So yeah we all know that Last Encore is going to be hot garbage but how could they make it better?
Outside of making it into this that is
So yeah we all know that Last Encore is going to be hot garbage but how could they make it better?
>Gae Bolg is introduced in the story as an attack that reverses causality and can instantly kill someone by piercing the heart
>An attack that can't be dodged because it already happened
>Saber dodges it
>It can't be blocked because the effect of the heart being pierced already exists
>Archer blocks it with rho aias
It's hard to take as story seriously when it breaks its own rules half the time. And don't give me that crap about sabers luck stat somehow overcoming the curse, cause the stats aren't explained at all in any way so it's all just conjecture at best.
>Archer vs Lancer
>Shirou describes the fight as being so fast as to be a blur, something he can't even comprehend
>A few weeks later he's going toe to toe against Gilgamesh the king of heroes, who's at least as strong if not stronger than the other two servants
Even with UBW which is a counter to gate of Babylon it doesn't explain how shirou suddenly has the superhuman reflexes/quick thinking to react so quickly, especially since he was only training for a few weeks at most.
>A fucking random ass human with some enchantments beat Saber
>Tsubame Gaishi is beaten by stairs
>Gilgamesh dies like a fucking bitch in HF after all the demonstration that he's one of the strongest servants in the war
Fate is really stupid if you actually stop to think about it. It was a fun read but anyone who tells you it is even remotely logical in its own context is retarded. Doesn't help literally every spin-off of it has been shit
Hakunon instead of Hakuno would be a big improvement.
What difference does it make
>literally every spin-off of it has been shit
Don't be that person.
Believe in Shaft
>Foxfags are STILL assravaged their waifu was thrown in the garbage.
Last Encore will be High Art and the greatest work that both Type Moon and SHAFT have ever created. The only way it can disappoint is if Tamamo hogs the screentime with her one note comedy routine.
>it doesn't explain how shirou suddenly has the superhuman reflexes/quick thinking to react so quickly, especially since he was only training for a few weeks at most.
He synced with Archer during his confrontation with him earlier in the route. Some shit about abilities, experiences and talent that he got from the future backflowing into present Shirou. At this point, he's like 90% Archer now.
Nasu: Fate was originally a story I wrote when I was in college. In it the gender of Saber and Shirou were opposite to now, but the essential theme had not been changed, it's the story about legendary heroes and "a boy meets a girl."
Takeuchi: I created it because I just liked it, and I wanted to make something like Tsukihime, but more sophisticated. I changed the character's gender, in order to have them fit in with the gamers today. As a product I do feel like it has grown much more than I expected. Whenever we said that 『Fate』 was over and done with, it would refuse to die. I suppose it’s only natural to love and revere something that you have spent so much time cultivating and being so fulfilled by, and to become so attached to it. I don’t mean to be obsessive, but I do want to treat this with utmost care, as we have done up until this point.
Nasu: At first I'd aimed for CCC to be something that can be enjoyed on its own, even more so with Extra. And that Extra can be enjoyed even more with CCC, like Fate/hollow ataraxia to Fate/stay night. But as I wrote the scenario, I became aware of a desire to state the "answer" of the Fate series, which has been continuing for almost ten years now. After ten years, I finally realized that "this is what I wanted to say with the Fate series." If I'm able to complete this, then there'll no longer be anything left for me to say.
Takeuchi: 『Fate』 is really interesting isn’t it? We have the room to think about new possibilities. We will not make a direct sequel, but we’ll go for anything that seems interesting.
I bet in like 10 years they'll want to make a direct sequel with the old cast, and it'll be interesting as fuck because revisiting old characters when you're older and they are is always cool as fuck.
You've been shitposting this copypasta all over /fgo/ and /fgoalter/ and have been btfo each time.
So you moved your copypasta shitpost to Sup Forums now?
Saber didn't dodge it. Her chest was still pierced. She simply passed a Luck Saving Throw to avoid her heart being pierced
Thrown version doesn't have heart targeting property, it was more of a homing missile
>Fate/complete material II: Character Material - Characters: Lancer, p.070-073
>Takeuchi: So, would Archer get hit?
>Nasu: For sure. But since he knows about it, he wouldn’t approach Lancer in the first place. If it looked like Lancer was seriously getting ready to use Gae Bolg, Archer would already be frantically getting as far away as possible.
