? CTR?

>kill is bad!!
considering the degeneracy level my country currently has, I wouldn't mind if few millions would go to labor camps
same probably goes with every country on Earth at this moment, we need GULAGs worldwide


I also know your likely British...

that's nice, but it isn't the problem

the problem is that for the muh ai super soviet computer get to work, you need trusty initial data
and the only, only way to obtain it is with a prices system and therefore a market

>Capitalism encourages everyone to the self interested.
>implying this is bad
>implying i can get get things i want without trading (and therefore helping by giving someone else something he wants)
>implying you can determine what's the colective interest of the society

>Capitalism has been around since the discovery of farming. Capitalism is more than 12,000 years old,
>he doesn't even know what capitalism is

>After the discovery of farming, there was no need for private ownership of the means of production. Because unlike animals in nature, humans don't need to hunt for food.

producing more is what improves people's lifes , that way there is more food at a cheaper price with less work

Communism is for underdeveloped faggots who's
testicles haven't descended yet.

>I also know your likely British...
American economist.

This is OP

>Communism is for the strong
Yeah that's why it appealed to the incompetent peasants so much

Cuckkunism subsidizes the weak at the expense of the strong. It is literally my wife's son: the ideology.

And how do you force a nation to do that? for every hard worker I know there are 10 lazy faggots I know. Are you going to kill off the majority of the black community? because their culture teaches them to do the bare minimum.

I doubt he'll respond.. He'll just keep repeating the same bullshit clickbiaty lines like he did last thread until someone takes the bait.. Sad..

>supports communism
you know how I know you are lying?

Funny.. You don't type like an American...

You fucking piece of shit. This will never be allowed in 80 % of the world. Why can't we just hang you poisonous vermin's?


I hate the idea of communism. It kills identity and turns you into a slave for into a system that will eventually fall to corruption. Communism is a snake in the garden of Eden

Well welcome to Sup Forums "American economist." You should enjoy the chaos while your hear.

>and the only, only way to obtain it is with a prices system and therefore a market
Prices are a result of a capitalist system, but I get where you're coming from.

Currency is a mechanism by which people exchange goods and services, so the real underlying transaction is the exchange of goods and services. Currency only helps ease the transaction and doesn't really have any use beyond that.

So when you say prices, prices exist because the supply is lesser or equal to demand. If the supply was infinitely more than demand, then all prices would near zero - no need to use prices.

Anyway, the point I'm trying to make here is that there are multiple ways to get rid of prices - increase the supply to a very high level such that the demand is nowhere close the supply, or go down to the pure transaction level - exchange of goods - which is what is more likely to happen in a true communist economy.

>Capitalism encourages everyone to the self interested.
>implying this is bad
Yes. Since the discovery of farming, there has been no need for humans to be self interested, but we still are. That is why we wage wars even though we don't need to.

>implying i can get get things i want without trading
No, this is wrong. You will still have to work and trade, just that it's more efficient now.

>implying you can determine what's the colective interest of the society
Minimizing externalities is in the collective interest of society.

>Capitalism has been around since the discovery of farming. Capitalism is more than 12,000 years old,
>he doesn't even know what capitalism is
All you said was good up to this point. Capitalism is the private ownership of the means of production. Humans have privately owned the means of production under various political systems - democracies, republics, monarchies, oligarchies, etc. Capitalism has been around since farming.

When you have communism you get mao's china and stalin's russia. Capitalism get us Elizabeth's U.K and the U.S.A. If you wanna go live in a fucking gulag go head by all means but don't drag us down to hell with false claims. This is on the level of denying climate change and vaccines.

>>Communism is for the strong
>Yeah that's why it appealed to the incompetent peasants so much
Jews were not real communists. They are addicted to power and they co-opted communism.

>And how do you force a nation to do that?
You don't. Like I said, communism is for the strong - those who've given up their addictions and are ready to work for the betterment of their fellow human beings. We can't implement communism until humans are ready to do that.

>>supports communism
>you know how I know you are lying?
Most economists support communism. We don't speak about it openly for the fear of repercussion. Most of us don't support capitalism because we know capitalism leads to externalities.

The business model of Google, Amazon, Facebook were all developed by economists who favored communism.

Some communists are evil, and they are very evil, but most economists who support communism believe in Holmstron's result from his 1982 paper.

>Funny.. You don't type like an American...
What does that even mean?

Humans need incentives, we can't just snap are fingers and *BOOM* Garden of Eden 2.0. If people were just constantly happy they wound't breathe, eat, sleep, etc.

>Well welcome to Sup Forums "American economist." You should enjoy the chaos while your hear.
Been on Sup Forums for over 4 years. A lot of my econ buddies are also on Sup Forums.

Don't act like you have a Phd in economics cause you're on Sup Forums of course you don't. And give a damn good shred of evidence i should belive your claim in that

>When you have communism you get mao's china and stalin's russia.
>When you have power hungry people, you get mao's china and stalin's russia.

>Capitalism get us Elizabeth's U.K and the U.S.A.
>Capitalism get us wars, wars, and more wars.

>This is on the level of denying climate change and vaccines.
You're exaggerating. The earth's climate is always changing - we're between two ice ages and real research shows that even though human activity influenced climate change, there was nothing we could do to stop the impending ice age. Vaccines? I don't know. But there's a theory that metallic components were present in most vaccines in one particular year in the 1980s and that's where all this autism shit comes from.

>not real
every fucking time

>Humans need incentives,
Only those who've given into their addictions. If you want to implement communism, then you can't be motivated by personal incentives alone. You have to be motivated by the desire to better yourself and the lives of others.
> we can't just snap are fingers and *BOOM* Garden of Eden 2.0.
True. Evolution will take time.


Commie faggots BTFO HAHAHAHA


Pic related is OP

>Don't act like you have a Phd in economics cause you're on Sup Forums of course you don't.
Ph.D. in Contract Theory. My buddy, also got his Ph.D. with me, who works in a hospital introduced me to Sup Forums about 4 years ago. Both of us got our Ph.D.s in Indiana.

and fascism requires people manage their addictions such that they become private motivators, and that we should work primarily for the betterment those we love
thus the traditional view strikes the perfect balance between the mindless beast and the soulless automata, and therefore is the only system which might be said to render us fully human

> are ready to work for the betterment of their fellow human be
so never then? you just told yourself why communism will fail



Communism forces you to give up your hard earned work for the dregs of society. Communism is the opposite of strength. If all are equal; then none of are strong. Communism is a perversion of the natural order and as such is doomed to collapse on itself. As it always has, and always will..

>>not real
>every fucking time
Capitalism has been around since the discovery of farming - more than 12,000 years old. So it's had a lot of time to perfect itself. Communism has been implemented only in the past 100 years - of course you're not going to be satisfied by the results.

>True. Evolution will take time.
to whit, you concede your system is not actually designed for humans

>requires people to give up their addictions and work for the betterment of all.

>Anons dint see the test ^ was this ^^^
New test plz Mother.

>and fascism requires people manage their addictions
But fascism advocates for the strong to rule the weak. I don't advocate for that.

>so never then? you just told yourself why communism will fail
Perhaps humans will never evolve to this stage. That's not an incorrect hypothesis, but you never know what'll happen in the future.