What does Sup Forums think of Yugioh?
What does Sup Forums think of Yugioh?
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nerd shit
Reminder that Kaiba is beautiful
I'd have to go back in time. Remember when the manga wasn't about cards and Yugi went around gambling and putting them in an eternal hell?
Fun show and game as a kid, and it spawned some pretty great reaction images/memes. Good stuff in my book.
Very balanced and fair game.
Only good for memes/abriged series.
OST and OPs are great.
A shitty children's card game commercial as an anime but actually a decent shonen story as a manga
Nice shading.
Great music.
Cool monster designs.
nu-yugioh sucks
I put my limit on the card game to sticking before Synchros/5Ds
I liked the original manga, before the card game took over.
Was once good
Remember that one anime when you and all your classmates watched as kids, but then one day it was deemed "not cool" and everyone left it behind but you secretly still watched it?
That was yugioh for me
Just a reminder that Seto Fucking Kaiba is the very definition of an alpha male.
>rich as fuck
>strong personality
>owns the most powerful and technologically advanced corporation in the world
>top-tier sense of fashion
>not a manlet
>man of science and technology
>certified genius
>known to have superhuman atlethicism and skills
>good looking
>has a customized Blue Eyes White Dragon private jet
Not to mention with KaibaCorp's power, influence, and technology. Kaiba could even run every country's government and turn them into puppets if he actually wanted to.
>loses to a manlet
You forgot
>has a mother fucking space elevator
16 years old
The manga is actually amazing
Everything else is okay at best
This. The manga is unironically fantastic. The anime spin-offs have their enjoyments in a campy cheesy sort of way.
The manga/first series are good. Duel Monsters and beyond fluctuate, but the spin-off manga are pretty good.
The western fandom is cancer. The western localization is cancer. The western MEMES are cancer.
LittleKuriboh is all right, though.
>The western fandom is cancer
How so?
>unironically defending 4Kids dub
I rest my case.
What does the fandom have to do with the dub?
The fandom defends the dub.
It's not like the Japanese voice acting was that great to begin with. Except Kaiba.
Whether it was "that great", the English dub has many more problems than that.
Yugioh is one of the few series where the voice acting isn't even the biggest problem with the dub. 4kids/4kmedia make substantial changes to the script to not only censor the silliest things, but often also for no apparent reason at all.
>they didn't like the invisible guns