>Takeuchi: Ah, I see. That sort of tactic is always an option, huh? So what about the thrown version?
>Nasu: The “Spear of Striking Death Flight”. That one’s just pure, simple destructive power.
>Takeuchi: As expected. If you added on the concept of heart-piercing at long range too, then…
>Nasu: …it would end up being the ability of Lancer’s father. The ultimate version of Fragarach.
>Takeuchi: Eternal Force Blizzard! And the target dies. Around that level.
>Nasu: Naturally. Because the battles in mythology are freaking hax, right
Archer's presence was steadily transferring his accumulated experience to Shirou.
Kuzuki was basically a factory made assassin greatly buffed by Caster.
>Kuzuki was an assassin trained from birth to learn nothing but the same technique. His snake fist was specifically stated to be able to even deceive expert fighters. But since it is a technique of deceit at heart, experts fighters can easily learn to deal with it after witnessing it.
>Even a hand to hand expert like Bazett would be deceived by it. And when he is buffed by Caster....
>Comptiq 2006-07 issue - Fate Dojo Q & A:
>Q: If Bazett and Kuzuki got in a hand-to-hand fight against each other, who would win?
>A: If it's the first fight, then Kuzuki will win. If it's the second fight, then Bazett would pretty much completely win.
>Kuzuki could even drive Saber into a corner as long as his trick was kept hidden, but Bazett is also an expert at hand-to-hand combat thought of and developed by human beings. There's the possibility that she might adapt to Kuzuki's "snake" quicker than the Servants, who are more emphasized by their talent. However, since she might underestimate Kuzuki-sensei as being a normal person, Bazett could be beaten pretty simply.
>Tsubame Gaishi is beaten by stairs
Tsubame Gaeshi needs proper footwork and spacing in order to have room and foundation to have three slashes at once.
>Gilgamesh dies like a fucking bitch in HF after all the demonstration that he's one of the strongest servants in the war
The black shadow's very nature is anti-servant/spirit, since it is fucking based off the grail system meant to take all the Servants as sacrifice in the first place, since its the system that created the servant container in the first place.
Nasu: I feel like Arthuria and Emiya histories are over
He is still a normal human?!?!??!??!?!?!!?
damn Nero looks like THAT?
God her breasts look like neck tumours
Is encore just a recap of the first game or just OC?
We have no idea. Aside from Nero and both genders of Hakuno, we don't know anything.
Imagine if Carnival Phantasm were made today in a post F/Z world.
Carnival Phantasm was already made in a post F/Z world. The characters were even featured in the last episode.
What you meant to say was, imagine if Carnival Phantasm were made in a post F/GO world.
IIRC it came out when F/Z was airing.
>Fate Extella Zero
Stop forcing this meme.
Read the official announce. It's not an adaptation.
>we will never see hakunon and Gil games bro-ing it out because the adaption will make it impossible. Instead for the hundredth time we'll get "MC-kun meets Saber clone, they fall in love"
Fuck this gay ass world
>I don't want boy meets girl
>I want girl meets boy
Hakunon and Gil games wasnt girl meets boy. It's was more friendship then anything.
Yeah its rip
"Answer me, Archer…! A heroic spirit can only have one Noble Phantasm. No, some have more, but two should be the limit.”
(Fate, Day 14, Oldest King)
- “Yes, as a general rule, one hero can only hold one Noble Phantasm.”
(Fate, Day 4, Contract Established)
What did Saber mean by this?
Nasu is not the writer? That shit is impossible to read.
wtf does that even say?
>Rejected Routes [Other]
>Source: Fate/side material (2004-1-30), p.072 Fate Dictionary
Exactly what it sounds like. Route ideas that didn't make the cut.
In the beginning, the plan was for Fate/stay night to have four different routes, one for each heroine.
It would start off by letting the player arbitrarily choose between playing as either Shirou or Rin. Then around the middle of the story they would finally meet, and after that you would branch off into one of the four routes for the last half of the game. Yeah, I don't really understand how it was going to work either.
Anyway, getting back to the rejected routes, it goes without saying that the Illya route tops the list.
Besides that, there was also the "Rider route where you fight against Rin and Saber", and the "Caster route where Caster gets turned into a loli and becomes your partner".
While all traces of the Caster route were completely erased, the development where you teamed up with Rider was actually folded into part of the final story.
