Beato bullying never stops. I can't wait for next episode on which Beato goes to a London slum with Dorothy for mission
Princess Principal
>tfw someone actually believes that the black lizard planet exists
Isn't that sword aimed an inch too high? Also props to the pop for showing no hesitation to decapitate a little girl
I don't think he is cutting through Beato no matter where he aims.
>Hundred men slayer
>CLANG during swordfights
Really makes you think...huh?
Props to Beato to being a completely amateur to the spy business and not getting PTSD from almost getting beheaded
What is she thinking while getting undressed?
Not what you're thinking she's thinking.
>Should I fuck the mailman or the gardener tonight?
He probably was holding back because he was fighting his own daughter.
what's with the clang and boom trend?
It sounds like fate fight if you close your eyes
I mean technically she got beheaded a little already so?
Dorothy pleases old men for political alliances!
You're working for the Duke of Normandy and he wants to figure out how to stop this samurai spy
What is your master plan?
The light never comes for Beato
A true British lady sucking the soul out of a poor Asian bloke in the bed!
I want Chise to make her into a honest woman
That's just Beato's filthy mind at work.
Where're the princess's personal bodyguard? How the hell does she explain how she kept herself safe from this massive assassination attempt? If her uncle wants her gone, why isn't he having her tailed?
I don't mind the clang so much but that allah akbar was pretty bad. Hope they fix it for BDs.
I'm not good at maths but with a tiny neck like this and that powerful swing that sent her flying he should have ripped that metal thing out of Beato's neck or at least crushed her spine bones.
>tfw you realize that jubei's sword broke because he tried to behead beato's metalic neck
Based beato saving the days again.
Beato will get her happy ending after Ange refuses Princess' orders to shoot her.
Feels like they want to make it more impactful, but it just sounds dumb when they swing swords at each other and it sounds they are fighting with metal bats and cooking pans. In Fate it make some sense because they are supposed to be surhuman, but here it sounds ridiculous.
Reminder that it was Beato who helped Chise beat her dad. Her infinitely folded tight European steal weakened his sword enough for Chise to break it.
Those are stock sound effects that are part of an sfx library.
Generally speaking, a sound design company pays a license fee to have rights to use the whole library, and just picks whatever is appropriate. Consequentially, there's a tonne of overlap between media works within the same industry, because they contract to closely related 3rd party sound companies, or otherwise just use the same libraries.
One that drives me nuts is hearing the Bloodborne parry sound effect goddamn everywhere in anime. Arslan Senki used it as the sfx for a castle gate closing. Owari no Seraph used it as the punctuation sfx for the MC touching the hilt of a magical sword.
I unironically think he bodyguard is Beato.
There is a confirmed bodyguard but It's not anyone we have seen yet. There's nobody throwing a fuss about the situation either which makes me believe Beato is stronger than she lets on
>mfw they're people who still believe Dorothy is a virgin at this point
Seems pretty obvious to me too
>merely pretending to be incompetent the entire 3rd episode
Fuck off Beato
You're as dumb as the guards she seduces.
I like that beato doesn't hesitate. She's not a great fighter, but she's pretty good for a little girl that became a spy a few weeks ago.
She gave him a handjob and he de gozaru'd just from that alone. Glorious Nippon Steel couldn't handle more than one fold after all.
Reminder the lady at Control is Beato's mom.
I'm in Japan for the holidays, but there's nothing I can buy to help the show along.
>cute girls doing spy with top hat
>battle with sword and gun at the same time
>full samurai fight in the Victorian 19th century
Whoever came up with all these ideas must have a supreme taste I dare to say
Cute clothes.
You can always sign up for their smartphone game and be a cashcow and fund a S2 wherever you're
And then they suddenly pull off an amazing Sword of the Stranger-like fight scene and enough leg-shots of Ange to make me cum for days. I will not epxect anything anymore.
She's prepared to waste any motherfucker that threatens her Princess.
I like it. The characters give no fucks.
Beato doesn't hesitate to defend her princess and Juubei doesn't hesitate to try to decapitate her.
With how loud the clang was when beato hit the side of the train car, shes probably more metal than human at this point, terminator beato confirmed
its the fucking default sound ive heard it everywhere in games and anime
She should get a real gun. That thing could barely hurt a rat.
Why is her dress so short?
At this rate Beato will be fighting like Suzaku by the end of this show
Can we all just stop to appreciate that whatever metal they put into beato's neck and skull is powerful enough to stop a goddamn sword stroke?
Also I think this show has amazing pacing, am I imagining this?
Chise actually blocked bullets with a sword.
I just love all the set pieces they've been using.
Easier running
Beato's supposed to be the normalfag trapped into hilarious life threatening situations, she's jackie chan and probably the most honest girl. Her only power up is her love for Princess.
I loved this little angular momentum jump they did. Webm please.
Yeah while Ange was John Woo-ing her gun and her magic sphere
She has to prioritize looking as innocent and helpless as she can, not show off that she's packing heat.
She's LITERALLY a cyborg that can survive sword decapitation.
We already knew she could do that
Just hide a gun in her body since robot.
Does that mean Beato have a mechanical vagina?
It took Chise two cases for her to get this and Beato got it right away.
Train eps best eps.
The smartphone game is still some Twitter pre-signup phase and I'll have left by the time they release the game.
>next episode
>Beato goes to a SLUM in London with Dorothy
What could possibly go wrong?
I love the OP
But this was the first case Chise participated in, chronologically.
Thank God Okouchi is with us. He happens to be an expert of a train anime
I don't think It's entirely far fetched, although it does come off as hard to believe.
Clues like Beato reading the blueprints and managing to knock out the guy in case 13. They said Princess has a bodyguard at all time despite us never seeing one just raises suspicions, we can assume the bodyguard is still watching over her since Normandy man hasn't said anything about it
Finally Yuki Kajiura is not stuck doing soundtracks for shitty shows/movies like SAO.
Here, buy this.
Beato bullying is the best though
He means it took two case for chise to understand that ange is gay for princess.
Except Ange trusts Chise more than Beato to protect the princess.
Beato is for bully, and nothing more
What about Dorothy? Does she knows?
Can some physicist user explain what happened here
I love the gravity ball so much
I know and only on case 9 she got that Ange is gay for the Princess.
Apparently Ryouma Ebata is the guy who storyboarded and animated most of this episode. He's a god
Centripetal force
Does this robot deserve all this bullying
What is the point of the card scene?
She's the comedy relief character in a show full of violence and murder, what did you expect.