If the Illya route had made it into the game, the diversion point probably would have been on the ninth day of the Sakura route. Instead of choosing between being a superhero and choosing Sakura, there would be a third choice where you could choose Illya.
But unfortunately, as it stands that choice doesn't exist.
>It would start off by letting the player arbitrarily choose between playing as either Shirou or Rin.
I'm incredibly disappointed that this didn't happen.
I want to play as Rin and go the harem route.
>Everyone alive except Rin.
Why didn't they go through with this perfect ending?
High quality version please??
>But unfortunately, as it stands that choice doesn't exist.
Because EVERYONE would haave picked it annd to this day nobody would know how HF ends because no one would have chosen Sakura or being a hero, even on replays.
By that logic no one would play UBW True because why would you ever not save Saber?
>Tsukihime - Near Side of the Moon
Arcueid Brunestud, Ciel, and Sacchin
>Tsukihime - Far Side of the Moon
Lady Akiha, and the twin sisters working as servants in the Tohno mansion
>Melty Blood
Take the upper paths and you'll be treated to a serious story, while the lower paths quickly spiral into absurdity
>Fate/stay night
Saber and Rin
>Fate/other night*
Sakura and Illyasviel von Einzbern
Fate/EXTRA starts from the first floor of the Near Side and heads for the seventh floor ~ the core, CCC starts from the Far Side (no concept of floors). Though the path may differ, the end goal for both is the core of the Moon Cell
*The Caster route has completely extinguished, but the plot regarding a cooperation with Rider is continued in a portion of the actual game. If there was the Ilya route, there would have been a choice in the 9th day of Sakura route which would have chosen to be not the hero of justice, nor Sakura's hero, but Illya's hero. Unfortunately, the possibility has disappeared in the actual game.
Why would you repeat this?
>fate end - saber says farewell to shirou as new dawn plays
>ubw end - archer says farewell to rin as new dawn plays
Why did Fate and UBW feel like parallels?
Because she fucking pissed me off in FATE that night she actively disobeyed me and ran off to the temple. She left Shiro defenseless with a Rin/Redman who she didn't trust, got BTFO by Assassin, left for dead and only spared from Rider due to Assassin being a bro. Then spent hours unconscious until defenseless Shiro had to hike up there in his bike and rescue her. She never apologised and couldn't understand what she did wrong.
Always stuck in my craw how fucking stupid she acted. So i'd have left Saber to the wolves in UBW. It's actually the biggest reason why I switched from Blue flavored Saber to Red flavor.
I find it weird that out of all of the major Stay Night cast, Illya is the only character not to have any cameo whatsoever.
Shiro is in as Redman
Rin is in Extra
Taiga is in Extra
Kirei is in Extra
Sakura is in Extra/CCC
Redman, Seibah, Cu, Gil, Medusa are in Extella
Even Issei and Shinji are in Extra.
Illya meanwhile is fucking nowhere to be seen in Extra, CCC or Extella.
New Dawn also plays at the end of HF after both Archer and Saber have already left.
Because she's got her own fucking anime series.
I mean Prisma is the poor mans Ilya, but you can't have everything.
But Sakura got a route, a bunch of screentime with HA, the entire sequel to Extra, a prequel in Zero and a movie. She even hijacked Prisma's story for a while and will be the focus of it's first movie.
>archer blocks
Thrown gaebolg's effect is completely different, it's basically carpet bombing Read the VN.
>don't give me that luck crap
It is explained in the VN and very simple dumbass, since gaebolg is just a mere b-rank np it can hardly pierce servant with b rank or higher luck.
>shirou toe to toe
Saber has been training shirou during their free time. And also everytime shirou's clashing with with archer he gets some of archer's sword skills therefore even he can handle a surprised and perplexed gilgamesh.
>random human
Kuzuki was trained as a master assassin, and also medea with her AGE Of THE GODS magecraft enhanced his body. And FYI kuzuki's technique can only attack saber once, after she recuperates he doesn't stand a chance against her.
>tsubame gaeshi
I don't see what's wrong with that.
Tsubame gaeshi is a really special technique. It can cause a motherfucking 2nd magic for fuck sake, a really proper form and situation is required to perform that technique.
>gilgy dies
Yes and?
You're the stupid one, at least do some research idiot.
Calm down nerd.
Prisma Illya is underrated. It has a good Illya, she's a good character and a good MC.
Don't lump the pure Extra Sakuras with the FSN Sakura.